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Celebrities - Surname "G" (4659)
Geary, Paul (*Jul 24, 1961) | actor | US | |
Geary, Reggie (*Aug 31, 1973) | basketball player | US | |
Gebauer, Jan (*Oct 8, 1838) | actor | CZ | |
Gebauer, Kurt (*1941) | sculptor | CZ | |
Gebauer, Ulrich (*Jan 28, 1956) | actor | DE | |
Gebel, Mark (*Aug 17, 1970) | US | ||
Gebel, Sigrid (*Sep 8, 1943) | DE | ||
Gebel, Tina (*Nov 16, 1962) | DE | ||
Gebel-Williams, Gunther
(*Sep 12, 1934) |
PL | ||
Gebhardt, Evelyne (*Jan 19, 1954) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | FR | |
Gébová, Daniela (*1964) | director | CZ | |
Gebrian, Adam (*1979) | architect | CZ | |
Gebrsellasie, Haile (*Apr 18, 1973) | athlete, sprinter | ET | |
Gebser, Jean (*Aug 20, 1905) | poet | PL | |
Gebski, Józef (*May 30, 1939) | director | XX | |
Gebuehr, Otto (*May 29, 1887) | actor | DE | |
Géc, Ján (*May 29, 1929) | actor | XX | |
Gecko, Seth (*Oct 19, 1969) | actor | US | |
Gecov, Marcel (*1988) | soccer player | CZ | |
Geddes, Jim (*Mar 23, 1949) | athlete | US | |
Gedeck, Martina (*Sep 14, 1961) | actress | DE | |
Gedeon, Elmer (*Apr 15, 1917) | baseball player | US | |
Gedeon, Patrik (*1975) | soccer player | CZ | |
Gedeon, Saša (*1970) | director | CZ | |
Gederlini, Giordano (*Feb 10, 1971) | director | CL | |
Gedevanishvili, Shalva
(*Feb 23, 1897) |
GE | ||
Gedevanishvili, Elene (*Jan 7, 1990) | figure skater | GE | |
Gedlek, Pawel (*Jun 24, 1969) | actor | PL | |
Gedmintas, Ruta (*Aug 23, 1983) | actress | LT | |
Gedrick, Jason (*Feb 7, 1965) | actor | US | |
Gee, Dustin (*Jun 24, 1942) | GB | ||
Gee, Franky (*Feb 19, 1962) | singer | CU | |
Gee, Grant (*Oct 24, 1964) | director, cameraman | GB | |
Gee, Isis (*Oct 11, 1972) | singer | US | |
Gee, Robbie (*Mar 24, 1970) | actor, scriptwriter | XX | |
Gee-Dare, Vikki (*Nov 29, 1957) | actress | GB | |
Geelen, Harrie (*Jan 10, 1939) | director | NL | |
Geens, Jos (*Aug 20, 1951) | BE | ||
Geer, Ellen (*Aug 29, 1941) | actress, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Geer, Will (*Mar 9, 1902) | actor | US | |
Geeraerts, Jef (*Feb 23, 1930) | writer | BE | |
Geere, Chris (*Mar 18, 1981) | actor | GB | |
Geesin, Ron (*Dec 17, 1943) | composer, singer | GB | |
Geesink, Antonius (*Apr 6, 1934) | judo fighter | NL | |
Geeson, Judy (*Sep 10, 1948) | actress | GB | |
Geeson, Sally (*Jun 23, 1950) | actress | GB | |
Geffen, David (*Feb 21, 1943) | businessman | US | |
Geffroy, Gustave (*Jun 1, 1855) | writer | FR | |
Geffroy, Isabelle (*May 1, 1980) | singer | FR | |
Gegia, (*Jul 16, 1959) | singer, actress | IT | |
Gehlen, Johanna-Christine
(*May 11, 1970) |
actress | DE | |
Gehlen, Reinhard (*Apr 3, 1902) | general | DE | |
Gehr, Ernie (*Jul 20, 1943) | director | US | |
Gehret, Jean (*Jan 10, 1900) | actor, director | CH | |
Gehrke, Klaus (*May 27, 1939) | actor | DE | |
Gehrt, Chris (*Jul 7, 1977) | US | ||
Gehry, Frank (*Feb 28, 1929) | US - Canadian architect | CA | |
Gei, Renato (*Feb 8, 1921) | soccer player | IT | |
Geibel, Emanuel (*Oct 18, 1815) | writer | DE | |
Geiberger, Al (*Sep 1, 1937) | golfer | US | |
Geier, Jens (*Jun 22, 1961) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | DE | |
Geier, Philip H. (*Feb 22, 1935) | US | ||
Geiger, Andreas (*Dec 4, 1969) | director, scriptwriter | DE | |
Geiger, Hans (*Sep 30, 1882) | physicist | DE | |
Geiger, Jennifer (*Sep 12, 1990) | actress | CA | |
Geiger, Matt (*Sep 10, 1969) | basketball player | US | |
Geiger, Rudolf (*Aug 24, 1894) | DE | ||
Geiger, Teddy (*Sep 16, 1988) | singer, actor | US | |
Geiger, Zbigniew (*Sep 13, 1939) | actor | PL | |
Geijerstam, Claes af (*Feb 6, 1946) | actor, composer | SE | |
Geijeses, Geppy (*Oct 7, 1954) | IT | ||
Gein, Ed (*Aug 27, 1906) | serial killer, cannibal, necrophiliac | US | |
Geis, Lawrence Raymond
(*Jul 14, 1916) |
US | ||
Geišberg, Marek (*1982) | actor | SK | |
Geisberg, Marián Geišberg (*Dec 23, 1953) | writer, actor | SK | |
Geiser, Linda (*May 13, 1935) | XX | ||
Geiser, William (*Jun 28, 1944) | US | ||
Geisler, Hans (*Oct 12, 1910) | astrologer, writer | DE | |
Geislerová, Aňa (*1976) | actress | CZ | |
Geislerová, Lela (*1975) | singer, artist | CZ | |
Geislerová, Ester (*1984) | actress, model, artist | CZ | |
Geislerová, Eva (*Sep 14, 1935) | actress | CZ | |
Geislerová, Zuzana (*1952) | actress | CZ | |
Geismar, Alain (*Jul 17, 1939) | activist | FR | |
Geissendörfer, Hans W.
