Adolf Hitler wikipedia, horoscope, astrology, instagram

Adolf Hitler - Birth Chart

Date of Birth:
20 April 1889 - 18:30h
Birth place:
Braunau am Inn
† 56 years
politician, dictator, Nazi mass murderer

Adolf Hitler - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope

Date of Birth (local time):
20 April 1889 - 18:30  ( LMT )
Universal Time (UT/GMT):
20 April 1889 - 17:38  (-0:52h)
AT, Braunau am Inn:
48°15'N, 13°3'E
House system:
Birth data source (Rodden Rating):
Rodden, (AA)
(Adolf Hitler 2024, 2025 - Biography, Wikipedia info, Astrological Signs)
Horoscope Shape Characteristics | Biography at Wikipedia 2025
Adolf Hitler
Date of Birth - Apr 20, 1889
(politician, dictator, Nazi mass murderer, instagram)

Adolf Hitler - Filmography - Actor (

(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
(2016) - Doomed Beauty
(2016) - Luis Trenker - Pionier und Egomane
(2015) - The Roosevelts: An Intimate History (TV series)
(2015) - Hunting Hitler (TV series)
(2015) - Herr von Bohlen
(2015) - Eva Braun, épouse Hitler
(2015) - The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
(2014) - El Vaticano y el Tercer Reich
(2014) - Von Caligari zu Hitler
(2014) - German Concentration Camps Factual Survey
(2014) - Codes and Conspiracies (TV series)
(2014) - JFK to 9/11: Everything Is a Rich Man's Trick
(2014) - The Hunt for Hitler's Missing Millions
(2014) - Hitler: Germany's Fatal Attraction (TV series)
(2014) - Hitler the Junkie
(2014) - Apocalypse la 1ère Guerre mondiale (TV series)
(2014) - The Sound of Spying
(2014) - The Imitation Game
(2014) - Never Knows Best
(2013) - Universum History (TV series)
(2013) - Perfect Storms: Disasters That Changed the World (TV series)
(2013) - Your Bleeped Up Brain (TV series)
(2013) - Greatest Mysteries (TV series)
(2013) - Max Beckmann - Departure
(2013) - Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
(2013) - The Book Thief
(2012) - 10 Things You Don't Know About (TV series)
(2012) - The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler (TV series)
(2012) - The Untold History of the United States (TV series)
(2012) - Mussolini-Hitler: L'opéra des assassins
(2012) - America's Book of Secrets (TV series)
(2012) - Hindenburg und Hitler
(2012) - Edward And George - Two Brothers, One Throne
(2011) - Zombies: A Living History
(2011) - Geheimnisvolle Orte: Der Bendlerblock
(2011) - Reagan
(2011) - Geheimnisse des „Dritten Reichs“ (TV series)
(2011) - Hitler's G.I. Death Camp (TV series)
(2011) - Diana Vreeland: The Eye Has to Travel
(2011) - Apocalypse - Hitler
(2011) - The Kennedys (TV series)
(2011) - Joschka & Mr. Fischer
(2010) - Third Reich: The Rise & Fall (TV series)
(2010) - Udo Proksch: Out of Control
(2010) - Mannerheim - Jörn Donnerin kertomana (TV series)
(2010) - Lieber Onkel Hitler - Briefe an den Führer
(2010) - Chronicle of the Third Reich (TV series)
(2010) - Nazi Collaborators (TV series)
(2010) - Wo ist Hitler?
(2010) - Göring's Baton
(2010) - The Battle of Britain
(2010) - Wallace and Gromit's World of Inventions (TV series)
(2010) - Film socialisme
(2010) - La Rafle
(2010) - The King's Speech
(2010) - Ces amours-là
(2010) - BloodRayne: The Third Reich
(2009) - WWII in HD (TV series)
(2009) - MysteryQuest (TV series)
(2009) - Wer hat Angst vor Wilhelm Reich?
(2009) - Suomen tie jatkosotaan
(2009) - Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup
(2009) - Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura (TV series)
(2009) - Generals at War (TV series)
(2009) - Fall Of The Republic: The Presidency Of Barack H. Obama
(2009) - World War II in Colour (TV series)
(2009) - When You're Strange
