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Celebrities - Surname "L" (4928)

Ladstatter, Konrad (*May 2, 1968) skier Italy IT
Lady Chablis, (*Mar 11, 1957) actor United States US
Lady Gaga, (*Mar 28, 1986) actress, singer, songwriter, fashion designer, songwriter, pianist United States US
Ladynina, Marina (*Jun 24, 1908) actress Russia RU
Laemmle, Carla (*Oct 20, 1909) actress United States US
Laennec, René (*Feb 17, 1781) physician, inventor of the stethoscope France FR
Laettner, Christian (*Aug 17, 1969) basketball player United States US
Lafaille, Jean-Christophe
(*Mar 31, 1965)
France FR
Lafata, David (*1981) soccer player Czech Republic CZ
LaFavers, Amy Rene (*May 15, 1977) actress United States US
Lafayette, (*Sep 6, 1757) France FR
Lafazanos, James (*Aug 9, 1976) actor Canada CA
LaFerriere, Aric (*Oct 8, 1978) United States US
Laffan, Patricia (*Mar 19, 1919) actress United Kingdom GB
Lafferty, James (*Jul 25, 1985) actor United States US
Lafferty, Stuart (*Oct 1, 1987) actor United States US
Laffin, Dominique (*Jun 3, 1952) actress France FR
Laffite, Jacques (*Nov 21, 1943) racer France FR
Laffitte, Pierre (*Feb 21, 1823) philosopher France FR
Laffoley, Paul (*Aug 14, 1935) artist United States US
Laffont, Patrice (*Aug 21, 1939) actor France FR
Laffont, Robert (*Nov 30, 1916) France FR
Lafforgue, Ingrid (*Nov 5, 1948) France FR
Lafforgue, René-Louis (*Mar 13, 1928) composer, singer Spain ES
Lafitte, Laurent (*Aug 22, 1973) actor, scriptwriter France FR
Lafitte, Xavier (*Aug 8, 1974) actor France FR
Lafitte, Yasmine (*Oct 1, 1978) Unknown XX
LaFleur, Art (*Sep 9, 1943) actor United States US
Lafleur, Guy (*Sep 20, 1951) actor Canada CA
Laflin, Bonnie-Jill (*Mar 15, 1976) actress United States US
Lafnet, Luc (*Jan 22, 1899) painter Belgium BE
Lafond-Martel, Olivier
(*Sep 10, 1992)
actor, director, cameraman, scriptwriter Canada CA
Lafont, Bernadette (*Oct 28, 1938) actress France FR
Lafont, Pauline (*Apr 6, 1963) actress France FR
Lafont, Pierre (*May 16, 1797) actor France FR
Lafontaine, August (*Oct 5, 1758) writer Germany DE
LaFontaine, Don (*Aug 26, 1940) actor United States US
Lafontaine, Oskar (*Sep 16, 1943) politician Germany DE
Lafontaine, Pat (*Feb 22, 1965) ice hockey player United States US
Lafoon, Homer Heche (*Mar 2, 2002) United States US
Laforêt, Marie (*Oct 5, 1939) actress, singer France FR
Lafortune, Robert J. (*Jan 24, 1927) politician United States US
LaFortune, Roc (*Dec 21, 1956) China CN
Lafragette, Jacques (*Aug 18, 1950) France FR
Lafrankie, James V. (*Mar 26, 1927) United States US
Laga, Mike (*Jun 14, 1960) baseball player United States US
Laga'aia, Jay (*Sep 10, 1963) actor New Zealand NZ
Lagadec, Madeleine (*Sep 7, 1961) France FR
Lagano, Alicia (*Mar 26, 1979) actress United States US
Lagarde, Christine (*Jan 1, 1956) diplomat France FR
Lagarde, Stéphanie (*Jul 15, 1969) actress France FR
Lagardere, Jean-Luc (*Feb 10, 1928) France FR
Lagasse, Emeril (*Oct 15, 1959) presenter, businessman, cook United States US
Lagendijk, Joost (*Jun 8, 1957) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Netherlands NL
Lager, Eric (*Mar 16, 1992) actor Unknown XX
Lagerbäck, Lasse (*Jul 16, 1948) actor Sweden SE
Lagerfeld, Karl (*Sep 10, 1933) photographer, fashion designer Germany DE
Lagerfelt, Caroline (*Sep 23, 1947) actress France FR
Lagerkvist, Pär (*May 23, 1891) writer, poet Sweden SE
Lagerlöf, Daniel Lind (*Feb 6, 1969) director Sweden SE
Lagerlof, Selma (*Nov 20, 1858) writer, scriptwriter Sweden SE
Lagerstam, Hillevi (*Aug 9, 1923) actress Finland FI
Lagerstrom, Victoria (*Oct 22, 1972) Sweden SE
