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Celebrities - Surname "G" (4659)
Grigsby, Michael (*Jun 7, 1936) | director | GB | |
Grigson, Geoffrey (*Mar 2, 1905) | writer, poet | GB | |
Grigson, Jane (*Mar 13, 1928) | cook | GB | |
grigson, sophie (*Jun 19, 1959) | children of celebrity, cook | GB | |
Grillet, Pierre (*Mar 21, 1932) | soccer player | FR | |
Grilli, Chiara (*Jan 16, 1979) | musician, singer | IT | |
Grillo, Beppe (*Jul 21, 1948) | actor | IT | |
Grillo, Frank (*Jun 8, 1963) | actor | US | |
Grillo-Marxuach, Javier
(*Oct 28, 1969) |
director, scriptwriter | PR | |
Grillparzer, Franz (*Jan 15, 1791) | writer | AT | |
Grim, Jiří (*1960) | writer | CZ | |
Grim, Staci (*Jun 17, 1985) | guitarist, singer | US | |
Grimal, Pierre (*Nov 21, 1912) | writer | FR | |
Grimaldi, Alberto (*Mar 28, 1925) | actor | IT | |
Grimaldi, Antonello (*Aug 14, 1955) | director, actor | IT | |
Grimaldi, Camille (*Jul 15, 1998) | MC | ||
Grimaldi, Eva (*Sep 7, 1961) | actress, model | IT | |
Grimaldi, Giovanni (*Nov 14, 1917) | director, actor | IT | |
Grimaldi, Jazmin Grace
(*Mar 4, 1992) |
US | ||
Grimaldi, Rainier III.
(*May 31, 1923) |
XX | ||
Grimaldi, Sophie (*Jun 14, 1936) | actress | FR | |
Grimaud, Hélène (*Nov 7, 1969) | FR | ||
Grimaudo, Nicole (*Apr 22, 1980) | actress | IT | |
Grimault, Paul (*Mar 23, 1905) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Grimaux, Edouard (*Jul 3, 1835) | chemist | FR | |
Grimberg, Margareta (*Sep 24, 1923) | actress | DE | |
Grimblat, Pierre (*Jul 8, 1922) | director, actor | FR | |
Grimes, Edward (*Oct 16, 1991) | singer | IE | |
Grimes, Gary (*Jun 2, 1955) | actor | US | |
Grimes, John (*Oct 16, 1991) | singer | IE | |
Grimes, Luke (*Jan 21, 1984) | actor | US | |
Grimes, Oscar (*Apr 14, 1915) | baseball player | US | |
Grimes, Scott (*Jul 9, 1971) | actor, singer | US | |
Grimes, Shenae (*Oct 24, 1989) | actress | CA | |
Grimes, Tammy (*Jan 30, 1934) | actress | US | |
Grimm, Jacob (*Jan 4, 1785) | lawyer, linguist, collector of legends and fairy tales | DE | |
Grimm, Wilhelm (*Feb 24, 1786) | collector of fairy tales, linguist | DE | |
Grimm, Alfred Max (*Feb 4, 1892) | astrologer | DE | |
Grimm, Cora Sabrina (*Oct 10, 1979) | DE | ||
Grimm, Hubertus (*Jan 8, 1980) | actor | TZ | |
Grimm, Petr (*1986) | actor | CZ | |
Grimmer, Frank (*Aug 8, 1886) | actor | US | |
Grimmie, Christina (*Mar 12, 1994) | singer | US | |
Grimonprez, Félix (*Jun 30, 1910) | ice hockey player | FR | |
Grimshaw, Nicholas (*Oct 9, 1939) | architect | GB | |
Grinberg, Anouk (*Mar 20, 1963) | actress | BE | |
Grinde, Nick (*Jan 12, 1893) | director | US | |
Grinham, Judy (*Mar 5, 1939) | GB | ||
Grinko, Nikolay (*May 22, 1920) | actor | UA | |
Grinstein, Gerald (*Jun 26, 1932) | US | ||