(2009) - Die Gesichter des Bösen - Hitlers Henker (TV series)
(2009) - Apocalypse - La 2ème Guerre Mondiale (TV series)
(2009) - Andrew Marr's The Making of Modern Britain (TV series)
(2009) - The Horror Vault 2
(2009) - Hired Gun
(2009) - Berlin ´36
(2008) - The Doctors
(2008) - Strada
(2008) - Walt & El Grupo
(2008) - Great Planes (TV series)
(2008) - Hitler & Stalin - A Duel For Dominance
(2008) - La Résistance
(2008) - The Last Day of World War One
(2008) - Pakt mit dem Teufel
(2008) - High Hitler
(2008) - Mannerheim
(2008) - Joe Louis: America's Hero... Betrayed
(2008) - Hitler & Stalin: The Roots of Evil
(2008) - Hitler's Bodyguard (TV series)
(2008) - Heinrich Himmler - Aus dem Leben eines Massenmörders
(2008) - Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
(2008) - Believe, Obey, Fight!
(2008) - Defiance
(2007) - Zeitgeist: The Movie
(2007) - Weaponology (TV series)
(2007) - Warlords (TV series)
(2007) - True Bond
(2007) - Staline: Le tyran rouge
(2007) - My Enemy's Enemy
(2007) - Hitler's Favourite Royal
(2007) - Hitlers Berg
(2007) - Hitler & Mussolini - Eine brutale Freundschaft
(2007) - Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement
(2007) - Dawn of Sound, The: How Movies Learned to Talk
(2007) - British Film Forever (TV series)
(2007) - Infamous Assassinations (TV series)
(2006) - 12 Jahre, 3 Monate, 9 Tage - Die Jahreschronik des Dritten Reichs (TV series)
(2006) - Lost Worlds (TV series)
(2006) - Nuremberg: Nazis on Trial (TV series)
(2006) - The Rape of Europa
(2006) - Joy Division: Under Review
(2006) - Italian Fascism in Color
(2006) - Holocausto - Los Campos de Concentración Al Descubierto
(2006) - Sonderauftrag Führermuseum
(2006) - Görings letzte Schlacht - Das Tribunal von Nürnberg
(2006) - Göring - Eine Karriere (TV series)
(2006) - Freedom's Fury
(2006) - Suomen puolesta
(2006) - TerrorStorm: A History of Government-Sponsored Terrorism
(2006) - Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále
(2006) - The Good Shepherd
(2005) - Zweite Republik - Eine unglaubliche Geschichte, Die (TV series)
(2005) - The World's Most Photographed (TV series)
(2005) - Pactes avec le diable
(2005) - Salon Kitty - Ein Nazibordell und seine Geschichte
(2005) - Timewatch: Inside the Mind of Adolf Hitler
(2005) - Night of the Long Knives
(2005) - How Art Made the World (TV series)
(2005) - Churchill's Bodyguard (TV series)
(2005) - Männer, Helden, schwule Nazis
(2005) - Hyvinvointivaltion loppu?
(2005) - Hitler, El Lobo
(2005) - Hitlers Stellvertreter
(2005) - Familie Hitler: Im Schatten des Diktators
(2005) - The Harlem Globetrotters: The Team That Changed the World
(2005) - Das Goebbels-Experiment
(2005) - Edouard VIII d'Angleterre
(2005) - The Naked Archaeologist (TV series)
(2005) - The Adventures of Errol Flynn
(2005) - Hitler in Colour
(2005) - Hitler´s War
(2005) - The Great Raid
(2005) - Unkenrufe
(2005) - The Laws of Life in a Colony of Bees
(2004) - Tod im Führerbunker - Die wahre Geschichte von Hitlers Untergang
(2004) - Naked Science (TV series)
(2004) - Imaginary Witness: Hollywood and the Holocaust
(2004) - Hitler's Pawn: The Margaret Lambert Story
(2004) - The Greatest Canadian (TV series)
(2004) - La Neuvième
(2004) - UFO Files (TV series)
(2004) - In Enemy Hands
(2004) - Hexen - Magie, Mythen und die Wahrheit (TV series)
(2004) - Dunkirk
(2004) - Sideways
(2003) - Michael Jackson: Number Ones (music video)
(2003) - Unsere Besten - Wer ist der größte Deutsche?
(2003) - Penn & Teller: Bullshit! (TV series)
(2003) - Mannerheim ja Pietari
(2003) - Leni Riefenstahl im Sudan
(2003) - The Corporation
(2003) - Churchill
(2003) - Greatest Raids (TV series)
(2003) - The Metropolis Case