(*Apr 6, 1941) |
actor, director, scriptwriter | DE | |
Geissler, Horst Wolfram
(*Jun 30, 1893) |
writer | DE | |
Geitel, Jon Jon (*Jan 16, 1990) | actor | FI | |
Geithner, Aura Cristina
(*Mar 9, 1967) |
actress, twin | CO | |
Geithner, Harry (*Mar 9, 1967) | actor, twin | CO | |
Gejdoš Jr., Pavol (*1958) | director, actor | SK | |
Gejdos, Palo (*Aug 13, 1924) | director | CE | |
Gel, František (*Sep 18, 1901) | writer, journalist, translator | CZ | |
Gelb, David (*Oct 16, 1983) | director, actor | US | |
Gelb, Richard L. (*Jun 8, 1924) | US | ||
Gelbart, Larry (*Feb 25, 1928) | writer, actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Gelber, Jack (*Apr 12, 1932) | actor | US | |
Geldart, Ed (*May 7, 1925) | actor | US | |
Geldof, Bob (*Oct 5, 1951) | actor | IE | |
Geldof, Peaches (*Mar 13, 1989) | actress, model | GB | |
Gelfan, Corinne (*Feb 13, 1942) | singer, actress | US | |
Gelfand, Boris (*Jun 24, 1968) | BY | ||
Gélin, Daniel (*May 19, 1921) | actor | FR | |
Gelhorn, Martha (*Nov 8, 1908) | novelist, travel writer, journalist, the third wife of Ernest Hemingway | US | |
Gélin, Fiona (*May 22, 1962) | actress | FR | |
Gélin, Hugo (*May 4, 1980) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Gélin, Xavier (*Jun 21, 1946) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Gélinas, Isabelle (*Oct 13, 1963) | actress | CA | |
Geljo, Jasmin (*Sep 18, 1959) | actor | BA | |
Gelkin, David (*Aug 6, 1976) | actor | DE | |
Gell-Mann, Murray (*Sep 15, 1929) | physicist | US | |
Gellar, Sarah Michelle
(*Apr 14, 1977) |
actress | US | |
Geller, Emmanuil (*Aug 8, 1898) | UA | ||
Geller, Bruce (*Oct 13, 1930) | director, actor | US | |
Geller, Uri (*Dec 20, 1946) | IL | ||
Gellert, Christian (*Jul 4, 1715) | poet | DE | |
Gellhorn, Martha (*Nov 8, 1908) | journalist | US | |
Gelli, Licio (*Apr 21, 1919) | IT | ||
Gellman, Yani (*Sep 2, 1985) | actor | US | |
Gellner, František (*Jun 19, 1881) | writer, painter, poet | CZ | |
Gelman, Jamie (*Apr 18, 2001) | US | ||
Gelnar, Michal (*1945) | actor | CZ | |
Gelner, Bartosz (*Apr 25, 1988) | actor | XX | |
Gelovani, Micheil (*Jan 6, 1893) | actor, director | TW | |
Geloven, Christianus (*Apr 18, 1945) | murderer | NL | |
Geluck, Philippe (*May 7, 1954) | BE | ||
Gemma, Giuliano (*Sep 2, 1938) | actor | IT | |
Gémier, Firmin (*Feb 21, 1869) | actor | FR | |
Gemmell, Alan Robertson
(*May 10, 1913) |
GB | ||
Gemmell, David (*Aug 1, 1948) | writer | GB | |
Gempart, Michael (*Apr 21, 1941) | actor | CH | |
Gempp, Walter (*Sep 13, 1878) | DE | ||
Gemser, Laura (*Oct 5, 1950) | actress, model, designer | ID | |
Gen Paul, (*Jul 2, 1895) | painter | FR | |
Genay, Sait (*Mar 20, 1953) | TR | ||
Genç, Fatma (*Nov 24, 1988) | actress | NL | |
Gence, Denise (*Mar 8, 1924) | actress | FR | |
Genda, Tesshô (*May 20, 1948) | JP | ||
Genchev, Gencho (*Feb 27, 1927) | director | BG | |
Genda, Marina (*Jan 9, 1989) | singer | XX | |
Gendelshtein, Albert (*Apr 4, 1906) | director | XX | |
Gendera, Teodor (*Apr 19, 1925) | actor | PL | |
Gendron, François-Eric
(*Mar 15, 1954) |
actor | FR | |
