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Celebrities - Surname "L" (4928)

Llosa, Mario Vargas (*Mar 28, 1936) director Peru PE
Lloyd, Al (*Jul 31, 1884) actor United States US
Lloyd, Richard (*Oct 25, 1951) singer, guitarist, founding member of Television United States US
Lloyd, Constance (*Jan 2, 1859) writer, wife of Oscar Wilde Ireland IE
Lloyd, Anthony Joseph (*Feb 25, 1950) politician United Kingdom GB
Lloyd, Billy (*Jun 1, 1986) actor United States US
Lloyd, Charles (*Mar 15, 1938) actor, composer United States US
Lloyd, Cher (*Jul 28, 1993) composer, singer United Kingdom GB
Lloyd, Christopher (*Oct 22, 1938) actor United States US
Lloyd, Danielle (*Dec 16, 1983) model United Kingdom GB
Lloyd, Danny (*Jan 1, 1973) actor United States US
Lloyd, Doris (*Jul 3, 1896) actress United Kingdom GB
Lloyd, Emily (*Sep 29, 1970) actress United Kingdom GB
Lloyd, Eric (*May 19, 1986) actor United States US
Lloyd, Frank (*Sep 23, 1886) director, actor United Kingdom GB
Lloyd, Harold (*Apr 20, 1893) actor United States US
Lloyd, Harry (*Nov 17, 1983) actor United Kingdom GB
Lloyd, Jake (*Mar 5, 1989) actor United States US
Lloyd, James (*Jan 10, 1980) United Kingdom GB
Lloyd, John Bedford (*Jan 2, 1956) actor United States US
Lloyd, Kathleen (*Sep 13, 1948) actress United States US
Lloyd, Keye (*Jul 30, 1891) astrologer, writer United States US
Lloyd, Mary Adams (*Nov 28, 1873) astrologer, author United States US
Lloyd, Michael (*Nov 3, 1948) actor United States US
Lloyd, Norman (*Nov 8, 1914) actor United States US
Lloyd, Phyllida (*Jun 17, 1957) actress, director United Kingdom GB
Lloyd, Rick (*Apr 4, 1947) singer Unknown XX
Lloyd, Sabrina (*Nov 20, 1970) actress United States US
Lloyd, Sam (*Nov 12, 1963) actor United States US
Lloyd Banks, (*Apr 30, 1982) singer United States US
Lloyd George, David (*Jan 17, 1863) United Kingdom GB
Lloyd Jr., Harold (*Jan 25, 1931) actor United States US
Lloyd Pack, Roger (*Feb 8, 1944) actor United Kingdom GB
Lloyd-Jones, Max (*Feb 26, 1991) actor United Kingdom GB
Lluch, Miguel (*Oct 23, 1922) director Spain ES
Llunas, Marcos (*Sep 29, 1971) actor Spain ES
Lněnička, Petr (*1979) actor, voice actor Czech Republic CZ
Lo, Lowell (*Jul 19, 1950) actor, composer Hong Kong HK
Lo, Lieh (*Jun 29, 1939) actor Indonesia ID
Lo, Hoi-Pang (*Dec 21, 1941) actor China CN
Lo, Hollie (*Jan 28, 1993) actress Hong Kong HK
Lo, Ken (*Mar 17, 1959) actor Spain ES
Lo, Ken (*Mar 19, 1957) actor Unknown XX
Lo, Meng (*Aug 4, 1952) actor Hong Kong HK
Lo Cascio, Luigi (*Oct 20, 1967) actor, director Italy IT
Lo Curto, Eleonora (*Sep 23, 1955) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Italy IT
Lo Dolce, Concetta (*Jun 22, 1973) actress Venezuela VE
Loach, Jim (*Jun 6, 1969) director, actor United Kingdom GB
Loach, Ken (*Jun 17, 1936) actor, director, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Loader, Danyon (*Apr 21, 1975) swimmer New Zealand NZ
Lobacheva, Irina (*Feb 18, 1973) figure skater Russia RU
Lobato, Jose (*Apr 18, 1883) writer Brazil BR
Lobbia, John E. (*Jul 12, 1941) United States US
Lobel, Mike (*Mar 7, 1984) actor Canada CA
Lobet, Marcel (*Jun 28, 1907) writer, journalist Belgium BE
Lobkowicz, Jaroslav (*1942) Member of Parliament Czech Republic CZ
Löbl, Tomáš (*1985) singer, actor, dancer Czech Republic CZ
Lobo, Stephen (*Nov 22, 1973) actor Canada CA
Loc, Goldie (*Jan 16, 1980) singer, actor United States US
Loc, Spider (*Feb 14, 1979) singer, actor United States US
Loc, Tone (*Mar 3, 1966) singer, actor United States US
Locane, Amy (*Dec 19, 1971) actress United States US
Locatelli, Pia Elda (*Aug 13, 1949) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Italy IT
Locatelli, Roberto (*Jul 5, 1974) Italy IT
Lochary, David (*Aug 21, 1944) actor United States US
