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Leonard, Gloria (*Aug 28, 1940) | porn actress | US | |
Leonard, Hugh (*Nov 9, 1926) | writer, actor, scriptwriter | IE | |
Leonard, Joe (*Oct 9, 1979) | director, actor | US | |
Leonard, Joshua (*Jun 17, 1975) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Leonard, Justin (*Jun 15, 1972) | golfer | US | |
Leonard, Lydia (*Dec 5, 1980) | actress | XX | |
Leonard, Murray (*Apr 10, 1898) | actor | US | |
Leonard, Robert Sean (*Feb 28, 1969) | actor | US | |
Leonard, Robert Z. (*Oct 7, 1889) | actor, director, scriptwriter | US | |
Leonard, Sheldon (*Feb 22, 1907) | actor, director | US | |
Leonard, Sugar Ray (*May 17, 1956) | boxer | US | |
Léonard, Sylvie (*Jul 17, 1955) | actress | XX | |
Leonard, Warren (*Apr 21, 1911) | US | ||
Leonardi, Marco (*Nov 14, 1971) | actor | AU | |
Leonardi, Piero (*Jan 29, 1908) | IT | ||
Leonardon, Eugene (*Sep 22, 1888) | FR | ||
Leoncavallo, Ruggiero (*Apr 23, 1857) | composer | IT | |
Leondis, Anthony (*Mar 24, 1972) | director, actor | US | |
Leone, Giovanni (*Nov 3, 1908) | 6th President of Italy | IT | |
Leone, Klarisa (*1979) | porn actress | CZ | |
Leone, Nathan (*May 6, 1981) | singer | US | |
Leone, Sergio (*Jan 3, 1929) | director, scriptwriter | IT | |
Leone, Sunny (*May 13, 1981) | porn actress | CA | |
Leonetti, John R. (*Jul 4, 1956) | director, cameraman | US | |
Leonetti, Matthew F. (*Jul 31, 1941) | actor, cameraman | US | |
Leong, Al (*Sep 30, 1952) | actor | XX | |
Leong, Brad (*Jan 12, 1986) | director | US | |
Leong, Isabella (*Jun 23, 1988) | actress | CN | |
Leonhard, Sandra (*Oct 18, 1976) | actress | DE | |
Leonhardt, Gustav (*May 30, 1928) | musician, conductor | NL | |
Leonhardt, Miranda (*Sep 11, 1975) | actress | HR | |
Leoni, Atossa (*Feb 1, 1983) | actress | DE | |
Leoni, Téa (*Feb 25, 1966) | actress | US | |
Leonidas, Dimitri (*Nov 14, 1987) | actor | GB | |
Leonidas, Georgina (*Feb 28, 1990) | actress | GB | |
Leonidas, Stephanie (*Feb 14, 1984) | actress | XX | |
Leonidov, Ivan (*Feb 9, 1902) | constructivist architect, painter | RU | |
Leonidovich Kaydanovskiy, Aleksandr
(*Jul 23, 1946) |
actor, director, scriptwriter | RU | |
Leonidovich Pasternak, Boris
(*Feb 10, 1890) |
poet, novelist | RU | |
Leonore, Countess (*Jun 3, 2006) | NL | ||
Leonov, Evgeniy (*Sep 2, 1926) | actor | RU | |
Leonov, Andrey (*Jun 15, 1959) | actor | RU | |
Leonov-Gladyshev, Evgeniy
(*Jan 24, 1954) |
actor | LT | |
Leontief, Wassily (*Aug 5, 1906) | RU | ||
Leontini, Innocenzo (*May 25, 1959) | Member of the European Parliament, MEP | IT | |
Leonviola, Antonio (*May 13, 1913) | director, actor | IT | |
Leopardi, Chauncey (*Jun 14, 1981) | XX | ||
Leopardi, Giacomo (*Jun 29, 1798) | poet, novelist | IT | |