Gendron, Maurice (*Dec 26, 1920) | FR | ||
Gené, Marc (*Mar 29, 1974) | F1 racing driver | ES | |
Genée, Heidi (*Oct 22, 1938) | actress, director | DE | |
Genee, Wilfred (*Jun 27, 1967) | actor | NL | |
Genemans, Ewout (*Feb 7, 1985) | XX | ||
Génès, Henri (*Jul 2, 1919) | actor | FR | |
Genesse, Bryan (*Mar 20, 1964) | actor | CA | |
Genest, Véronique (*Jun 26, 1956) | actress | FR | |
Genet, Jean (*Dec 19, 1910) | writer | FR | |
Genet, Michael (*Aug 25, 1958) | actor | US | |
Genevay, Paul (*Jan 21, 1939) | FR | ||
Genevoix, Maurice (*Nov 29, 1890) | writer | FR | |
Geney, Frank (*May 22, 1979) | actor | DE | |
Geng, Han (*Feb 9, 1984) | singer, actor, dancer | CN | |
Gengel, Britney (*Jan 21, 1990) | US | ||
Gengel, Ladislav (*1981) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Génia, Claude (*Mar 4, 1913) | actress | RU | |
Géniat, Gilberte (*Feb 17, 1916) | FR | ||
Génin, René (*Jan 25, 1890) | actor | FR | |
Genina, Augusto (*Jan 28, 1892) | director | IT | |
Genn, Leo (*Aug 9, 1905) | actor | GB | |
Gennari, Lina (*Mar 22, 1911) | actress | IT | |
Gennaro, Peter (*Nov 23, 1919) | actor | US | |
Gennes, Pierre-Gilles de
(*Oct 24, 1932) |
physicist | FR | |
Genoni, Gianluca (*Jul 5, 1968) | IT | ||
Genovese, Paolo (*Aug 20, 1966) | director, scriptwriter | IT | |
Genovese, Vito (*Nov 21, 1897) | IT | ||
Genoway, Colby (*Dec 12, 1983) | ice hockey player | CA | |
Gens, Xavier (*Apr 27, 1975) | director, actor | FR | |
Gensac, Claude (*Mar 1, 1927) | actress | FR | |
Genscher, Hans-Dietrich
(*Mar 20, 1927) |
politician | DE | |
Genschow, Fritz (*May 15, 1905) | actor, director | DE | |
Genske, Margarete (*Apr 13, 1918) | actress | DE | |
Genta, Mario (*Mar 1, 1912) | soccer player | IT | |
Gentele, Goren (*Sep 20, 1917) | actor, director | SE | |
Genther, Ryan (*Mar 4, 1991) | actor | US | |
Gentil, Didier (*Dec 12, 1963) | FR | ||
Gentile, Brett (*Sep 15, 1973) | actor | NL | |
Gentile, Giovanni (*May 29, 1875) | philosopher | IT | |
Gentile, Troy (*Oct 27, 1993) | actor | XX | |
Gentilini, Franco (*Aug 4, 1909) | painter | IT | |
Gentilli, Olga Vittoria
(*Jul 19, 1888) |
actress | IT | |
Gentilomo, Giacomo (*Apr 5, 1909) | director, scriptwriter | IT | |
Gentle, Lili (*Mar 4, 1940) | US | ||
Gently, Soffia (*1979) | actress | CE | |
Gento, Francisco (*Oct 21, 1933) | soccer player | IT | |
Gentry, Alvin (*Nov 5, 1954) | basketball player | US | |
Gentry, Jacob (*Apr 5, 1977) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Gentry, Robert (*Sep 29, 1940) | actor | US | |
Gentvilas, Eugenijus (*Mar 14, 1960) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | LT | |
Gentzen, Horst (*Mar 14, 1930) | actor | DE | |
Genuit, Hans (*Nov 27, 1904) | astrologer | DE | |
Geny, Francois (*Dec 17, 1861) | FR | ||
Genz, Henrik Ruben (*Nov 7, 1959) | director, scriptwriter | DK | |
Genzel, Carrie (*Sep 18, 1971) | actress | CA | |
Genzer, Richard (*1966) | actor, presenter | CZ | |
Genzerová, Viktorie (*2001) | actress, singer | CZ | |
Geoffreys, Stephen (*Nov 22, 1964) | actor | US | |
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