(2003) - BattleField Detectives (TV series)
(2003) - Comic Book Superheroes Unmasked
(2003) - Vio la luna... y compró un cementerio
(2003) - Elephant
(2003) - Save the Green Planet
(2002) - :03 From Gold
(2002) - Von Werra
(2002) - Die Waffen - SS (TV series)
(2002) - Hitler's Secret Weapons
(2002) - The Tramp and the Dictator
(2002) - Dead Men's Secrets (TV series)
(2002) - The Power of Good: Nicholas Winton
(2002) - Quisling - i Nansens skygge
(2002) - Prisoner of Paradise
(2002) - Revealed (TV series)
(2002) - Naqoyqatsi
(2002) - Mythos Rommel (TV series)
(2002) - Yalta: Peace, Power and Betrayal
(2002) - Jahrhundert des Theaters, Das (TV series)
(2002) - Hitlers Geld
(2002) - Hitler's Britain
(2002) - Fighter Aces
(2002) - Century of Self (TV series)
(2002) - Germany: Behind the Wall
(2002) - Bowling for Columbine
(2002) - Gladiators of World War II (TV series)
(2001) - War Stories with Oliver North (TV series)
(2001) - Walt: The Man Behind the Myth
(2001) - We Stand Alone Together
(2001) - Schlock! The Secret History of American Movies
(2001) - Secrets of the Dead (TV series)
(2001) - The Secret KGB Paranormal Files
(2001) - Marlene Dietrich: Her Own Song
(2001) - Die Manns - Ein Jahrhundertroman
(2001) - Timewatch: Himmler, Hitler and the End of the Reich
(2001) - Invasion (TV series)
(2001) - Hitlers Frauen (TV series)
(2001) - History's Mysteries: Infamous Murders (TV series)
(2001) - History vs. Hollywood (TV series)
(2001) - Price for Peace
(2001) - The Great Escape: The Untold Story
(2001) - Enterprise (TV series)
(2001) - Severo Ochoa: La conquista de un Nobel
(2001) - Pearl Harbor
(2001) - Taking Sides
(2001) - Enigma
(2001) - Anne Frank: The Whole Story
(2001) - Bunuel and King Solomon's Table
(2000) - Tora Tora Tora: The Real Story of Pearl Harbor
(2000) - Saboteur: A Closer Look
(2000) - Paragraph 175
(2000) - Nazi America: A Secret History
(2000) - Hitlers Kinder (TV series)
(2000) - Holokaust (TV series)
(2000) - Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport
(2000) - One of the Hollywood Ten
(2000) - Canada: A People's History (TV series)
(1999) - 100 Jahre - Der Countdown (TV series)
(1999) - The Sweet Science (TV series)
(1999) - Das Fernsehen unter dem Hakenkreuz
(1999) - Shylock
(1999) - The Second World War in Colour (TV series)
(1999) - Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.
(1999) - Hitler's Search for the Holy Grail
(1999) - Hitler and Stalin: Twin Tyrants
(1999) - The Century: America's Time (TV series)
(1999) - Biography of the Millennium: 100 People - 1000 Years (TV series)
(1999) - Auschwitz: Silent Witness
(1999) - Sunshine
(1999) - Relic Hunter (TV series)
(1998) - Untold Stories of World War
(1998) - Das Dritte Reich - in Farbe
(1998) - Cold War (TV series)
(1998) - Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy
(1998) - The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg
(1998) - The Last Days
(1998) - In Our Own Hands
(1998) - Human Remains
(1998) - Höllenfahrten (TV series)
(1998) - Hitlers Krieger (TV series)
(1998) - Universal Horror
(1998) - Final Journeys
(1998) - Beyond Titanic
(1997) - The Nazis: A Warning From History (TV series)
(1997) - David - Stories of Honour and Shame
(1997) - Assignment: Rescue
(1997) - Contact
(1996) - The O'Reilly Factor
(1996) - Isänmaan vangit
(1996) - Ilmojen ritari: Illu Juutilainen
(1996) - The Churchills (TV series)
(1996) - Hitlers Helfer (TV series)
(1996) - The Hindenburg
(1996) - The Great War and the Shaping of the 20th Century (TV series)
(1996) - Eva Braun: Her Life with Adolf Hitler
(1996) - Assassinations That Changed the World (TV series)
(1996) - Hetty Wainthropp Investigates (TV series)