Leopold, Fred (*Nov 10, 1919) | politician, lawyer | US | |
Leopold, Nanouk (*Jul 25, 1968) | director, scriptwriter | NL | |
Leopold, Nathan (*Nov 19, 1904) | murderer | US | |
Leopold III, King (*Nov 3, 1901) | King of the Belgians | BE | |
Leopoldina, Maria (*Jan 22, 1797) | child of celebrity | AT | |
Léotard, François (*Mar 26, 1942) | politician | FR | |
Léotard, Philippe (*Aug 28, 1940) | actor, singer, writer, poet | FR | |
Leová, Monika (*1991) | model | CZ | |
Lepa, Margus (*Oct 7, 1953) | EE | ||
Lepage, Henri (*Feb 12, 1898) | director | FR | |
Lepage, Robert (*Dec 12, 1957) | actor | CA | |
Lepanto, Jossé Maria (*Mar 23, 1853) | XX | ||
Lepard, Dave (*May 28, 1980) | singer, guitarist | SE | |
Lepecheux, Nicole (*Jul 4, 1955) | FR | ||
LePecq, Andree (*Oct 3, 1910) | painter | FR | |
Lepers, Julien (*Aug 12, 1949) | FR | ||
Lepeshinskaya, Olga (*Sep 28, 1916) | dancer, teacher | UA | |
Lepetic, Zvonko (*Nov 17, 1928) | actor | ME | |
Lépine, Charles-Lucien
(*Mar 3, 1859) |
director | FR | |
Lépine, Mark (*Oct 20, 1964) | CA | ||
Lepistö, Heimo (*Jan 10, 1908) | actor | FI | |
Lepistö, Laura (*Apr 25, 1988) | FI | ||
Lepistö, Matti (*Nov 8, 1901) | actor | FI | |
Lepistö, Sami (*Oct 17, 1984) | ice hockey player | FI | |
Lepman, Jella (*May 15, 1891) | DE | ||
Lepoivre, Philippe (*Apr 13, 1955) | businessman, former engineer, owner of astrology website | FR | |
Lepore, Amanda (*Dec 5, 1967) | actress, singer, model | US | |
Leporinne, Marjatta (*Jun 13, 1937) | director | XX | |
Leppälä, Jarno Jarppi (*Aug 11, 1979) | singer, actor, stuntman | FI | |
Leppänen, Aarne (*Mar 21, 1894) | actor | FI | |
Leppänen, Glory (*Nov 28, 1901) | FR | ||
Leppänen, Kaisu (*Oct 13, 1904) | actress | FI | |
Leppänen, Marjatta (*Aug 24, 1937) | actress | FI | |
Leppänen, Pirjo (*Jul 1, 1949) | actress | FI | |
Leppänen, Urpo (*Feb 10, 1944) | politician | FI | |
Leppilampi, Mikko (*Sep 22, 1978) | singer, actor, presenter | FI | |
Leppo, Markus (*Sep 22, 1934) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FI | |
Leprince-Ringuet, Grégoire
(*Dec 4, 1987) |
actor | FR | |
Leprince-Ringuet, Louis
(*Mar 27, 1901) |
physicist | FR | |
Lepšík, Jan (*1972) | actor | CZ | |
Lepsius, Karl (*Dec 23, 1810) | Prussian scientist, founder of the German Egyptology | DE | |
Leraus, Vladimír (*Jul 28, 1905) | actor | CZ | |
Lerberghe, Jean Pierre
(*Apr 24, 1947) |
BE | ||
Lerche, Nils (*Oct 22, 1905) | composer | XX | |
Lerchenberg, Michael (*Aug 3, 1953) | actor, scriptwriter | DE | |
Lerios, Cory (*Feb 12, 1951) | actor, composer | US | |
Lerman, Logan (*Jan 19, 1992) | actor | US | |
Lermontov, Mikhail (*Oct 15, 1814) | playwright, Russian writer, classic of Russian Romanticism | RU | |
Lerner, Alan Jay (*Aug 31, 1918) | actor | US | |
Lerner, Avi (*Oct 13, 1947) | actor | IL | |