Grint, Rupert (*Aug 24, 1988) | actor | GB | |
Gripp, Harry (*Nov 20, 1885) | actor | US | |
Grippando, James (*Jan 17, 1958) | writer, lawyer | US | |
Gris, Juan (*Mar 23, 1887) | painter, sculptor | ES | |
Grisa, Miro (*1947) | actor | SK | |
Grisaffi, Joe (*Jul 19, 1968) | actor, director | US | |
Grisanti, Eugene (*Oct 24, 1929) | lawyer | US | |
Griscom, Chris (*Jun 3, 1942) | writer | US | |
Grisebach, Valeska (*Jan 4, 1968) | director | DE | |
Grishaeva, Nonna (*Jul 21, 1971) | actress | CP | |
Grisham, John (*Feb 8, 1955) | writer, scriptwriter | US | |
Grishina, Irina (*Aug 14, 1953) | actress | XX | |
Grishina, Rina (*Aug 16, 1987) | actress | CP | |
Grishuk, Oksana (*Mar 17, 1972) | figure skater | UA | |
Grishuk, Pasha (*Mar 17, 1972) | UA | ||
Grisman, David (*Mar 23, 1945) | actor | US | |
Grisman, Gillian (*Oct 20, 1969) | director | US | |
Griso, Susanna (*Oct 8, 1969) | actress | ES | |
Grisolli, Paulo Afonso
(*May 17, 1934) |
BR | ||
Grisoni, Tony (*Oct 28, 1952) | actor, scriptwriter | GB | |
Grissell, Wallace (*Sep 3, 1904) | GB | ||
Grissom, Chet (*Jan 27, 1965) | actor | US | |
Grissom, Gus (*Apr 3, 1926) | astronaut | US | |
Grissom, Marquis (*Apr 17, 1967) | baseball player | US | |
Grissová, Hana Anna (*Nov 18, 1921) | actress | SK | |
Gritsenko, Nikolai (*Jul 24, 1912) | actor | UA | |
Gritz, Bo (*Jan 18, 1939) | US | ||
Grives, Steven (*Mar 16, 1951) | actor | GB | |
Grizzard, George (*Apr 1, 1928) | actor | US | |
Grlić, Rajko (*Sep 2, 1947) | director, actor | HR | |
Groat, Richard (*Nov 4, 1930) | athlete | US | |
Groban, Josh (*Feb 27, 1981) | composer, singer, actor | US | |
Grobet, Xavier Pérez (*Oct 13, 1964) | MX | ||
Grochal, Zbigniew (*Jun 3, 1944) | actor | PL | |
Grochoczynski, Tomasz (*Mar 26, 1948) | actor | PL | |
Grochowiak, Stanislaw (*Jan 24, 1934) | writer, scriptwriter | PL | |
Grochowska, Agnieszka (*Dec 31, 1979) | actress | PL | |
Grock, (*Jan 10, 1880) | composer, musician | CH | |
Grodecki, Wiktor (*Feb 25, 1960) | director, scriptwriter | PL | |
Grodénchik, Max (*Nov 12, 1966) | actor | US | |
Grodin, Charles (*Apr 21, 1935) | actor | US | |
Grodsky, Darren (*May 19, 1979) | director, actor | US | |
Grody, Heather (*Oct 18, 1971) | musician, singer | US | |
Grodzieńska, Stefania (*Sep 2, 1914) | writer, actress | PL | |
Grodzki, Witold (*Aug 12, 1905) | actor | PL | |
Groener, Harry (*Sep 10, 1951) | actor | DE | |
Groener, Wilhelm (*Nov 22, 1867) | general | DE | |
Groenevelt, Arie (*Jan 25, 1927) | NL | ||
Groening, Matt (*Feb 15, 1954) | cartoonist, writer, animator, voice actor, creator of the TV series The Simpsons and Futurama | US | |
Groetsch, Justin (*Aug 18, 1983) | actor | US | |
Groetschel, Inka Victoria
(*Aug 11, 1967) |
DE | ||
