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Stone, Angie (*Dec 18, 1961) | singer | US | |
Stone, Benjamin (*Apr 3, 1987) | actor | GB | |
Stone, Bobby (*Sep 28, 1922) | actor | US | |
Stone, Christopher (*Oct 4, 1942) | actor, director | US | |
Stone, Curtis (*Nov 4, 1975) | actor | AU | |
Stone, Doug (*Dec 27, 1950) | actor | CA | |
Stone, Emma (*Nov 6, 1988) | actress | US | |
Stone, Evan (*Jul 18, 1964) | actor | US | |
Stone, Gene (*Jun 15, 1892) | actor | HU | |
Stone, George E. (*May 18, 1903) | actor | PL | |
Stone, Gregory (*Jul 20, 1900) | director | LT | |
Stone, Harold J. (*Mar 3, 1913) | actor | US | |
Stone, Jason (*Nov 25, 1981) | director, scriptwriter | ZA | |
Stone, Jennifer (*Feb 12, 1993) | actress | US | |
Stone, Joss (*Apr 11, 1987) | actress, singer | GB | |
Stone, Lara (*Dec 23, 1983) | model | NL | |
Stone, Lewis (*Nov 15, 1879) | actor | US | |
Stone, Milburn (*Jul 5, 1904) | US | ||
Stone, Misty (*Mar 26, 1986) | actress | US | |
Stone, Natalie (*Nov 17, 1976) | actress | GB | |
Stone, Oliver (*Sep 15, 1946) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Stone, Paula (*Jan 20, 1912) | actress | US | |
Stone, Peter (*Feb 27, 1930) | actor | US | |
Stone, Philip (*Apr 14, 1924) | actor | GB | |
Stone, Robert (*Aug 21, 1937) | writer, scriptwriter | US | |
Stone, Rosario (*Sep 30, 1983) | XX | ||
Stone, Sean (*Dec 29, 1984) | actor | US | |
Stone, Sharon (*Mar 10, 1958) | actress | US | |
Stone, Sintia (*Jun 17, 1982) | XX | ||
Stone, Skyler (*Jun 15, 1979) | actor | US | |
Stone, Steve (*Jul 14, 1947) | baseball player | US | |
Stone, Stuart (*Nov 17, 1977) | actor | CA | |
Stone, Terry (*Jan 13, 1971) | GB | ||
Stoneburner, Roger (*Jan 21, 1962) | actor | US | |
Stoneham Sr., John (*Oct 27, 1944) | actor | XX | |
Stoneking, Bill (*Sep 2, 1966) | actor | US | |
Stoner, Alessandra (*Feb 16, 2012) | CH | ||
Stoner, Alyson (*Aug 11, 1993) | singer, actress, model, dancer | US | |
Stoner, Casey (*Oct 16, 1985) | motorcycle racer | AU | |
Stones, Dwight (*Dec 6, 1953) | athlete | US | |
Stonestreet, Eric (*Sep 9, 1971) | actor | US | |
Stoney, Paul R. (*Mar 24, 1919) | general | US | |
Stonys, Audrius (*Apr 28, 1966) | director, actor | LT | |
Stookey, Paul (*Dec 30, 1937) | singer, guitarist | US | |
Stoom, Farida Van den (*Apr 21, 1974) | XX | ||
Stoor, Mieczyslaw (*Sep 5, 1929) | actor | PL | |
Stopes, Marie (*Oct 15, 1880) | GB | ||
Stoppa, Paolo (*Jun 16, 1906) | actor | IT | |
Stoppard, Ed (*Sep 16, 1974) | actor | GB | |
Stoppard, Miriam (*May 12, 1937) | writer | GB | |
Stoppard, Tom (*1937) | actor, director, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Stopper, Janina (*May 25, 1989) | actress | DE | |
Stora, Bernard (*Nov 22, 1942) | writer, actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Stora, Sakaris (*Jul 28, 1986) | director | FO | |
Storace, Marc (*Oct 7, 1951) | singer | MT | |
Storaro, Vittorio (*Jun 24, 1940) | actor, cameraman | IT | |
Storch, Larry (*Jan 8, 1923) | actor | US | |
Storck, Henri (*Sep 5, 1907) | director | BE | |
Storeng, Maria Haukaas
(*Aug 3, 1979) |
actress | NO | |
Storey, Donta (*Apr 29, 1988) | actor | US | |
Storey, Edith (*Mar 18, 1892) | XX | ||
Storey, Rachel (*Jul 31, 1985) | actor | US | |
Storhøi, Dennis (*Jul 15, 1960) | actor | NO | |
Stork, Sarah (*Feb 6, 1987) | actress | DE | |
Storke, Adam (*Aug 18, 1962) | actor | US | |
Storková, Lucie (*1973) | actress | CZ | |
Storl, David (*Jul 27, 1990) | athlete | DE | |
Storm, Christian (*Mar 13, 1971) | actor | DE | |
Storm, Gale (*Apr 5, 1922) | actress | US | |
