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Sýkorová, Jana (*1973) | singer, opera singer | CZ | |
Sýkorová, Mária (*Apr 22, 1888) | actress | CZ | |
Sýkorová, Marie (*1953) | actress | CZ | |
Sýkorová, Oľga (*Jan 16, 1918) | actress | SK | |
Sylberg, Yrjö (*Feb 24, 1907) | actor | FI | |
Sylva, Marguerite (*Jul 2, 1875) | singer | BE | |
Sylvain, Claude (*May 9, 1930) | actor | FR | |
Sylvain, Jules (*Jun 11, 1900) | composer, singer, actress | SE | |
Sylvain, Valensky (*Apr 23, 1978) | actor | HT | |
Sylvan, Elsa (*Jan 23, 1987) | model | SE | |
Sylvester, (*Sep 6, 1947) | singer | US | |
Sylvester, Harold (*Feb 10, 1949) | actor | US | |
Sylvester, Leif (*Apr 18, 1940) | actor | DK | |
Sylvester, William (*Jan 31, 1922) | actor | US | |
Sylvestersson, Elsa (*Aug 11, 1924) | actress | FI | |
Sylvestre, Ludovic (*Feb 5, 1984) | soccer player | FR | |
Sylvia, Gaby (*Mar 24, 1920) | actress | IT | |
Sylvia, Rachel Esther (*Jun 9, 1979) | US | ||
Sylvian, David (*Feb 23, 1958) | singer | GB | |
Sylvie, (*Jan 3, 1883) | FR | ||
Sylvin, Ellen (*Dec 15, 1903) | actress | FI | |
Sylwan, Kari (*Oct 15, 1940) | SE | ||
Sym, Igo (*Jul 3, 1896) | actor | UH | |
Symba, (*Jul 6, 1970) | US | ||
Syme, Jennifer (*Dec 7, 1972) | actress | US | |
Symington, Fife III (*Aug 12, 1945) | politician | US | |
Symo, Margit (*Sep 13, 1913) | actress | HU | |
Symoens, Tom (*Jul 7, 1969) | athlete | BE | |
Symon, Burk (*Nov 18, 1888) | actor | US | |
Symon, Michael (*Sep 19, 1969) | presenter, cook | US | |
Symonds, Henry Roberts
(*Jun 25, 1891) |
US | ||
Symonds, Robert (*Dec 1, 1926) | actor | US | |
Symons, Arthur (*Feb 21, 1865) | writer, poet | GB | |
Symons, Oliver (*Jul 14, 1993) | actor | BE | |
Syms, Sylvia (*Jan 6, 1934) | actress | GB | |
Synák, Jaroslav (*1910) | actor | CZ | |
Synakowski, Maryan (*Mar 14, 1936) | soccer player | FR | |
Synek, Bedřich (*Oct 5, 1913) | actor | XX | |
Synek, Ondřej (*1982) | CZ | ||
Synge, John Millington
(*Apr 16, 1871) |
scriptwriter | IE | |
Synková, Jana (*Apr 18, 1944) | actress | CZ | |
Synnott, Del (*Oct 17, 1977) | actor | IE | |
Syntek, Aleks (*Sep 29, 1969) | composer, singer | MX | |
Sypal, Jaroslav (*1958) | actor | CZ | |
Syomina, Tamara (*Oct 25, 1938) | actress | CP | |
Sypek, Ryan (*Aug 6, 1982) | actor | US | |
Syren, (*May 21, 1971) | porn actress | US | |
Syrén, Mikael (*Apr 29, 1965) | actor, director, scriptwriter | SE | |
Syrewicz, Stanislas (*Aug 22, 1946) | composer | RU | |
Syria, Roma (*Feb 26, 1977) | IT | ||
Syřiště, Václav (*1937) | actor | CZ | |
Syrovátková, Karolína (*1981) | actress | CZ | |
Sys, Karel (*Feb 14, 1914) | boxer | BE | |
Sysel, Tomáš (*Jul 20, 1975) | cameraman | XX | |
Syslová, Dana (*1945) | actress | CZ | |
Sytch, Tammy (*Dec 7, 1972) | US | ||
Syvänen, Marja-Leena (*Nov 10, 1939) | actress | FI | |
Syvänne, Väinö (*May 6, 1892) | scriptwriter | FI | |
Syväoja, Niilo (*Apr 13, 1991) | FI | ||
Syväpuro, Aarne (*Sep 22, 1921) | actor, cameraman | FI | |
Szabo, Brett (*Feb 1, 1968) | basketball player | US | |
Szabo, Dušan (*Feb 9, 1962) | actor, director | XX | |
Szabó, Gyula (*Jul 15, 1930) | actor | HU | |
Szabó, Ildikó (*Nov 24, 1951) | actress, director | XX | |
Szabó, István (*Feb 18, 1938) | actor, director, scriptwriter | HU | |
Szabó, Kálmán (*Dec 12, 1939) | actor | HU | |
