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Celebrities - Surname "G" (4659)
Geoghegan, Ted (*Aug 10, 1979) | actor | US | |
Georg, Konrad (*Dec 25, 1914) | actor | DE | |
George, Götz (*Jul 23, 1938) | actor | DE | |
George, Jason (*Feb 9, 1972) | actor | US | |
George, Brian (*Jul 1, 1952) | actor | IL | |
George, Britt (*Oct 17, 1971) | actor | US | |
George, Chief Dan (*Jul 24, 1899) | actor | CA | |
George, Christopher (*Feb 25, 1929) | actor | US | |
George, Demetra (*Jul 25, 1946) | astrologer | US | |
George, Dona Lynn (*May 14, 1950) | writer | US | |
George, Eddie (*Sep 24, 1973) | actor | US | |
George, Gladys (*Sep 13, 1900) | actress | US | |
George, Grace (*Dec 25, 1879) | actress | US | |
George, Heinrich (*Oct 9, 1893) | actor | DE | |
George, Henry (*Sep 2, 1839) | US | ||
George, Jarvis W. (*Dec 8, 1976) | actor | US | |
George, Jennie (*Aug 20, 1947) | politician | IT | |
George, L. (*Jul 31, 1907) | director | RU | |
George, Llewellyn (*Aug 17, 1876) | astrologer | GB | |
George, Lucien (*Feb 13, 1961) | actor | US | |
George, Max (*Sep 6, 1988) | composer, bassist, singer | GB | |
George, Melissa (*Aug 6, 1976) | actress | AU | |
George, Nelson (*Sep 1, 1957) | director, actor | US | |
George, Peter (*Mar 26, 1924) | writer, scriptwriter | GB | |
George, Phyllis (*Jun 25, 1949) | actress | US | |
George, Screaming Mad (*Jan 7, 1956) | director | JP | |
George, Stefan Anton (*Jul 12, 1868) | writer, poet | DE | |
George, Susan (*Jul 26, 1950) | actress | GB | |
George, Terry (*Dec 20, 1952) | director, scriptwriter | GB | |
George, Wally (*Dec 4, 1931) | XX | ||
George Alan O'Dowd, Boy
(*Jun 14, 1961) |
singer, actor | GB | |
George V, King (*Jun 3, 1865) | King of the United Kingdom UK and Indian emperor | GB | |
George VI, King (*Dec 14, 1895) | King of the United Kingdom | GB | |
Georges, Alexandre (*Feb 25, 1850) | conductor, composer | FR | |
George of Cambridge, Prince
(*Jul 22, 2013) |
son of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge | GB | |
Georges, Alphonse Joseph
(*Aug 19, 1875) |
general | FR | |
Georges, Guy (*Oct 15, 1962) | serial killer | FR | |
Georges, John A. (*Feb 24, 1931) | chemist | US | |
Georges-Picot, Olga (*Jan 6, 1940) | actress | CN | |
Georgescu, Jean (*Feb 12, 1901) | director, actor | RO | |
Georgescu, Lucian (*May 19, 1967) | director, scriptwriter | XX | |
Georgeson, Tom (*Aug 8, 1937) | actor | GB | |
Georgi, Klaus (*Oct 22, 1925) | director | DE | |
Georgi, Susanne (*Jul 27, 1976) | singer | DK | |
Georgiades, Evan (*May 21, 1968) | actor | CA | |
Georgiades, Mélanie (*Jul 25, 1980) | singer | CY | |
Georgiadis, Vasilis (*Aug 12, 1921) | director, actor | TR | |
Georgian, Linda M. (*Oct 23, 1945) | US | ||
Georgiev, Adam (*1980) | poet, novelist | CZ | |
Georgiev, Vladislav (*1962) | actor | CZ | |
Georgijevna Gundareva, Natalya
(*Aug 28, 1948) |
actress | RU | |
Georgiou, Georgios (*Apr 15, 1936) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | GR | |
Georgiyev, Viktor (*Jan 8, 1937) | director | CP | |
Georgoulis, Alexis (*Oct 6, 1974) | actor | GR | |
Gephardt, Richard A. (*Jan 31, 1941) | politician | US | |
Gephart, Fred (*May 26, 1921) | US | ||
Geprtová, Libuše (*Dec 21, 1941) | actress | CZ | |
Gera, Zoltán (*Aug 19, 1923) | actor | HU | |
Geraedts, Eddy (*Dec 2, 1955) | dancer | NL | |
Geraghty, Brian (*May 13, 1975) | actor | US | |
Geraghty, Carmelita (*Mar 21, 1901) | actress | US | |
Geragos, Mark (*Oct 5, 1957) | US | ||
Gérard, Charles (*Dec 1, 1926) | actor | FR | |
Gerard, Gil (*Jan 23, 1943) | actor | US | |
Gérard, Jo (*Apr 29, 1919) | writer | BE | |