Lago, Clara (*Mar 6, 1990) actress Spain ES
Lago, Cristina (*Jan 10, 1982) actress Brazil BR
Lagos, Vicky (*Jun 23, 1938) actress Spain ES
Lagrange, Valérie (*Feb 25, 1942) actress, singer France FR
LaGravenese, Richard (*Oct 30, 1959) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Lagravère, Michel (*Oct 28, 1962) France FR
Laguardia, Ernesto (*Oct 5, 1959) actor Mexico MX
Laguerre, Edmond (*Apr 9, 1834) mathematician France FR
Laguionie, Jean-François
(*Oct 4, 1939)
director France FR
Lagus, Ruben (*Oct 12, 1896) actor Finland FI
Lagutenko, Ilya (*Oct 16, 1968) actor Russia RU
Lahaie, Brigitte (*Oct 12, 1955) actress France FR
Lahana, Emma (*Jun 27, 1984) actress New Zealand NZ
Lahaye, Jean-Luc (*Dec 23, 1952) singer France FR
Lahbib, Simone (*Feb 6, 1965) actress United Kingdom GB
Lähde, Erkki (*Jan 1, 1938) Finland FI
Lähde, Pentti (*Apr 30, 1917) actor Finland FI
Lahdensuo, Jalmari (*Nov 20, 1880) director Finland FI
Lahiri, Anya (*May 1, 1982) singer, actress, model United Kingdom GB
Lahm, Philipp (*Nov 11, 1983) soccer player Germany DE
Lahme, Florentine (*Jul 21, 1974) actress Germany DE
Lähn, Michael (*Mar 4, 1943) director Germany DE
Lahola, Leopold (*Jan 30, 1918) director, scriptwriter Slovakia SK
Lahr, Bert (*Aug 13, 1895) actor United States US
Lahr, John (*Jul 12, 1941) United States US
Lähteenmäki, Leo (*Jun 8, 1907) actor Finland FI
Lähteenoja, Mimmi (*Aug 27, 1865) Finland FI
Lahtela, Markku (*Aug 1, 1936) Finland FI
Lahtela, Mika (*Jan 11, 1947) Finland FI
Lahti, Christine (*Apr 4, 1950) actress, director United States US
Lahti, Elmer (*Jul 20, 1913) actor Finland FI
Lahti, Toivo (*Dec 13, 1905) actor Finland FI
Lahti, Urho (*Sep 7, 1901) actor Finland FI
Lahtinen, Lauri (*Feb 1, 1913) actor Finland FI
Lahtinen, Reijo (*Aug 14, 1939) actor Finland FI
Lahtinen, Reino (*Jan 8, 1918) scriptwriter Finland FI
Lahtinen, Varma (*Dec 24, 1894) actress Finland FI
Lahučká, Jana (*1988) model Czech Republic CZ
Lai, Duncan (*Sep 19, 1978) actor Hong Kong HK
Lai, Francis (*Apr 26, 1932) composer, actor France FR
Lai, Leon (*Dec 11, 1966) actor China CN
Laibl, Jan (*Jun 9, 1920) actor Unknown XX
Laidlaw, Ethan (*Nov 25, 1899) actor United States US
Laidlaw, Roy (*Mar 25, 1883) actor Canada CA
Laidman, Harvey (*Feb 22, 1942) United States US
Laiferová, Marcela (*1945) singer Czech Republic CZ
Laignel, André (*Dec 4, 1942) Member of the European Parliament, MEP France FR
Laignel, Jany (*Feb 26, 1955) France FR
Laihanen, Onni (*Jun 16, 1916) actor Unknown XX
Laihanen, Veikko (*Jun 22, 1924) actor, director, cameraman, scriptwriter Finland FI
Laihiala, Ville (*Jun 13, 1973) singer, guitarist Finland FI
Laiho, Alexi (*Apr 8, 1979) singer, guitarist Finland FI
Laiho, Hellä (*Apr 30, 1907) Unknown XX
Laiho, Pekka (*May 14, 1943) actor Finland FI
Laikka, Joel (*May 9, 1906) writer, scriptwriter Finland FI
Laimbeer Jr., William (*May 19, 1957) basketball player United States US
Lain, Chasey (*Dec 7, 1971) porn actress United States US
Laine, Aarne (*Mar 15, 1916) actor, director Finland FI
Laine, Ari (*Dec 12, 1912) actor Finland FI
Laine, Cleo (*Oct 28, 1927) actress United Kingdom GB
Laine, Denny (*Oct 29, 1944) singer United Kingdom GB
Laine, Doris (*Oct 31, 1931) actress Finland FI
Laine, Edvin (*Jul 13, 1905) actor, director, scriptwriter Finland FI
Laine, Eine (*Dec 13, 1892) actress, director Finland FI
Laine, Jarkko (*Mar 17, 1947) Finland FI
Laine, Jussi (*Mar 4, 1942) actor, cameraman Unknown XX
Laine, Kauno (*Sep 14, 1919) actor, cameraman, scriptwriter Finland FI
Laine, Laina (*Feb 2, 1890) actress Finland FI
