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Celebrities - Surname "G" (4659)
Granik, Anatoli (*Mar 10, 1918) | director | RO | |
Granik, Debra (*Feb 6, 1963) | director | US | |
Granite, Burt (*Jan 29, 1925) | astrologer, writer, designer | US | |
Granlund, Majlis (*Mar 1, 1925) | FI | ||
Grann, David (*Mar 10, 1967) | writer, actor | US | |
Grann, Juhan af (*Dec 3, 1944) | director | FI | |
Gránský, David (*1992) | singer, actor | CZ | |
Grant, Ulysses S. (*Apr 27, 1822) | 18th President of the United States | US | |
Grant, Alan (*Feb 7, 1949) | writer | GB | |
Grant, Alexandra (*Apr 4, 1973) | artist | US | |
Grant, Allie (*Feb 14, 1994) | actress | US | |
Grant, Amy (*Nov 25, 1960) | singer | US | |
Grant, Angus (*Sep 13, 1931) | GB | ||
Grant, Barra (*Dec 24, 1948) | actress, director | US | |
Grant, Beth (*Sep 18, 1949) | actress | US | |
Grant, Brea (*Oct 16, 1981) | actress | US | |
Grant, Brian (*Mar 5, 1972) | basketball player | US | |
Grant, Cary (*Jan 18, 1904) | actor | GB | |
Grant, Catherine (*Apr 7, 1896) | astrologer | US | |
Grant, Charles (*Nov 29, 1957) | actor | US | |
Grant, Chris (*Dec 13, 1972) | soccer player | AU | |
Grant, Clare (*Aug 23, 1979) | actress, model | US | |
Grant, David Marshall (*Jun 21, 1955) | actor | US | |
Grant, Duncan (*Jan 21, 1885) | painter | GB | |
Grant, Eddy (*Mar 5, 1948) | composer, singer | GY | |
Grant, Ernest A. (*Jun 4, 1893) | astrologer | US | |
Grant, Faye (*Jul 16, 1957) | actress | US | |
Grant, Gary (*Apr 21, 1965) | basketball player | US | |
Grant, Gogi (*Sep 20, 1924) | singer | US | |
Grant, Harvey (*Jul 4, 1965) | athlete | US | |
Grant, Horace (*Jul 4, 1965) | US | ||
Grant, Hugh (*Sep 9, 1960) | actor | GB | |
Grant, James Edward (*Jul 2, 1905) | director | US | |
Grant, Jennifer (*Feb 26, 1966) | actress | US | |
Grant, Jerry (*Dec 31, 1936) | composer | US | |
Grant, Joan (*Apr 12, 1907) | physicist | GB | |
Grant, Joe (*May 15, 1908) | actor | US | |
Grant, Judith (*Apr 7, 1977) | actress | HU | |
Grant, Kate Jennings (*Mar 23, 1970) | actress | US | |
Grant, Kathryn (*Nov 25, 1933) | actress | US | |
Grant, Lee (*Oct 31, 1926) | actress, director | US | |
Grant, Marshall (*Jun 2, 1910) | US | ||
Grant, Natalie (*Dec 21, 1971) | singer | US | |
Grant, Paul (*Jan 6, 1974) | basketball player | US | |
Grant, Rachel (*Jan 1, 1977) | actress | PH | |
Grant, Rebecca (*Dec 11, 1968) | actress | US | |
Grant, Richard E. (*May 5, 1957) | actor | SZ | |
Grant, Rodney A. (*Mar 9, 1959) | actor | US | |
Grant, Russell (*Feb 5, 1951) | actor | GB | |
Grant, Stephanie (*Mar 12, 1970) | US | ||
Grant, Susannah (*Jan 4, 1963) | actress | US | |
Grant, Tiffany (*Oct 11, 1968) | actress | US | |
Grant, Travis (*Jan 29, 1988) | actor | US | |
Grant, Verne E. (*Oct 17, 1917) | US | ||
Grant, William T. (*May 13, 1950) | US | ||
Grant, Yankie (*May 24, 1953) | actress | US | |
Grantham, Leslie (*Apr 30, 1947) | actor | GB | |
Grantham, Lucy (*Oct 13, 1951) | actress | US | |
Granval, Berthe (*Apr 18, 1942) | actress | FR | |
Granville, Bonita (*Feb 2, 1923) | actress, director | US | |
Gränzer, Gabriela (*1989) | actress, model, dancer | CZ | |
Granzow, Alexander (*Apr 23, 1990) | actor | DE | |
Grapewin, Charley (*Dec 20, 1869) | US | ||
Grapey, Marc (*Apr 5, 1964) | actor | US | |
Grapow, Roland (*Aug 30, 1959) | actor | DE | |
Grappelli, Stéphane (*Jan 26, 1908) | musician | FR | |
Gras, Laurent (*May 3, 1965) | cook | FR | |