Grof, Stanislav (*1931) | psychiatrist, psychologist, co-founder of the field of transpersonal psychology | CZ | |
Grof, Jakub (*1981) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Grofé, Ferde (*Mar 27, 1892) | composer | US | |
Grofe Jr., Ferde (*Jul 3, 1930) | US | ||
Groff, Jonathan (*Mar 26, 1985) | singer, actor, scriptwriter | US | |
Groff, Nick (*Apr 19, 1980) | actor, director | US | |
Grogan, Clare (*Mar 17, 1962) | actress | GB | |
Grogan, John (*Mar 20, 1957) | writer, journalist | US | |
Grögerová, Bohumila (*1921) | journalist, translator | CZ | |
Grogger, Paula (*Jul 12, 1892) | writer | AT | |
Groh, David (*May 21, 1939) | actor | US | |
Grohl, Dave (*Jan 14, 1969) | musician, singer | US | |
Grohman, Pavel (*Apr 7, 1970) | drummer | CZ | |
Grokhovskaya, Ekaterina
(*Dec 2, 1971) |
actress, director | CP | |
Grolichová, Lucie (*Jan 26, 1978) | XX | ||
Grolicki, Stanislaw (*Feb 2, 1892) | actor | PL | |
Groll, Henriette L. L.
(*Feb 28, 1906) |
painter | FR | |
Gromadsky, Roman (*Dec 18, 1940) | actor | RU | |
Gromaire, Marcel (*Jul 24, 1892) | painter | FR | |
Groman, Bill (*Jul 17, 1936) | soccer player | US | |
Gromov, Andrej (*Jan 3, 1883) | actor, director | XX | |
Gromov, Viktor (*Mar 20, 1899) | director, actor | XX | |
Gromyko, Andrei (*Jul 18, 1909) | actor | BY | |
Gromyko, Olga (*Sep 14, 1978) | writer | UA | |
Grön, Eino (*Jan 31, 1939) | actor | FI | |
Gronchi, Giovanni (*Sep 10, 1887) | politician | IT | |
Grondin, Marc-André (*Mar 11, 1984) | actor | CA | |
Grondowy, Jacek (*Sep 10, 1970) | actor | PL | |
Grönebaum, Wolfgang (*Mar 14, 1927) | actor | CH | |
Grönefeld, Anna-Lena (*Jun 4, 1985) | tennis player | DE | |
Grönemeyer, Herbert (*Apr 12, 1956) | composer, singer | DE | |
Gröner, Lissy (*May 31, 1954) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | DE | |
Groniec, Katarzyna (*Feb 22, 1972) | actress | PL | |
Gröning, Philip (*Apr 7, 1959) | director, cameraman | DE | |
Gröning, Bruno (*May 30, 1906) | mystic, occultist | PL | |
Gronkowski, Stanislaw (*Jan 8, 1922) | actor | PL | |
Gronouski, John Austin
(*Oct 26, 1919) |
diplomat | US | |
Gronow, Pekka (*Nov 1, 1943) | actor | FI | |
Grönroos, Georg (*Sep 17, 1885) | actor | FI | |
Grönvall, Nanne (*May 18, 1962) | composer, singer, actress | SE | |
Grönvall, Peter (*Aug 20, 1963) | actor | XX | |
Grönvall, Ragnar (*Feb 28, 1901) | actor | FI | |
Groó, Diana (*Sep 10, 1973) | actress, director, scriptwriter | HU | |
Groo, Han (*May 29, 1992) | KR | ||
Groom, Sam (*Jun 13, 1938) | actor | US | |
Groome, Georgia (*Feb 11, 1992) | actress | GB | |
Groos, Wolfgang (*Apr 22, 1968) | director, actor | XX | |
Groot, Cor de (*Jul 7, 1914) | musician | NL | |
Groote, Matthias (*Oct 21, 1973) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | DE | |
Grootjans, Frans (*Jan 24, 1922) | politician | BE | |