Laine, Onerva (*Dec 22, 1920) Finland FI
Lainé, Pascal (*May 10, 1942) writer France FR
Laine, Reiska (*Jul 11, 1946) actor Finland FI
Laine, Sarah (*Oct 23, 1982) actress United States US
Laine, Seppo (*Jul 1, 1947) actor Finland FI
Laing, Hector (*May 12, 1923) United Kingdom GB
Laing, R. D. (*Oct 7, 1927) psychiatrist United Kingdom GB
Laing, Robert Stanley (*Nov 1, 1918) United States US
Laing, Robin (*Feb 16, 1976) actor United Kingdom GB
Laing, Stuart (*Nov 28, 1969) actor United Kingdom GB
Laird, Jenny (*Feb 13, 1917) actress United Kingdom GB
Laird, Emma (*Sep 8, 1998) actress, model United Kingdom GB
Laird, Ron (*May 31, 1938) United States US
Laitakari, Aarne (*Dec 12, 1890) actor Finland FI
Laitala, Juhani (*Jul 4, 1952) Unknown XX
Laitila, Juha (*Aug 24, 1953) actor Finland FI
Laitinen, Aarno (*Jan 17, 1943) actor Finland FI
Laitinen, Kai (*Sep 27, 1924) actor Finland FI
Laius, Leida (*Mar 26, 1923) director SSSR CP
Lajborek, Andrzej (*Feb 21, 1949) actor Poland PL
Lajoie, Jonathan (*Aug 21, 1980) actor, singer Canada CA
Lak, Beda (*Feb 20, 1896) Czech Republic CZ
Lake, Alan (*Nov 24, 1940) actor United Kingdom GB
Lake, Arthur (*Apr 17, 1906) actor United States US
Lake, Christi (*Dec 12, 1964) actress, director United States US
Lake, Don (*Nov 26, 1956) actor, scriptwriter Canada CA
Lake, Greg (*Nov 10, 1947) bassist, singer United Kingdom GB
Lake, Lauren (*Aug 7, 1976) actress United States US
Lake, Ricki (*Sep 21, 1968) actress United States US
Lake, Sanoe (*May 19, 1979) actress United States US
Lake, Veronica (*Nov 14, 1922) actress, model United States US
Lakeman, Al (*Dec 31, 1918) baseball player United States US
Lakemeier, Martijn (*Sep 17, 1993) actor Netherlands NL
Lakhdar-Hamina, Mohammed
(*Feb 26, 1934)
actor, director, scriptwriter Algeria DZ
Lakin, Christine (*Jan 25, 1979) composer, actress United States US
Lakis, Lauren (*Nov 22, 1990) actress United States US
Lakomý, Ladislav (*Nov 14, 1931) actor, voice actor Czech Republic CZ
Lakosil, Vlastimil (*1979) Czech Republic CZ
Lakota, Vladimír (*Apr 17, 1930) actor Unknown XX
Lakshmi, Padma (*Sep 1, 1970) actress, model India IN
Lal, Raj (*Apr 29, 1985) actor Canada CA
Lalaine, (*Jun 3, 1987) singer, actress United States US
Lalande, Andre (*Jul 19, 1867) philosopher France FR
Lalanne, Francis (*Aug 8, 1958) singer France FR
Lalanne, Jean-Félix (*Sep 8, 1962) singer France FR
Lalanne, Maxime (*Nov 27, 1827) designer France FR
Lalaounis, Jean (*Mar 16, 1926) boxer France FR
Laliberté, Guy (*Sep 2, 1959) businessman Canada CA
Lalich, Pete (*Jun 23, 1920) athlete Unknown XX
Lalique, René (*Apr 6, 1860) designer France FR
Lallement, François (*Feb 4, 1877) actor France FR
Lally, Brian (*Mar 14, 1965) actor, director United States US
Lally, James (*Oct 2, 1956) actor United States US
Lally, Joe (*Dec 3, 1963) actor United States US
Lally, Mike (*Jun 1, 1900) actor United States US
Lalo, Edouard Victor (*Jan 27, 1823) France FR
LaLoggia, Frank (*Jan 12, 1954) director, actor United States US
LaLonde, Larry (*Sep 12, 1968) guitarist United States US
Laloux, René (*Jul 13, 1929) director, actor France FR
Lalovic, Petar (*Jul 8, 1932) director Serbia RS
Laloy, Didier (*Jun 11, 1974) Belgium BE
Lam, Ching-Ying (*Dec 27, 1952) actor, director China CN
Lam, Ciwi (*Aug 23, 1991) Unknown XX
Lam, Dante (*May 11, 1965) actor, director, scriptwriter Hong Kong HK
Lam, George (*Oct 2, 1947) actor Unknown XX
Lam, Ka Tung (*Sep 21, 1967) actor Hong Kong HK
Lam, Raymond (*Dec 8, 1979) actor China CN
Lam, Ringo (*Jan 1, 1955) director Hong Kong HK
Lam, Suet (*Jul 8, 1964) actor China CN