Grashaw, Vincent (*Jun 30, 1981) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Grashof, Christian (*Aug 5, 1943) | actor | DE | |
Grass, Günter (*Oct 16, 1927) | writer, graphic artist, sculptor | PL | |
Grass, Vincent (*Jan 9, 1949) | actor | BE | |
Grassby, Al (*Jul 12, 1926) | politician | AU | |
Grasse, Pierre Paul (*Nov 27, 1895) | writer | FR | |
Grasset, Claude Sosthene
(*Jun 6, 1828) |
writer | FR | |
Grasset, Pierre (*Oct 24, 1921) | actor, director | XX | |
Grasshoff, Paul (*Dec 20, 1969) | actor | DE | |
Grasshoff, Alexander (*Dec 10, 1928) | director | US | |
Grassi, Raymond (*May 4, 1930) | boxer | FR | |
Grässle, Ingeborg (*Feb 2, 1961) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | DE | |
Grate, Don (*Aug 27, 1923) | baseball player | US | |
Graton, Jean (*Aug 10, 1923) | writer | FR | |
Gratry, Auguste (*Mar 30, 1805) | priest | FR | |
Gratry, Joseph (*Mar 30, 1805) | priest, philosopher | FR | |
Gratton, Guido (*Sep 23, 1932) | soccer player | IT | |
Gratz, Leopold (*Nov 4, 1929) | politician | AT | |
Grau, Jorge (*Oct 27, 1930) | director, actor | ES | |
Grau i Segú, Martí (*Jun 26, 1972) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | ES | |
Grauba, Aigars (*Jan 19, 1965) | director | XX | |
Graudus, Konstantin (*Aug 4, 1965) | actor | DE | |
Grauman, Walter (*Mar 17, 1922) | director | US | |
Graunke, Kurt (*Sep 20, 1915) | composer, conductor | PL | |
Graupner, Ben (*Feb 7, 1986) | bassist, singer | US | |
Graupner, Gisela (*Jun 30, 1927) | actress | DE | |
Graupner, Gottlieb (*Oct 6, 1767) | composer | DE | |
Grausco, Nicola (*Apr 24, 1949) | IT | ||
Grava, Lino (*Mar 6, 1927) | soccer player | IT | |
Gravel, Cliff (*Mar 5, 1939) | actor | US | |
Gravel, Mike (*May 13, 1930) | politician | US | |
Gravelaine, Joëlle de (*Jan 12, 1929) | astrologer, author | FR | |
Gravenites, Nick (*Oct 2, 1938) | singer | US | |
Graver, Gary (*Jul 20, 1938) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Graves, Charles Patrick
(*Dec 1, 1899) |
writer | GB | |
Graves, Duane (*Oct 25, 1975) | director | US | |
Graves, John Woodcock (*Feb 9, 1795) | composer | GB | |
Graves, Michael (*Jul 9, 1934) | architect | US | |
Graves, Michale (*Mar 21, 1975) | bassist, singer, actor | US | |
Graves, Peter (*Mar 18, 1926) | actor, director | US | |
Graves, Ralph (*Jan 23, 1900) | actor, director | US | |
Graves, Robert (*Jul 24, 1895) | writer, poet | GB | |
Graves, Rupert (*Jun 30, 1963) | actor | GB | |
Graves, Teresa (*Jan 10, 1948) | US | ||
Graves, Tonya (*Dec 17, 1969) | actress, singer | US | |
Gravey, Fernand (*Dec 25, 1905) | actor | BE | |
Gravier, Charles (*Mar 4, 1895) | FR | ||
Gravina, Carla (*Aug 5, 1941) | actress | IT | |
Gravina, Pasquale (*May 1, 1970) | IT | ||
Gravina, Vanessa (*Jan 4, 1974) | actress | IT | |
Gravy, Claudia (*May 12, 1945) | actress | CD | |
Gray, Alex (*Nov 29, 1953) | artist | US | |
Gray, Alexander (*Jan 8, 1902) | XX | ||
Gray, Barry (*Jul 18, 1908) | composer | GB | |
Gray, Ben (*Aug 16, 1927) | US | ||
Gray, Bruce (*Sep 9, 1939) | actor | PR | |
Gray, Bruce (*Jun 12, 1943) | actor | US | |
Gray, Chad (*Oct 16, 1971) | singer | US | |
Gray, Charles (*Aug 29, 1928) | actor | GB | |
Gray, Charles W. (*Oct 7, 1949) | actor | US | |
Gray, Coleen (*Oct 23, 1922) | actress | US | |
Gray, David (*Jun 13, 1968) | GB | ||
Gray, Devin (*Mar 31, 1972) | basketball player | US | |
Gray, Diane (*Jul 17, 1940) | US | ||