Lerner, Irving (*Mar 7, 1909) | director, actor | US | |
Lerner, Justin (*May 19, 1980) | director, scriptwriter | US | |
Lerner, Ken (*May 27, 1948) | actor | US | |
Lerner, Mark (*Mar 10, 1950) | astrologer | US | |
Lerner, Michael (*Jun 22, 1941) | actor | US | |
Lerner, Monet (*May 2, 1990) | actress, singer | XX | |
Lerner, Ted (*Oct 15, 1925) | businessman | US | |
Leroi, Francis (*Sep 5, 1942) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Lerond, André (*Dec 6, 1930) | soccer player | FR | |
Leroux, Gaston (*May 6, 1868) | writer | FR | |
Leroux, Maxime (*Mar 26, 1951) | FR | ||
Leroux, Nicole (*Mar 21, 1975) | actress | CA | |
Leroux, Robert (*Aug 22, 1967) | athlete | MA | |
Leroux, Sydney (*May 7, 1990) | soccer player | CA | |
LeRoy, Deren (*Aug 9, 1979) | actor | US | |
Leroy, Eugène (*Aug 8, 1910) | painter | FR | |
Leroy, Gilles (*Dec 28, 1958) | writer | FR | |
LeRoy, Mervyn (*Oct 15, 1900) | director, actor | US | |
Leroy, Michel (*Jun 2, 1931) | actor, director | BE | |
Leroy, Nolwenn (*Sep 28, 1982) | singer | FR | |
Leroy, Oliver-Gilbert (*Oct 9, 1884) | writer | FR | |
Leroy, Philippe (*Oct 15, 1930) | actor | FR | |
Leroy, Serge (*May 14, 1937) | director | FR | |
LeRoy, Zoaunne (*Jan 5, 1935) | US | ||
Leroy-Beaulieu, Philippine
(*Apr 25, 1963) |
actress | IT | |
Lerski, Helmar (*Feb 18, 1871) | photographer | FR | |
Lesaffre, Roland (*Jun 26, 1927) | actor | FR | |
Lesage, François (*Mar 31, 1929) | FR | ||
Lesage, Lou (*May 24, 1991) | actress, singer | FR | |
Lesák, Petr (*1973) | actor, scriptwriter | CZ | |
Leščák, Marek (*1971) | scriptwriter | SK | |
Lescarbault, Edmond (*Aug 11, 1814) | physicist, scientist | FR | |
Lescarret, Julien (*Aug 18, 1980) | FR | ||
Lescaut, Jacques de (*May 16, 1939) | astrologer | BE | |
Lesch, Michael (*Oct 18, 1956) | actor | DE | |
Lesche, Jalo (*Apr 11, 1885) | actor | XX | |
Lescot, Jean (*Aug 30, 1938) | actor | FR | |
Lescure, Jérôme (*May 10, 1974) | director | FR | |
Lescure, Pierre (*Jul 2, 1945) | journalist | FR | |
Lesenská, Vladimíra (*1964) | Member of Parliament | CZ | |
Leshnock, Don (*Nov 25, 1946) | baseball player | US | |
Lesien, Michal (*Dec 24, 1974) | actor | PL | |
Lesień, Zbigniew (*Feb 8, 1947) | actor | PL | |
Lesiewicz, Witold (*Sep 9, 1922) | director | PL | |
Leski, Janusz (*Feb 12, 1930) | director | PL | |
Leskinen, Lauri (*Jan 21, 1918) | actor, scriptwriter | FI | |
Leskinen, Leri (*Sep 24, 1967) | composer, musician, businessman | FI | |
Leskinen, Väinö (*Mar 8, 1917) | actor | FI | |
Leskotová, Jana (*1984) | model | CZ | |
Leslie, Andy (*Nov 10, 1944) | NZ | ||
Leskov, Nikolai (*Feb 16, 1831) | novelist, short-story writer, playwright, journalist | RU | |
Leslie, Conor (*Apr 10, 1991) | actor | XX | |