Gropius, Walter (*May 18, 1883) | architect | DE | |
Groppi, James Edmund (*Nov 16, 1930) | priest | US | |
Grosbard, Ulu (*Jan 9, 1929) | director, actor | BE | |
Grosch, Mathieu (*Sep 14, 1950) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | BE | |
Groschopp, Richard (*Feb 19, 1906) | director | DE | |
Grošek, Michal (*1975) | ice hockey player | CZ | |
Grosjean, Romain (*Apr 17, 1986) | F1 racing driver | CH | |
Grosjean, Sébastien (*May 29, 1978) | tennis player | FR | |
Grospič, Stanislav (*1964) | politician | CZ | |
Grospiron, Edgar (*Mar 17, 1969) | skier | FR | |
Gross, Andrew (*Sep 30, 1969) | US | ||
Gross, Arye (*Mar 17, 1960) | actor, director | US | |
Gross, Bill H. (*Apr 13, 1944) | businessman | US | |
Gross, Halley Wegryn (*Dec 27, 1985) | US | ||
Gross, Hannah (*Sep 25, 1992) | actress | US | |
Gross, Jim (*Oct 9, 1936) | astrologer | US | |
Gross, Lance (*Jul 8, 1981) | actor | US | |
Gross, Mary (*Mar 25, 1953) | actress | US | |
Gross, Michael (*Jun 21, 1947) | actor | US | |
Gross, Natan (*Nov 16, 1919) | director | PL | |
Gross, Nikolaus (*Sep 30, 1898) | DE | ||
Gross, Paul (*Apr 30, 1959) | actor, scriptwriter | CA | |
Gross, Stanislav (*Oct 30, 1969) | politician, lawyer | CZ | |
Gross, Walter (*Feb 5, 1904) | actor | DE | |
Grossberg, Amy (*Jul 10, 1978) | US | ||
Grossberg-Peterson Baby,
(*Nov 12, 1996) |
US | ||
Grosse, Demetrius (*Feb 26, 1981) | actor | US | |
Grosse, Herwart (*Apr 17, 1908) | DE | ||
Grosse, Nina (*Aug 11, 1958) | actress, director, scriptwriter | DE | |
Grossen, Pauline (*Aug 25, 1996) | actress | BE | |
Grossetête, Françoise (*May 17, 1946) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | FR | |
Grossfeld, Norman J. (*Dec 15, 1963) | scriptwriter | US | |
Grossi, Pietro (*Apr 15, 1917) | composer | IT | |
Größing, Sigrid-Maria (*Jun 5, 1939) | writer | DE | |
Grossley, Geoff (*May 11, 1921) | F1 racing driver | GB | |
Grosslichtová, Marie (*Sep 22, 1886) | actress | CZ | |
Grosslichtová, Truda (*Feb 23, 1912) | actress | CZ | |
Grossman, Jackson (*Jan 3, 2011) | US | ||
Grossman, Naomi (*Feb 6, 1975) | actress, writer, producer | US | |
Grossman, Jan (*May 23, 1925) | director, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Grossman, Leslie (*Oct 25, 1971) | actress | US | |
Grossman, Michael Jay (*Feb 27, 1943) | US | ||
Grossman, Miloš (*Apr 22, 1921) | actor | XX | |
Grossman, Seth (*Sep 19, 1975) | director, actor | US | |
Grossman, Steve (*Feb 17, 1946) | politician | US | |
Grossman, Todd (*Jan 12, 1977) | actor, director, cameraman | US | |
Grossmann, Jiří (*Jul 20, 1941) | singer, actor | CZ | |
Grossmann, Bretislav (*May 12, 1893) | actor | CZ | |
Grossmann, Lothaire (*Feb 12, 1943) | FR | ||
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