Gray, Dolores (*Jun 7, 1924) | actress | US | |
Gray, Dorian (*Feb 2, 1931) | actress | IT | |
Gray, Ed (*Sep 27, 1975) | basketball player | US | |
Gray, Eileen (*Aug 9, 1878) | architect, designer | IE | |
Gray, Elspet (*Apr 12, 1929) | actress | GB | |
Gray, Erin (*Jan 7, 1950) | actress | US | |
Gray, Evric (*Dec 13, 1969) | basketball player | US | |
Gray, F. Gary (*Jul 17, 1969) | director, actor | US | |
Gray, G. Michael (*Dec 31, 1979) | actor | CA | |
Gray, Gary LeRoi (*Jun 15, 1985) | actor, voice actor | US | |
Gray, George (*Mar 11, 1967) | actor | US | |
Gray, Gilda (*Oct 24, 1901) | actress | PL | |
Gray, Gordon Joseph (*Aug 10, 1910) | priest | GB | |
Gray, Harry Barkus (*Nov 14, 1935) | chemist | US | |
Gray, Harry J. (*Nov 18, 1919) | US | ||
Gray, Jason S. (*Jan 21, 1977) | actor | US | |
Gray, Joe (*May 5, 1912) | actor | US | |
Gray, John (*Dec 28, 1951) | writer, psychologist | US | |
Gray, Judd Henry (*Jul 8, 1892) | US | ||
Gray, Kelly (*Jul 30, 1993) | actress | GB | |
Gray, Lawrence (*Jul 28, 1898) | actor | US | |
Gray, Les (*Apr 9, 1946) | singer | GB | |
Gray, Linda (*Sep 12, 1940) | actress, director | US | |
Gray, Linda (*Jul 10, 1910) | actress | GB | |
Gray, Lorna (*Jul 26, 1917) | actress | US | |
Gray, Mackenzie (*Nov 22, 1957) | actor | CA | |
Gray, Macy (*Sep 6, 1967) | actress, singer | US | |
Gray, Mollee (*May 15, 1991) | actress | US | |
Gray, Muriel (*Aug 30, 1958) | actress | GB | |
Gray, Nadia (*Nov 23, 1923) | actress | RO | |
Gray, Patience (*Oct 31, 1917) | cook | GB | |
Gray, Paul (*Apr 8, 1972) | actor | US | |
Gray, Rob W. (*Nov 25, 1945) | XX | ||
Gray, Rocky (*Jul 2, 1974) | guitarist | US | |
Gray, Rose (*Jan 28, 1939) | cook | GB | |
Gray, S. (*Jul 8, 1967) | XX | ||
Gray, S. A. (*May 27, 1963) | XX | ||
Gray, Sam (*Jul 18, 1923) | US | ||
Gray, Spalding (*Jun 5, 1941) | actor | US | |
Gray, Tamyra (*Jul 26, 1979) | actress | US | |
Gray, Taylor (*Sep 7, 1993) | US | ||
Gray, William G. (*Mar 25, 1913) | writer | GB | |
Gray, Wyatt (*Aug 19, 1988) | US | ||
Gray, Wyndol (*Mar 20, 1922) | athlete | XX | |
Gray-Cabey, Noah (*Nov 16, 1995) | actor | US | |
Gray-Stanford, Jason (*May 19, 1970) | actor | CA | |
Grayden, Sprague (*Jul 21, 1980) | actress | US | |
Graye, Devon (*Mar 8, 1987) | actor | US | |
Grayer, Jeff (*Dec 17, 1965) | basketball player | US | |
Grayhm, Steven (*Jan 14, 1981) | actor | CA | |
Graynor, Ari (*Apr 27, 1983) | actress | US | |
Grays, Donnetta Lavinia
(*Oct 21, 1977) |
actress | PA | |
Grayson, Benjamin (*Apr 7, 1982) | director, scriptwriter | US | |
Grayson, Kathryn (*Feb 9, 1922) | actress | US | |
Grayston, Neil (*Mar 24, 1981) | actor | CA | |
Grazer, Brian (*Jun 12, 1951) | actor | US | |
Grazer, Gavin (*Nov 16, 1961) | actor | US | |
Grazia, Alfonso De (*Nov 20, 1932) | XX | ||
Grazia, Julio De (*Jul 14, 1920) | XX | ||
Graziadei, Michael (*Sep 22, 1979) | actor | DE | |
Graziani, Rudolfo (*Aug 11, 1882) | general, Minister of National Defence | IT | |
Graziati, Aldo (*Jan 1, 1905) | photographer | IT | |
Graziewicz, Zofia (*Jan 12, 1944) | actress | PL | |
Grbic, Miraj (*Jul 17, 1976) | actor | BA | |
Grdevich, Sabrina (*Oct 7, 1970) | actress | CA | |
Gréard, Octave (*Apr 18, 1828) | FR | ||
Great, Artel (*Sep 11, 1981) | US | ||
Greaves, William (*Oct 8, 1926) | actor, director | US | |
Grebe, Jonathan (*Mar 9, 1989) | actor | US | |
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