Leslie, Ewen (*Jul 27, 1980) | actor | XX | |
Leslie, Joan (*Jan 26, 1925) | actress | US | |
Leslie, John (*Jan 25, 1945) | actor, director | US | |
Leslie, Lisa (*Jul 7, 1972) | basketball player | US | |
Leslie, Rose (*Feb 9, 1987) | actress | GB | |
Lesnar, Brock (*Jul 12, 1977) | actor, wrestler | US | |
Lesniak, Milan (*1956) | director | CZ | |
Lesniak, Zdzislaw (*Dec 13, 1930) | actor | PL | |
Lesort, Paul André (*Nov 14, 1915) | lawyer | FR | |
Lespert, Jalil (*Sep 18, 1976) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Lesseps, Ferdinand de (*Nov 19, 1805) | diplomat, businessman | FR | |
Lesser, Anton (*Feb 14, 1952) | actor | XX | |
Lesser, Len (*Dec 3, 1922) | actor | US | |
Lesser, Robert (*May 28, 1938) | actor | US | |
Lessing, Doris (*Oct 22, 1919) | writer, scriptwriter, poet | IR | |
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
(*Jan 22, 1729) |
playwright | DE | |
Lessing, Theodor (*Feb 8, 1872) | philosopher | DE | |
Lesslie, Colin (*Dec 24, 1910) | actor | GB | |
Lessman, Claus (*Sep 11, 1960) | guitarist, singer | XX | |
Lessy, (*Mar 2, 1978) | singer, guitarist | XX | |
Lester, Adrian (*Aug 14, 1968) | actor | GB | |
Lester, Jeff (*May 4, 1955) | actor, director | US | |
Lester, Kate (*Jun 12, 1857) | actress | GB | |
Lester, Loren (*Oct 4, 1960) | actor | US | |
Lester, Madalyn (*Mar 13, 1945) | US | ||
Lester, Mark (*Jul 11, 1958) | actor | GB | |
Lester, Mark L. (*Nov 26, 1946) | director, actor | US | |
Lester, Richard (*Jan 19, 1932) | director, actor | US | |
Lester, Ron (*Aug 4, 1970) | actor | US | |
Lester, Tom (*Sep 23, 1938) | actor, scriptwriter | US | |
Lesueur, Jean (*Jun 24, 1910) | tennis player | FR | |
Lesure, James (*Sep 21, 1970) | actor | US | |
Leszczylowski, Michal (*Jul 30, 1950) | director | PL | |
Leszczyński, Jerzy (*Feb 6, 1884) | actor | PL | |
Leszczyński, Krzysztof
(*Jun 21, 1953) |
actor | PL | |
Leszczyński, Mariusz (*Oct 27, 1942) | actor | PL | |
Leszczynski, Radek (*1975) | singer, actor, dancer | CZ | |
Leszczynski, Witold (*Aug 16, 1933) | actor, director, scriptwriter | PL | |
Letenská, Anna (*Aug 29, 1904) | actress | CZ | |
Letenská, Naděžda (*Apr 12, 1926) | actress | CZ | |
Letenský, Jiří (*Jul 19, 1926) | actor | CZ | |
Letenský, Ludvík (*Jun 27, 1900) | actor | CZ | |
Leterrier, François (*May 26, 1929) | actor, director, scriptwriter | FR | |
Leterrier, Louis (*Jun 17, 1973) | director | FR | |
Letestu, Agnès (*Feb 1, 1971) | FR | ||
Letfus, Oldřich (*Aug 28, 1900) | actor, composer | CZ | |
Leth, Jørgen (*Jun 14, 1937) | actor, director, scriptwriter | DK | |
Lethal, DJ (*Dec 18, 1972) | LV | ||
Lethbridge, Thomas Charles
(*Mar 23, 1901) |
writer | GB | |
Lethem, Circé (*Jan 30, 1976) | actress | BE | |
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