(1996) - The Empty Mirror
(1995) - War at Sea: U-boats in the St. Lawrence
(1995) - War at Sea: The Black Pit
(1995) - Trinity and Beyond: The Atomic Bomb Movie
(1995) - Hitler - eine Bilanz (TV series)
(1995) - Churchill and the Cabinet War Rooms
(1995) - The Champagne Safari
(1995) - Cinema Europe: The Other Hollywood (TV series)
(1995) - Rain of Ruin
(1995) - Empire of the Censors
(1995) - The Death of Yugoslavia (TV series)
(1995) - Battlefield (TV series)
(1995) - Kingfish: A Story of Huey P. Long
(1994) - The Century of Warfare (TV series)
(1994) - Modern Marvels (TV series)
(1994) - What Really Happened To Adolf Hitler?
(1994) - Normandy: The Great Crusade
(1994) - In Search of Dr. Seuss
(1993) - Dangerous: The Short Films (music video)
(1993) - 1939
(1993) - Die Macht der Bilder: Leni Riefenstahl
(1993) - L'Oeil de Vichy
(1993) - Degenerate Art
(1993) - American Justice: Target - Mafia (TV series)
(1992) - The Wannsee Conference
(1992) - The Restless Conscience: Resistance to Hitler Within Germany 1933-1945
(1992) - Kohtaaminen
(1992) - Death Scenes 2
(1992) - Death by Moonlight: Bomber Command
(1992) - Stalin
(1992) - Chaplin
(1991) - Blood in the Face
(1991) - The Doors
(1991) - The Rocketeer
(1991) - Lune froide
(1990) - Waffen SS: Hitler's Elite Fighting Force
(1990) - That's Black Entertainment
(1990) - Get a Life (TV series)
(1989) - Undergångens arkitektur
(1989) - Sonata for Hitler
(1989) - The Road to War (TV series)
(1989) - The History of the Luftwaffe
(1989) - How Hitler Lost the War
(1989) - Death Scenes
(1989) - Triumph of the Spirit
(1989) - Georg Elser - Einer aus Deutschland
(1988) - Panttipataljoona
(1988) - The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind
(1988) - Death Faces IV
(1988) - American Experience (TV series)
(1988) - La Bottega dell'orefice
(1988) - Hitler Sucks
(1988) - Red Dwarf (TV series)
(1987) - True Gore
(1987) - The Secret Life of Sergei Eisenstein
(1987) - Biography (TV series)
(1986) - 13. artikla
(1986) - Russia (TV series)
(1986) - Reichsautobahn
(1985) - So war das S.O.36
(1985) - Iron Maiden: Behind the Iron Curtains
(1985) - George Stevens: A Filmmaker's Journey
(1985) - American Masters (TV series)
(1985) - Idi i smotri
(1984) - Battlefield (TV series)
(1983) - The Moviemakers (TV series)
(1983) - Schindler: The Documentary
(1983) - Seeing Red: Stories of American Communists
(1983) - Camps of Death
(1983) - Zelig
(1983) - The Return of Captain Invincible
(1983) - A Good Turn Daily
(1982) - Showbiz Goes to War
(1982) - Genocide
(1982) - Timewatch (TV series)
(1982) - De camisa vieja a chaqueta nueva
(1981) - Soutaen vai ajopuuna?
(1981) - Der Gelbe Stern
(1981) - The Wave
(1981) - Sign of the Beast
(1980) - The Man Who Saw Tomorrow
(1980) - Karl Hess: Toward Liberty
(1980) - Ringstraßenpalais (TV series)
(1980) - Mystery! (TV series)
(1979) - The Late Great Planet Earth
(1979) - Contro 4 bandiere
(1978) - Faces of Death
(1978) - Loggerheads
(1977) - Hitler - eine Karriere
(1977) - Cross of Iron
(1977) - Una giornata particolare
(1977) - War Wizards
(1977) - A Bridge Too Far
(1977) - The Red Nights of the Gestapo
(1976) - Wienfilm 1896-1976
(1976) - A Joiner
(1976) - Canciones para después de una guerra
(1976) - All This and World War II
(1976) - The Eagle Has Landed
(1976) - Jeder stirbt für sich allein
(1975) - Wonder Woman (TV series)
(1975) - The Black Gestapo
(1974) - Nova (TV series)
(1974) - The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz
(1974) - Mussolini: Ultimo atto
(1973) - Swastika
(1973) - The World at War (TV series)
(1973) - The Society of the Spectacle
(1973) - Le Train