Gérard, Michel (*Apr 28, 1933) | director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Gerard, Nikolaj Nikolajevič
(*Sep 3, 1838) |
actor | BY | |
Gerard, Roger (*Mar 14, 1944) | FR | ||
Gerard, Tara (*Aug 19, 1981) | actress | US | |
Gerasch, Alfred (*Aug 17, 1877) | actor | DE | |
Gerasimov, Sergei (*May 21, 1906) | actor, director, scriptwriter | XX | |
Gerasimov, Aleksandr (*Mar 10, 1966) | director | XX | |
Gerasimov, Yevgeni (*Feb 25, 1951) | actor, director | RU | |
Gerasimovich, Alexa (*Apr 11, 2002) | actress | US | |
Gerat, Jasmin (*Dec 25, 1978) | actress | DE | |
Geray, Steven (*Nov 10, 1904) | actor | XX | |
Gerbeaux, Jacky (*Mar 28, 1935) | FR | ||
Gerber, David (*Jul 25, 1923) | actor | US | |
Gerber, Ellie (*Apr 19, 1985) | actress | US | |
Gerber, Michael (*Feb 10, 1943) | actor | DE | |
Gerber, Presley Walker
(*Jul 2, 1999) |
US | ||
Gerbrandt, Gary (*Oct 24, 1992) | actor | CA | |
Gercke, Lena (*Feb 29, 1988) | model | DE | |
Gerdes, Emily (*Dec 29, 1890) | US | ||
Gere, Ashlyn (*Sep 14, 1959) | actress, director | US | |
Gere, David (*Feb 15, 1975) | actor | US | |
Gere, Richard (*Aug 31, 1949) | actor | US | |
Geremek, Bronisław (*Mar 6, 1932) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | PL | |
Gerena, Victor (*Jun 24, 1958) | US | ||
Gerendáš, Ladislav (*1946) | musician, actor | CZ | |
Géret, Georges (*Oct 18, 1924) | actor | FR | |
Gerety, Peter (*May 17, 1940) | actor | US | |
Gergely, Pamela Lynn (*Oct 13, 1957) | US | ||
Gergiev, Valery (*May 2, 1953) | director, actor | RU | |
Gerhard, Adele (*Jun 8, 1868) | writer | DE | |
Gerhard, Lars (*May 5, 1969) | actor | DE | |
Gerhardie, William (*Nov 21, 1895) | writer | RU | |
Gerhardt, Charles (*Aug 21, 1816) | chemist | FR | |
Gerhardt, Dana (*Nov 25, 1953) | astrologer | US | |
Gerhardt, Kathryn (*Apr 3, 1969) | XX | ||
Gerhardt, Sonja (*Apr 2, 1989) | actress | DE | |
Gerhardt, Tom (*Dec 12, 1957) | actor, director | DE | |
Gerhartsreiter, Christian
(*Feb 21, 1961) |
murderer | DE | |
Gerima, Haile (*Mar 4, 1946) | director, actor | ET | |
Gering, Galen (*Feb 13, 1971) | actor | US | |
Gering, Marion (*Jun 9, 1901) | director | RU | |
Geringer de Oedenberg, Lidia Joanna Geringer De
(*Sep 12, 1957) |
Member of the European Parliament, MEP | PL | |
Gerini, Claudia (*Dec 18, 1971) | actress | IT | |
Gerlach, Walther (*Aug 1, 1889) | physicist | DE | |
Gerlier, Pierre (*Jan 14, 1880) | priest | FR | |
Gerlová, Jarmila (*1943) | actress, singer | CZ | |
Germain, Anna-Maria (*Aug 15, 1953) | CA | ||
Germain, Paul (*Jun 6, 1959) | US | ||
Germaine, Mary (*Mar 28, 1933) | GB | ||
German, Aleksey (*Jul 20, 1938) | director, actor | RU | |
German, Lauren (*Nov 29, 1978) | actress | US | |
German Jr., Aleksey (*Sep 4, 1976) | director | RU | |
Germani, Gaia (*Aug 30, 1942) | actress | IT | |
Germann, Greg (*Feb 26, 1958) | actor, director | US | |
Germano, Elio (*Sep 25, 1980) | actor | IT | |
Germanotta, Natali (*Mar 10, 1992) | model | US | |
Germar, Manfred (*Mar 10, 1935) | sprinter | DE | |
Germenos, Omar (*Jun 17, 1968) | actor | MX | |
Germi, Pietro (*Sep 14, 1914) | director, actor | IT | |
Gernandt, Tygo (*Apr 7, 1974) | actor | NL | |
Gernhard, Andrew (*Jan 30, 1977) | director | US | |
Gernsback, Hugo (*Aug 16, 1884) | writer | LU | |
Gero, Martin (*Jul 6, 1977) | director, scriptwriter | CH | |
Geroldová, Šárka (*1995) | singer | CZ | |
Gérôme, Jean-Léon (*May 11, 1824) | painter, sculptor | FR | |
Gérôme, Raymond Gerôme (*May 17, 1920) | actor | BE | |
Geronimi, Clyde (*Jun 12, 1901) | director | IT | |
Geronimo, (*Jun 16, 1829) | Apache leader, medicine man, shaman | MX | |
Gerosa, Carlo Ruggero (*Nov 30, 1964) | skier | IT | |