Storm, Howard (*Dec 11, 1939) | director, actor | US | |
Storm, Lauren (*Jan 2, 1987) | actress | US | |
Storm, Lyla (*Feb 23, 1989) | actress | US | |
Storm, Otto (*Jan 19, 1874) | actor | UH | |
Storm, Rory (*Sep 21, 1939) | singer | GB | |
Storm, Scott (*Mar 25, 1966) | director, actor | US | |
Storm, Theodor (*Sep 14, 1817) | writer, poet | DE | |
Stormare, Peter (*Aug 27, 1953) | actor, musician, writer, director | SE | |
Storms, Kirsten (*Apr 8, 1984) | actress | US | |
Storoge, Dimitri (*Jul 26, 1977) | XX | ||
Storozheva, Vera (*Sep 7, 1958) | actress, director | CP | |
Storozhik, Valeriy (*Dec 7, 1956) | actor | CP | |
Stortini, Zack (*Sep 11, 1985) | ice hockey player | CA | |
Story, Tim (*Mar 13, 1970) | director | US | |
Stossel, John (*Mar 6, 1947) | journalist | US | |
Stosur, Samantha (*Mar 30, 1984) | tennis player | AU | |
Stothart, Herbert (*Sep 11, 1885) | composer | US | |
Stothart, Mary (*Jan 2, 1902) | actress | US | |
Stotskiy, Nikolay (*Jan 10, 1964) | actor | XX | |
Stott, Ken (*Oct 19, 1955) | actor | GB | |
Stoudamire, Damon (*Sep 3, 1973) | basketball player | US | |
Stoudemire, Amare Carsares (*Nov 16, 1982) | basketball player | US | |
Stouder, Sharon (*Nov 9, 1948) | swimmer | US | |
Stouffer, Mark (*Apr 9, 1951) | director, actor | US | |
Stoughton, Brandon (*Aug 20, 1981) | actor | US | |
Stoumen, Louis Clyde (*Jul 15, 1917) | director | US | |
Stout, Archie (*Mar 30, 1886) | US | ||
Stout, Rex (*Dec 1, 1886) | writer, actor | US | |
Stout, Timothy (*Aug 19, 1959) | US | ||
Stoutenborough, Ross (*Feb 19, 1953) | US | ||
Stovall, Rowdy (*Sep 30, 1972) | director | US | |
Stöve, Betty (*Jun 24, 1945) | tennis player | NL | |
Stover, George (*Jul 3, 1946) | actor | US | |
Stover, James R. (*Jan 12, 1927) | US | ||
Stovin, Jerry (*Oct 11, 1922) | actor | CA | |
Stowe, Madeleine (*Aug 18, 1958) | actress | US | |
Stowell, Austin (*Dec 24, 1984) | actor | US | |
Stoya, (*Jun 15, 1986) | porn actress | US | |
Stoyanov, Gueorgui (*Jul 27, 1936) | director | RU | |
Stoyanov, Yuriy (*Jul 10, 1957) | actor | CP | |
Stoyanov, Dimitar (*May 17, 1983) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | BG | |
Stoyanov, Emil (*Jul 12, 1959) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | BG | |
Stožický, Vlastimil (*1983) | soccer player | CE | |
Støvelbæk, Anette (*Jul 27, 1967) | actress | DK | |
Strååt, Hans (*Oct 17, 1917) | actor | SE | |
Stracený, Luděk (*1977) | soccer player | CZ | |
Strach, Jiří (*1973) | director, actor | CZ | |
Strachan, Alan (*Sep 3, 1944) | writer | GB | |
Strachan, John (*Apr 12, 1778) | GB | ||
Strachan, Keith (*Jan 21, 1944) | composer | GB | |
Strachan, Matthew (*Dec 11, 1970) | composer | GB | |
Strachan, Michaela (*Apr 7, 1966) | actress | GB | |
Strachocki, Janusz (*Feb 8, 1892) | actor | PL | |
strachey, Lytton (*Mar 1, 1880) | writter, critic | GB | |
Strachová, Šárka (*1985) | skier | CZ | |
Stračina, Ján (*1964) | director | SK | |
Stračina, Svetozár (*Dec 3, 1940) | actor, composer | SK | |
Strack, Gunter (*Jun 4, 1929) | actor | DE | |
Strack, Robert Ludwig (*Aug 11, 1932) | murderer | DE | |
Straczynski, J. Michael
(*Jul 17, 1954) |
writer, actor | US | |
Strádal, Vít (*1988) | actor, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Stradlin, Izzy (*Apr 8, 1962) | singer, guitarist | US | |
Stradling Jr., Harry (*Jan 7, 1925) | cameraman | US | |
Stradling Sr., Harry (*Sep 1, 1901) | US | ||
Strahl, Erwin (*Feb 12, 1929) | actor | AT | |
Strahl, Rudi (*Sep 14, 1931) | writer | PL | |