(1973) - Eroi, Gli
(1972) - Colditz (TV series)
(1971) - Schüler-Report
(1971) - Plastic Jesus
(1971) - A Clockwork Orange
(1970) - Il Giardino dei Finzi-Contini
(1970) - Hell's Bloody Devils
(1969) - I Due Kennedy
(1969) - Czechoslovakia 1918-1968
(1969) - Monty Python's Flying Circus (TV series)
(1969) - The Extraordinary Seaman
(1968) - Portret van Anton Adriaan Mussert
(1968) - Munich 1938
(1968) - Monument
(1966) - Jesse Owens Returns to Berlin
(1966) - Star Trek (TV series)
(1966) - Mission: Impossible (TV series)
(1965) - Obyknovennyj fashizm
(1965) - 36 Hours
(1964) - The Other World of Winston Churchill
(1964) - Franco: ese hombre
(1964) - Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (TV series)
(1964) - Men in Crisis (TV series)
(1964) - Marionetten
(1963) - The Victors
(1963) - Horror Castle
(1963) - The Cardinal
(1962) - Plakate, Parolen, Signale
(1962) - Black Fox: The True Story of Adolf Hitler
(1962) - Blitzkrieg
(1962) - Hitler
(1962) - Le Caporal épinglé
(1961) - Das Leben von Adolf Hitler
(1961) - Biography (TV series)
(1960) - Den Blodiga tiden
(1960) - Wernher von Braun
(1960) - Sink the Bismarck!
(1959) - Verboten!
(1959) - The Four Just Men (TV series)
(1959) - Hunde, wollt ihr ewig leben
(1959) - Der Rest ist Schweigen
(1957) - The Twentieth Century (TV series)
(1957) - Portraits of Power (TV series)
(1955) - Nuit et brouillard
(1955) - De fem år
(1954) - Canaris
(1953) - Bis fünf nach zwölf - Adolf Hitler und das 3. Reich
(1952) - The Hoaxters
(1951) - Thus Was the Present Day Born
(1950) - Wonderful Times
(1948) - Germania anno zero
(1948) - Operation Swallow: The Battle for Heavy Water
(1947) - Monsieur Verdoux
(1946) - Potsdam baut auf
(1946) - Aby sme v pokoji žili
(1945) - Your Job in Germany
(1945) - Universal Newsreel
(1945) - Berlin
(1945) - The Nazi Plan
(1945) - Hitler Lives
(1945) - War Comes to America
(1944) - Theresienstadt
(1944) - Tunisian Victory
(1944) - Nostradamus IV
(1943) - Desert Victory
(1943) - The Battle of Britain
(1943) - Plan for Destruction
(1943) - The Battle of Russia
(1943) - Why We Fight, 3
(1943) - The Nazis Strike
(1943) - The Flemish Farm
(1943) - Mission to Moscow
(1943) - The Story of One of Hitlers Children as Adapted from: Education for Death - The Making of the Nazi
(1943) - December 7th
(1942) - Winning Your Wings
(1942) - United We Stand
(1942) - Prelude to War
(1942) - Mr. Blabbermouth!
(1942) - Divide and Conquer
(1942) - Vendetta
(1942) - Thunder Rock
(1942) - Spitfire
(1942) - Reunion in France
(1942) - Once Upon a Honeymoon
(1942) - Miss V from Moscow
(1942) - Further Prophecies of Nostradamus
(1941) - Puolustusvoimain katsaus
(1941) - Churchill's Island
(1941) - Man Hunt
(1941) - Freedom Radio
(1940) - Der ewige Jude
(1940) - After Mein Kampf?: The Story of Adolph Hitler
(1940) - Front of Steel
(1940) - Night Train to Munich
(1939) - The Movies March On
(1939) - The Lion Has Wings
(1939) - The Secret Four
(1939) - Hell's Devils
(1939) - Confessions of a Nazi Spy
(1939) - The Roaring Twenties
(1939) - Band Waggon
(1938) - Wort und Tat
(1938) - Olympia 1. Teil - Fest der Völker
(1938) - Olympia 2. Teil - Fest der Schönheit
(1938) - March of Time: Inside Nazi Germany
(1938) - Gestern und heute
(1938) - Adolf Hitler - Wahlpropagandafilm
(1937) - Mussolini in Deutschland
(1936) - Max Schmelings Sieg - Ein deutscher Sieg
(1935) - Triumph des Willens
(1935) - Day of Freedom
(1934) - Our Leader: The Reich's Rebirth
(1934) - Hitler's Reign of Terror
(1934) - Dealers in Death
(1934) - The World Moves On
(1933) - Der Sieg des Glaubens
(1933) - Deutschland erwacht
(1933) - Blutendes Deutschland
(1932) - Hitler über Deutschland