Szabó, Károly Ferenc (*Aug 29, 1943) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | RO | |
Szabó, László (*Mar 24, 1936) | actor | HU | |
Szabó, Ottó (*Dec 20, 1920) | actor | HU | |
Szabó, Sándor (*Apr 25, 1915) | actor | HU | |
Szabo, Violette (*Jun 26, 1921) | FR | ||
Szabo, Zoltan (*Jun 21, 1945) | astrologer | HU | |
Szadkowski, Zuzanna (*Oct 22, 1978) | actress | PL | |
Szafir, Luciano (*Dec 31, 1968) | actor | BR | |
Szafir, Sasha Meneghel
(*Jul 28, 1998) |
BR | ||
Szaflarska, Danuta (*Feb 20, 1915) | actress | PL | |
Szajda, Pawel (*Jan 13, 1982) | actor | US | |
Szájer, József (*Sep 7, 1961) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | HU | |
Szajewski, Andrzej (*Oct 11, 1937) | actor | PL | |
Szajki, Péter (*Apr 29, 1980) | director | HU | |
Szajnert, Feliks (*Nov 5, 1944) | actor | KZ | |
Szakáll, Szőke (*Feb 2, 1883) | actor, scriptwriter | HU | |
Szakaly, Tibor (*Feb 3, 1964) | director | US | |
Szaladják, István (*Nov 30, 1962) | director, actor | HU | |
Szalawski, Andrzej (*Dec 4, 1911) | actor | PL | |
Szalkiewicz, Cyril (*Dec 21, 1914) | actor | FI | |
Szam, Danny (*Dec 6, 1985) | actor | GB | |
Szapolowska, Grazyna (*Sep 19, 1953) | actress | PL | |
Szarabajka, Keith (*Dec 2, 1952) | actor | US | |
Szaro, Henryk (*Oct 21, 1900) | director | PL | |
Szary, Maciej (*Sep 9, 1949) | actor | PL | |
Szász, Attila (*Oct 23, 1972) | director | HU | |
Szatmári, István (*Jul 30, 1925) | actor | HU | |
Szczawinski, Wladyslaw
(*Nov 30, 1879) |
actor | XX | |
Szczechura, Daniel (*Jul 11, 1930) | director, actor | PL | |
Szczepanik, Piotr (*Feb 14, 1942) | actor | PL | |
Szczepkowska, Joanna (*May 1, 1953) | actress | PL | |
Szczepkowski, Andrzej (*Apr 26, 1923) | actor | PL | |
Szczesny, Pawel (*May 21, 1963) | actor | PL | |
Szczesny, Wojciech (*Apr 18, 1990) | soccer player, goalkeeper | PL | |
Szczygiel, Krzysztof (*Jul 27, 1970) | actor, presenter | PL | |
Sze-Kit Cheng, Clement
(*Sep 19, 1974) |
director, scriptwriter | HK | |
Szécsi, Ferenc (*Jul 11, 1913) | RO | ||
Szécsi, Vilma (*Nov 8, 1933) | HU | ||
Szeemann, Harald (*Jun 11, 1933) | CH | ||
Szegedi, Erika (*Mar 1, 1942) | actress | HU | |
Szejna, Andrzej Jan (*Apr 28, 1973) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | PL | |
Székely, Hans (*Jul 7, 1901) | director | HU | |
Szekely, Louis (*Sep 12, 1967) | writer, actor, director | US | |
Szekely, Martin (*Apr 22, 1956) | architect | FR | |
Székely, Matej (*1991) | soccer player | CZ | |
Székely B., Miklós (*Sep 15, 1948) | actor | HU | |
Szelburg-Zarembina, Ewa
(*Apr 10, 1899) |
writer | PL | |
Széles, Anna (*Aug 24, 1942) | actress | RO | |
Szellõ, István (*Jul 3, 1967) | actor | HU | |
Szemes, Mihály (*Jul 23, 1920) | director | HU | |
Szemethy, Endre (*Dec 1, 1903) | actor | HU | |
Szenajch, Andrzej (*Jul 14, 1930) | actor | PL | |
Szent-Iványi, István (*Nov 12, 1958) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | HU | |
Szepel, Wojciech (*Nov 29, 1970) | cameraman | PL | |
Szerb, Antal (*May 1, 1901) | writer | HU | |
Szerencsi, Éva (*May 5, 1952) | actress | HU | |
Szerednyey, Béla (*Feb 22, 1958) | actor | HU | |
Szervét, Tibor (*Mar 1, 1958) | actor | HU | |
Szeto, Antony (*Dec 9, 1964) | actor, director, scriptwriter | AU | |
Szeto, Kam-Yuen (*Jul 11, 1964) | HK | ||
Szewczyk, Michal (*Jul 29, 1934) | actor | PL | |
Szifron, Damián (*Jul 9, 1975) | director | AR | |