Strahle, Richard (*Oct 13, 1957) | XX | ||
Strahovski, Yvonne (*Jul 30, 1982) | actress | AU | |
Straight, Beatrice (*Aug 2, 1914) | actress | US | |
Straight, Willard (*Jan 31, 1880) | journalist | US | |
Strain, Julie (*Feb 18, 1962) | actress, director, porn actress, model, scriptwriter | US | |
Strain, Sammy (*Dec 9, 1940) | actor | US | |
Strait, George (*May 18, 1952) | actor | US | |
Strait, Steven (*Mar 23, 1986) | singer, actor | US | |
Straiton, Jonathan (*May 23, 1979) | actor, director | US | |
Straka, František (*1958) | soccer player, coach | CZ | |
Straka, Jiří (*1969) | spartakiad killer | CZ | |
Straka, Martin (*1972) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Strakhov, Daniil (*Mar 2, 1976) | actor | RU | |
Strakoš, Jakub (*1971) | CZ | ||
Straková, Iva (*1980) | athlete | CZ | |
Stram, Henry (*Sep 10, 1954) | actor | US | |
Stranahan, Kelcie (*Nov 18, 1992) | actress | US | |
Strand, Chantal (*Oct 15, 1987) | actress | CA | |
Strand, Erik Richter (*Sep 17, 1974) | director, scriptwriter | NO | |
Strand, Paul (*Oct 16, 1890) | director | US | |
Strang, Gavin Steel (*Jul 10, 1943) | politician | GB | |
Strang, Harry (*Dec 13, 1892) | actor | US | |
Strange, Curtis (*Jan 30, 1955) | golfer | US | |
Strange, Glenn (*Aug 16, 1899) | actor | US | |
Strange, Patrick Michael
(*Nov 9, 1977) |
actor | US | |
Strange, Sarah (*Sep 6, 1974) | actress | CA | |
Strange, Steve (*May 28, 1959) | singer | GB | |
Strange-Hansen, Martin
(*Apr 8, 1971) |
actor, director | DK | |
Stranges, Mike (*May 25, 1971) | actor | US | |
Strangio, Vincent (*Mar 26, 1923) | physicist | US | |
Strangmüller, Ivo (*1954) | actor | CZ | |
Stranka, Erwin (*Jan 3, 1935) | director, actor | CZ | |
Stránská, Jiřina (*Nov 6, 1912) | actress | CZ | |
Stránská, Marianna (*1986) | scriptwriter | CZ | |
Stránský, David (*1984) | CZ | ||
Stránský, Jan (*1990) | ice hockey player | CE | |
Stránský, Jiří (*Aug 12, 1931) | writer, scriptwriter, translator, poet | CZ | |
Stránský, Martin (*1970) | actor, voice actor | CZ | |
Stránský, Miloš (*May 5, 1938) | actor | XX | |
Stránský, Pavel (*May 7, 1967) | actor | XX | |
Strapáč, Petr (*1989) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Strapo, (*1989) | singer | CE | |
Strappe, André (*Feb 23, 1928) | soccer player | FR | |
Strasberg, Lee (*Nov 17, 1901) | actor, director | UA | |
Strasberg, Susan (*May 22, 1938) | actress | US | |
Strasburger, Karol (*Jul 2, 1947) | actor | PL | |
Strasser, Annette (*Oct 2, 1981) | actress | DE | |
Strasser, Gregor (*May 31, 1892) | German Nazi politician, co-founder of the NSDAP | DE | |
Strasser, Ernst (*Apr 29, 1956) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | AT | |
Strasser, Otto (*Sep 10, 1897) | politician | DE | |
Strassman, Marcia (*Apr 28, 1948) | actress | US | |
Strassmann, Franz (*Jan 22, 1958) | actor | US | |
Strassmeyer, Mary (*Aug 5, 1929) | writer, journalist | US | |
Strata, Ray (*Nov 12, 1934) | US | ||
Stratan, Cleopatra (*Oct 6, 2002) | singer | MD | |
Stratan, Cosmina (*Oct 20, 1984) | actress | RO | |
Stratan, Kelly (*Jun 22, 2004) | singer | DE | |
Stratan, Lilly (*Jun 22, 2004) | singer | DE | |
Stratas, Teresa (*May 26, 1938) | actress | CA | |
Strate, Johannes (*Mar 17, 1980) | singer | DE | |
Strater, Edward L. (*Dec 2, 1894) | astrologer | US | |
Stratev, Yevstati (*Feb 11, 1934) | actor | BG | |
Stratford, Tom (*Dec 11, 1960) | actor | US | |
Stratford, Tracy (*Jan 19, 1955) | actress | US | |
Strathairn, David (*Jan 26, 1949) | actor | US | |
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