Loche, Pier Francesco (*Dec 27, 1958) actor Italy IT
Lochhead, Liz (*Dec 26, 1947) writer, poet United Kingdom GB
Lochner, Hannah (*Jul 28, 1993) actress Canada CA
Lochner, Hayley (*Mar 26, 1991) actress Canada CA
Lochner, Robert (*Oct 20, 1918) Unknown XX
Lochte, Ryan (*Aug 3, 1984) swimmer United States US
LoCicero, Lisa (*Apr 18, 1970) actress United States US
Löck, Carsta (*Dec 28, 1902) Germany DE
Lock, Sean (*Apr 22, 1963) actor, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Locke, Kimberley (*Jan 3, 1978) actress United States US
Locke, Poodie (*Oct 3, 1952) Unknown XX
Locke, Ryan (*Dec 23, 1975) United States US
Locke, Sondra (*May 28, 1944) actress, director United States US
Locke, Spencer (*Sep 20, 1991) actress, voice actress United States US
Locke, Taylor (*Aug 5, 1984) singer United States US
Locker, Gerlinde (*Apr 28, 1938) actress Austria AT
Lockhart, Aaron (*Aug 24, 2003) United States US
Lockhart, Anne (*Sep 6, 1953) actress United States US
Lockhart, Calvin (*Oct 18, 1934) actor Bahamas BS
Lockhart, Edward (*Apr 1, 2010) United States US
Lockhart, Gene (*Jul 18, 1891) actor, scriptwriter Canada CA
Lockhart, June (*Jun 25, 1925) actress United States US
Lockhart, Keith (*Nov 10, 1964) baseball player United States US
Lockhart, Robert (*Jan 7, 1894) physicist United Kingdom GB
Lockhart, Sean Paul (*Oct 31, 1986) actor, director United States US
Lockhart, Sharon (*Jun 5, 1964) actress, director United States US
Lockington, Andrew (*Jan 31, 1974) composer Canada CA
Locklear, Heather (*Sep 25, 1961) actress United States US
Locklin, Hank (*Feb 15, 1918) musician United States US
Lockridge, Ross (*Apr 25, 1914) writer United States US
Lockwood, Alexander (*May 5, 1902) actor Poland PL
Lockwood, Billy (*Apr 11, 1966) actor United States US
Lockwood, Bobby (*May 25, 1993) actor United Kingdom GB
Lockwood, Didier (*Feb 11, 1956) musician France FR
Lockwood, Gary (*Feb 21, 1937) actor United States US
Lockwood, Kurt (*Jun 4, 1970) actor United States US
Lockwood, Margaret (*Sep 15, 1916) actress Pakistan PK
Lockyer, Diego (*Jun 20, 2003) general United States US
Loconte, Mikelangelo (*Dec 5, 1973) composer, musician, singer Italy IT
Locsin, Angel (*Apr 23, 1985) actress, model, fashion designer Philippines PH
Lodato, Tiziana (*Nov 10, 1976) actress Italy IT
Lodeizen, Rifka (*Oct 16, 1972) Netherlands NL
Loden, Barbara (*Jul 8, 1932) actress, director United States US
Lodéon, Frédéric (*Jan 6, 1952) musician France FR
Loder, John (*Jan 3, 1898) actor United Kingdom GB
Loder, Kurt (*May 5, 1945) actor United States US
Lodge, David (*Jan 28, 1935) writer United Kingdom GB
Lodge, Henry Cabot (*Jul 5, 1902) politician United States US
Lodge, John (*Oct 20, 1903) actor United States US
Lodge, Oliver Joseph (*Jun 12, 1851) physicist United Kingdom GB
Lods, Jean (*Mar 22, 1903) France FR
Lodynski, Józef (*Oct 19, 1919) actor Poland PL
Lodzinski, Alfred (*Jan 5, 1903) actor Lithuania LT
Loeb, Allan (*Jul 25, 1969) actor, scriptwriter United States US
Loeb, Jacques (*Apr 7, 1859) Germany DE
Loeb, Janice (*Dec 6, 1902) United States US
Loeb, Lisa (*Mar 11, 1968) actress, singer United States US
Loeb, Martin (*Mar 11, 1959) actor Unknown XX
Loeb, Richard (*Jun 11, 1905) murderer United States US
Loeb, Sebastien (*Feb 26, 1974) car racer France FR
Loebinger, Lotte (*Oct 10, 1905) actress Germany DE
Loel, Guy (*Dec 4, 1971) actor Israel IL
Loerding, Claudia (*May 14, 1950) actress Germany DE
Loesser, Frank (*Jun 29, 1910) United States US
Loest, Erich (*Feb 24, 1926) writer Germany DE
Loetscher, Hugo (*Dec 22, 1929) writer Switzerland CH
Loew Jr., Arthur (*Dec 26, 1925) producer United States US
Loewe, Frederick (*Jun 10, 1901) actor, composer Germany DE
Loewenguth, Alfred (*Jun 15, 1911) France FR