Gerová, Eva (*Mar 4, 1920) | actress | CZ | |
Gerová, Irena (*Jun 23, 1949) | director | CZ | |
Gerra, Laurent (*Dec 29, 1967) | actor | FR | |
Gerrard, Lisa (*Apr 12, 1961) | musician, singer, composer, co-founder of the group Dead Can Dance | AU | |
Gerrard, Gene (*Aug 31, 1892) | actor, director | GB | |
Gerrard, Steven (*May 30, 1980) | soccer player | GB | |
Gerrish, Frank (*Mar 14, 1963) | actor | US | |
Gerrits, Tommy (*Dec 14, 1997) | actor | US | |
Gerritsen, Tess (*Jun 12, 1953) | writer, doctor | US | |
Gerroll, Daniel (*Oct 16, 1951) | actor | GB | |
Gerron, Kurt (*May 11, 1897) | actor, director | DE | |
Gerschtanowitz, Winston
(*Oct 2, 1976) |
actor | NL | |
Gershe, Leonard (*Jun 12, 1922) | director | US | |
Gershenson, Joseph (*Jan 12, 1904) | CP | ||
Gershon, Gina (*Jun 10, 1962) | actress | US | |
Gershuny, Theodore (*Oct 30, 1933) | director, actor | XX | |
Gershwin, George (*Sep 26, 1898) | actor, composer | US | |
Gershwin, Ira (*Dec 6, 1896) | composer | US | |
Gershwin Godowsky, Frances
(*Dec 26, 1906) |
actress | US | |
Gerson, Betty Lou (*Apr 20, 1914) | actress | US | |
Gerstacker, Carl Allen
(*Aug 6, 1916) |
chemist | US | |
Gerst, Alexandr (*May 3, 1976) | European astronaut and geophysicist | DE | |
Gerstein, Kurt (*Aug 11, 1905) | DE | ||
Gerstein, Mordecai (*Nov 24, 1935) | writer | US | |
Gerstel, Martin S. (*Jun 26, 1941) | US | ||
Gerstell, Frederick (*Feb 6, 1938) | US | ||
Gersten, Bernard (*Jan 30, 1923) | US | ||
Gerszt-Mostowicz, Grzegorz
(*Aug 28, 1966) |
actor | PL | |
Gert, Valeska (*Jan 11, 1892) | actress | DE | |
Gertler, Viktor (*Aug 24, 1901) | director, actor | HU | |
Gertrúdix, Andrés (*Feb 4, 1977) | ES | ||
Gertten, Fredrik (*Apr 3, 1956) | director, actor | SE | |
Gertz, Jami (*Oct 28, 1965) | actress | US | |
Gerulaitis, Vitas (*Jul 26, 1954) | tennis player | US | |
Gervai, František (*May 2, 1922) | actor | XX | |
Gervais, Ricky (*Jun 25, 1961) | actor, director | GB | |
Gervin, George (*Apr 27, 1952) | basketball player | US | |
Gervinho, (*May 27, 1987) | soccer player | CI | |
Gervy, Yseult (*Jan 20, 1979) | swimmer | BE | |
Gerwig, Greta (*Aug 4, 1983) | actress, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Geržová, Nicol (*1990) | model | CZ | |
Geschonneck, Erwin (*Dec 27, 1906) | actor | PL | |
Geschonneck, Matti (*May 8, 1952) | director, actor | DE | |
Geslain, Didier (*Sep 14, 1940) | astrologer | FR | |
Gesiotto, Madison (*Mar 20, 1992) | commentator, columnist, figure skater, model, beauty queen | US | |
Gesler, Lili (*Oct 22, 1980) | actress | HU | |
Gesner, Zen (*Jun 23, 1970) | actor | US | |
Gesovski, Dimitar (*Sep 14, 1928) | actor | MK | |
Gessle, Per (*Jan 12, 1959) | singer | SE | |
Gessner, Hubert (*Oct 20, 1871) | architect | CZ | |
Gessner, Nicolas (*Aug 17, 1931) | director, scriptwriter | HU | |
Gest, David (*May 11, 1953) | scriptwriter | US | |
Gestrin, Kristian (*Apr 10, 1929) | actor | FI | |
Gestsson, Pálmi (*Oct 2, 1957) | actor | IS | |
Gethers, Steve (*Jun 8, 1922) | director, actor | US | |
Gets, Malcolm (*Dec 28, 1964) | actor | US | |
Gettinger, Benjamin (*Sep 8, 1983) | actor | US | |
Gettinger, Diana (*Jul 27, 1976) | actress, model | US | |
Getto, Almut (*Apr 3, 1964) | director | DE | |
Getty, Balthazar (*Jan 22, 1975) | actor | US | |
Getty, Estelle (*Jul 25, 1923) | actress | US | |
Getty, George Franklin
(*Jul 9, 1924) |
US | ||
Getty, Gordon (*Dec 20, 1933) | composer | US | |
Getty, J. Paul (*Dec 15, 1892) | US | ||
Getty, Timothy (*Jun 14, 1946) | US | ||
Getz, John (*Oct 15, 1946) | actor | US | |
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