Szilágyi, Andor (*May 29, 1955) | director, actor, scriptwriter | HU | |
Szilágyi, Enikõ (*Dec 19, 1952) | actress | RO | |
Szilágyi, Tibor (*Aug 28, 1942) | actor | HU | |
Szilard, Leo (*Feb 11, 1898) | physicist | HU | |
Szinetár, Dóra (*Dec 17, 1976) | actress, singer | HU | |
Szinetár, Miklós (*Feb 8, 1932) | director | HU | |
Szirtes, Ádám (*Feb 10, 1925) | actor | HU | |
Szirtes, András (*Jul 6, 1951) | director, actor | HU | |
Szitášová, Chiara (*May 19, 1993) | XX | ||
Szkalnitzky, Paul (*Feb 6, 1913) | astrologer | AT | |
Szkopiak, Piotr (*Mar 14, 1966) | director | GB | |
Szlagowska, Tola (*Nov 27, 1993) | singer | PL | |
Szletynski, Henryk (*Feb 27, 1903) | actor, director | BY | |
Szmanda, Eric (*Jul 24, 1975) | actor | US | |
Szmidt, Jaroslaw (*Apr 2, 1978) | director | PL | |
Szmidt, Stefan (*Aug 11, 1943) | actor | PL | |
Szöcsová, Michaela (*1988) | actress | SK | |
Szohr, Jessica (*Mar 31, 1985) | actress | US | |
Szöke, András (*Oct 11, 1962) | actor, director | HU | |
Szolkowy, Robin (*Jul 14, 1979) | figure skater | DE | |
Szomjas, György (*Nov 26, 1940) | director | HU | |
Szomolányi, Stanislav (*1935) | cameraman | SK | |
Szonert, Miroslaw (*Dec 25, 1926) | actor | PL | |
Szönyi, Julieta (*May 13, 1949) | actress | RO | |
Szõnyi G., Sándor (*Dec 29, 1928) | director | HU | |
Szopa, Andrzej (*May 26, 1952) | PL | ||
Szöreghy, Gyula (*Nov 30, 1887) | director, actor | XX | |
Szori, Istvan (*Jan 29, 1970) | actor | HU | |
Szostak, Stephanie (*Jun 12, 1975) | actress | FR | |
Szöts, István (*Jun 30, 1912) | director | UH | |
Szpak-Fleet, Stephan (*Apr 25, 1979) | actor, director, scriptwriter | PL | |
Szpakowski, Igor (*Nov 10, 1997) | actor | NL | |
Szpilman, Wladyslaw (*Dec 5, 1911) | composer, writer | PL | |
Szpindel, Louise (*Jan 2, 1988) | actress | XX | |
Szpunar, Jerzy (*Jun 12, 1927) | actor | PL | |
Sztavjanik, Franziska (*Apr 13, 1966) | actress | AT | |
Szturc, Roman (*1989) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Szubanski, Magda (*Apr 12, 1961) | actress | GB | |
Szuhay, Balázs (*Oct 20, 1935) | actor | HU | |
Szulkin, Piotr (*Apr 26, 1950) | director, actor | PL | |
Szulzinger, Boris (*Sep 20, 1945) | director | BE | |
Szumowska, Malgorzata (*Feb 26, 1973) | director, scriptwriter | PL | |
Szumrák, Vera (*Oct 28, 1938) | HU | ||
Szurdi, Miklós (*Oct 2, 1950) | director, actor | HU | |
Szurman, David (*1981) | figure skater | CZ | |
Szurovy, Walter (*May 28, 1910) | actor | AT | |
Szwajcer, Henryk (*Jul 25, 1916) | actor | PL | |
Szwarc, Jeannot (*Nov 21, 1937) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Szwed, Pawel (*Jul 5, 1967) | actor | PL | |
Szyc, Borys (*Sep 4, 1978) | actor | PL | |
Szymanowska, Maria (*Dec 14, 1789) | composer | PL | |
Szymańska, Marta (*Apr 15, 1991) | director, scriptwriter | PL | |
Szymanski, Dick (*Oct 7, 1932) | soccer player | US | |
Szymański, Konrad (*Dec 6, 1969) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | PL | |
Szymanski, Zdzislaw (*Jul 21, 1914) | actor | PL | |
Szymborska, Wislawa (*Jul 2, 1923) | poet | PL | |
Szymborski, Zdzislaw (*Sep 4, 1932) | PL | ||
Szynglarski, Bonda (*Oct 29, 1902) | XX | ||
Szyszko, Sylwester (*Dec 8, 1929) | director, scriptwriter | PL | |
Szyszkowitz, Aglaia (*Jan 11, 1968) | actress | AT | |
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