Loewenstein, Jason (*Jul 20, 1971) musician United States US
Loewi, Otto (*Jun 3, 1873) Germany DE
Löffel, Markus (*Nov 17, 1966) actor Germany DE
Lofgren, Nils (*Jun 21, 1951) composer, guitarist, singer United States US
Löfman, Amanda (*Jan 16, 1980) actress Finland FI
Lofthouse, Nat (*Aug 27, 1925) actor United Kingdom GB
Loftin, Carey (*Jan 31, 1914) stuntman United States US
Lofting, Hugh (*Jan 14, 1886) writer United Kingdom GB
Lofton, Cirroc (*Aug 7, 1978) actor United States US
Lofton, Kenny (*May 31, 1967) baseball player United States US
Loftus, Aisling (*Sep 1, 1990) actress United Kingdom GB
Loftus, Mark (*Nov 20, 1978) golfer United Kingdom GB
Logan, Andrew (*Oct 11, 1945) actor United Kingdom GB
Logan, Bellina (*Sep 28, 1966) actress United States US
Logan, Ben (*Sep 9, 1920) writer United States US
Logan, Chelsea (*Jun 24, 1986) United States US
Logan, Chris (*Jun 19, 1971) actor Canada CA
Logan, Craig (*Apr 22, 1969) musician United Kingdom GB
Logan, Daniel (*Apr 24, 1936) actor United States US
Logan, Elizabeth (*Aug 29, 1971) actress United States US
Logan, Ella (*Mar 6, 1913) singer United Kingdom GB
Logan, James (*Oct 27, 1970) actor United States US
Logan, Janice (*May 29, 1915) actress United States US
Logan, John (*Sep 24, 1961) actor, scriptwriter United States US
Logan, Joshua (*Oct 5, 1908) director, actor United States US
Logan, Karen (*Jun 10, 1949) United States US
Logan, Kristopher (*Nov 30, 1960) actor United States US
Logan, Michael (*Sep 30, 1964) victim of murder United States US
Logan, Paul (*Oct 15, 1973) actor, scriptwriter United States US
Logan, Phyllis (*Jan 11, 1956) actress United Kingdom GB
Logan, Robert (*May 29, 1941) actor United States US
Logan, Scott Allen (*Dec 8, 1970) actor United States US
Logan Mathew, Gregory (*Jan 31, 1982) twin Australia AU
Logereau, Edouard (*Feb 14, 1925) director France FR
Loggia, Robert (*Jan 3, 1930) actor United States US
Loggins, Kenny (*Jan 7, 1948) musician United States US
Loginov, Alexander (*Feb 18, 1987) ice hockey player Russia RU
Logic, (*Jan 22, 1990) rapper, musician United States US
Logojdová, Marie (*1952) actress Czech Republic CZ
Logue, Donal (*Feb 27, 1966) actor, scriptwriter Canada CA
Loh, Friedhelm (*Aug 16, 1946) businessman Unknown XX
Lohan, Aliana (*Dec 22, 1993) actress, singer United States US
Lohan, Lindsay (*Jul 2, 1986) singer, actress, model United States US
Lohaus, Brad (*Sep 29, 1964) basketball player United States US
Lohia, Aloke (*Nov 27, 1958) entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Indorama Ventures PCL India IN
Lohia, Sri Prakash (*Aug 11, 1952) India IN
Lohikoski, Aino (*Mar 4, 1898) actress, director Finland FI
Lohikoski, Armand (*Jan 3, 1912) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Lohikoski, Martti (*Nov 10, 1912) actor Finland FI
Lohlein, Herbert A. (*Jul 5, 1900) astrologer, writer Germany DE
Lohman, Alison (*Sep 18, 1979) actress United States US
Lohmann, Hanns Heinrich
(*Apr 24, 1911)
Germany DE
Lohmann, Katie (*Jan 29, 1980) actress United States US
Lohmann, Sandro (*Dec 2, 1991) actor Denmark DK
Lohmeyer, Gerd (*Feb 10, 1945) actor Unknown XX
Lohmeyer, Peter (*Jan 22, 1962) actor Germany DE
Löhn, Torsten (*Nov 5, 1964) director Germany DE
Lohner, Helmut (*Apr 24, 1933) actor, director Austria AT
Löhner-Beda, Fritz (*Jun 24, 1883) writer, scriptwriter RAUH UH
Lohniská, Michaela (*1946) actress Czech Republic CZ
Lohniský, Václav (*Nov 5, 1920) actor Czech Republic CZ
Lohonka, Pavel (*1946) actor Czech Republic CZ
Lohse, Marleen (*Feb 28, 1984) actress Germany DE
Lohse, René (*Sep 23, 1973) figure skater Germany DE
Lohtander, Oiva (*Apr 15, 1942) actor Finland FI
Loi, Duilio (*Apr 19, 1929) boxer Italy IT
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