Adolf Hitler - Filmography - Writer (

(To access celebrity's transit chart click on the year of the movie)
(1945) - War Comes to America
(1943) - The Battle of Russia
(1943) - The Nazis Strike
(1942) - Prelude to War

Adolf Hitler, Birth Chart Horoscopes & Signs - Taurus

Biography at Wikipedia


Sun in Taurus

Sun Sign - Zodiac Sign
The sign of Taurus gives people who were born under it calm and patient nature, and a sense of appreciation for beautiful and pleasant things in life. People born under the sign of Taurus are often quite introverted and they like to keep their distance, even from their best friends.
You see safety in being useful to the society and you look for justification in the outside world. You may underestimate what you want from yourself and for yourself. Shyness may be accompanied by resentment of the fact that others ignore you. You may feel that you are useless or unloved. Do not seek approval from the outside, it will not get rid of your doubt and it is harmful to you. You have to trust your inner values, otherwise it may happen that you succumb to external pressures. The need to cope with adverse reality since childhood may give you the ability to "survive" difficult periods. Your talent for business can bring you success, but you may be missing some carefreeness.
Ascendant (Rising Sign)
Libra prefers tasks that are well thought out, prepared and based on objectives and correct assessment of the situation. Trying to take into consideration opinions of others can slow the person down and manifest as hesitation, indecision or opportunism. These people usually prefer if somebody makes decisions for them. It is important to create a strong system of values and norms which can be followed, because this enables easier decision-making.

Aries Descendant - Partners & Compatibility
People with Libra on the Ascendant seek perfect relationships that are harmonious and pleasant. But they can become critical if something does not match their expectations and force their partner to adopt their opinion.

If you have Libra Ascendant, you have Aries Descendant. Self-centered and assertive partner might force you to make concessions. However, if your partner is unfair and demanding, you must learn to insist and require that your partner respects certain values in order to ensure that you have a balanced relationship. You should not always wait to see what happens; you should openly voice your opinion and be prepared to engage in a conflict.

You both should feel as people with equal rights in your relationship. Encourage healthy competition in order to become aware of your capabilities and values.

Disseminating (Waning Gibbous) Moon
245°49’ (Soli-Lunar Degree)

Scattering seeds, Distribution, Teach, Sharing and Introspection

Maple Tree

Celtic tree horoscope
The most striking features of people born under the rule of maple is their high intelligence, extraordinary memory and the ability to find original solutions to problems others fail to solve. Maple people feel well when they are the leaders because they have natural authority, great ambitions and pride. They can easily get excited by new things and it is easy for them to get others interested as well, but they usually cannot realise their ideas without the help of others.

Life Path - 5

Numerology - Life Path Number
These people need movement and change, and they like to travel. They search for freedom and adventure. They are open to new things and ideas. They have an inclination for leadership. They are ambitious but they are also very sensitive and avoid routine and boredom.

Birthday 20th - Intuition

Numerology - Birthday Number
These people are sensitive, loyal and kind. their partner is very important to them. Love relationship plays an important role. They are patient. They need love and tenderness. They seek harmony.

Adolf Hitler 2025 - Biography at Wikipedia (Wiki, Age, Birthday)

Adolf Hitler - politician, dictator, Nazi mass murderer

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Braunau am Inn
Adolf Hitler at:
Wikipedia.orgAdolf Hitler full biography - Wikipedia | Astro.comAdolf Hitler astro-databank AstroDienst | Astrotheme.comAdolf Hitler astro-databank Astrotheme
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March 14th
US Billy Crystal
(*1948) actor
GB Michael Caine
(*1933) actor
DE Albert Einstein
(*1879) theoretical physicist, philosopher, scientist
US Quincy Jones
(*1933) composer, actor, director
US Diane Arbus
(*1923) photographer
Adolf Hitler
Planet positions:
NodeNode (M)
LilithLilith (M)
PF - Part of FortuneFortune
PS - Part of SpiritSpirit
Houses: (Placidus system)
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March 15th
US Will. i. am
(*1975) composer, singer, actor, designer
US Andrew Jackson
(*1767) 7th President of the United States
US Ruth Bader Ginsburg
(*1933) jurist, associate justice of the Supreme Court of the US
DE Princess Sophie of Saxony
(*1845) Princess Sophie of Saxony, Duchess in Bavaria
IT Michelangelo Buonarroti
(*1475) Renaissance sculptor, architect, painter, poet