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Celebrities - Surname "L" (4928)

Letizia, Angelique (*Aug 3, 1979) actress United States US
Letko, Ivan (*1934) actor CZSK CE
Letkowski, Christoph (*Jun 16, 1982) actor Germany DE
Leto, Jared (*Dec 26, 1971) actor, director, singer, songwriter, guitarist United States US
Leto, Shannon (*Mar 9, 1970) guitarist, singer, actor, photographer United States US
Letocha, Milan (*1984) director, actor Czech Republic CZ
Letourneau, Mary Kay (*Jan 30, 1962) schoolteacher who pleaded guilty in 1997 to two counts of felony second-degree rape of a child United States US
Letscher, Matt (*Jun 26, 1970) actor United States US
Letta, Enrico (*Aug 20, 1966) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Italy IT
Letterhaus, Bernhard (*Jul 10, 1894) Germany DE
Letterle, Daniel (*May 31, 1979) actor United States US
Letterman, David (*Apr 12, 1947) actor, presenter United States US
Letterman, Harry (*Nov 3, 2003) United States US
Lettich, Sheldon (*Jan 14, 1951) director, actor United States US
Lettieri, Al (*Feb 24, 1928) United States US
Lettrich, Andrej (*Feb 3, 1922) actor, director, scriptwriter Slovakia SK
Letts, Dennis (*Sep 5, 1934) actor United States US
Letts, Don (*Jan 10, 1956) actor, director United Kingdom GB
Letts, Tracy (*Jul 4, 1965) actress, scriptwriter United States US
Lettsom, William Nanson
(*Feb 4, 1796)
United Kingdom GB
Leuenberger, Hans (*Aug 9, 1931) astrologer, writer Switzerland CH
Leung, Anson (*Oct 12, 1979) Unknown XX
Leung, Gigi (*Mar 25, 1976) actress, director, scriptwriter China CN
Leung, Jade (*Nov 23, 1969) actress China CN
Leung, Katie (*Aug 8, 1987) actress United Kingdom GB
Leung, Ken (*Jan 21, 1970) actor United States US
Leung, Patrick (*Jan 1, 1959) actor, director Hong Kong HK
Leung Ka Fai, Tony (*Feb 1, 1958) actor Hong Kong HK
Leung 'Jacob' Cheung, Chi
(*Sep 6, 1959)
actor, director, scriptwriter Hong Kong HK
Leurini, Gino (*Nov 20, 1934) actor Italy IT
Leuschner, Wilhelm (*Jun 15, 1890) Germany DE
Leusse, Comte Pierre de
(*Dec 24, 1905)
diplomat France FR
Leutwyler, Matthew (*Jul 23, 1969) director United States US
Leuwerik, Ruth (*Apr 23, 1924) actress Germany DE
Leux, Leo (*Mar 7, 1893) actor, composer Germany DE
Lev, Jakub (*1990) ice hockey player Czech Republic CZ
Lev, Josef (*May 1, 1832) composer, singer, opera singer, teacher Czech Republic CZ
Levá, Ivana (*Jun 16, 1950) Member of Parliament Unknown XX
Leväaho, Kauko-Aatos (*Nov 13, 1925) Russia RU
Levada, William (*Jun 15, 1936) priest United States US
Lévai, Katalin (*May 22, 1954) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Hungary HU
Leväluoma, Eero (*Jun 6, 1896) actor, director Finland FI
Levan, C. J. (*Feb 13, 1923) general United States US
Levan, Ivy (*Jan 20, 1987) composer, singer, actress, model United States US
Levang, Neil (*Jan 3, 1932) musician United States US
Levant, Brian (*Aug 6, 1952) director, actor United States US
Levant, Oscar (*Dec 27, 1906) actor, composer United States US
Levantal, François (*Oct 10, 1960) actor France FR
Levasseur, Palmyre (*Dec 24, 1888) actress France FR
Levay, Sylvester (*May 16, 1945) composer Unknown XX
Levchuk, Timofei (*Jan 19, 1912) director Ukraine UA
Leveaux, Amaury (*Dec 2, 1985) swimmer France FR
Levels, Calvin (*Sep 30, 1954) actor United States US
Levén, Mats (*Sep 11, 1964) composer, guitarist, singer Sweden SE
Levene, Philip (*Jun 9, 1926) writer, actor, scriptwriter United Kingdom GB
Levene, Sam (*Aug 28, 1905) Unknown XX
Levent, Pierre (*Nov 2, 1910) actor, cameraman France FR
Lever, Johnny (*Jan 7, 1950) actor India IN
Levering, Kate (*Jan 3, 1979) actress, singer United States US
Levertov, Denise (*Oct 24, 1923) poet United Kingdom GB
Levesque, Elyse (*Sep 10, 1985) actress Canada CA
Lévesque, Marcel (*Dec 6, 1877) actor France FR
Levesque, Paul (*Jul 27, 1969) actor, wrestler United States US
Lévesque, René (*Aug 24, 1922) Canada CA
Levet, Thomas (*Sep 5, 1968) golfer France FR
Levi, Carlo (*Nov 29, 1902) writer Italy IT
Lévi, Eric (*Dec 23, 1955) musician France FR
Levi, Nur Al (*Feb 1, 1979) Spain ES
Levi, Primo (*Jul 31, 1919) poet Italy IT
Levi, Zachary (*Sep 29, 1980) actor United States US
Levi-Civita, Tullio (*Mar 29, 1873) mathematician Italy IT
Levi-Montalcini, Rita (*Apr 22, 1909) Italy IT
Levi-Strauss, Claude (*Nov 28, 1908) Belgium BE
Levien, Sonya (*Dec 25, 1888) scriptwriter Russia RU
Levieva, Margarita (*Feb 9, 1980) actress Russia RU
Lévignac, Sylvain (*Oct 12, 1929) actor France FR
Levin, Vasili (*Feb 21, 1923) director, actor SSSR CP
Levin, Charles (*Mar 12, 1949) United States US
Levin, Eli (*Jun 18, 1938) artist United States US
Levin, Hanoch (*Dec 18, 1943) poet Israel IL
Levin, Henry (*Feb 26, 1909) director, actor United States US
Levin, Ira (*Aug 27, 1929) writer United States US
Levin, Matt (*Apr 12, 1972) actor United States US
Levin, Meyer (*Oct 7, 1905) director Unknown XX
Levin, Tony (*Jun 6, 1946) United States US
Levinas, Michael (*Apr 18, 1949) composer France FR
Levine, Adam (*Mar 18, 1979) guitarist, singer United States US
Levine, Ken (*Aug 1, 1966) game designer, founder of Irrational Games United States US
Levine, Alice (*Oct 28, 1988) actress, journalist United Kingdom GB
Levine, Anna (*Sep 18, 1953) actress United States US
Levine, James (*Jun 23, 1943) conductor United States US
Levine, Jerry (*Mar 12, 1957) actor United States US
Levine, Jesse (*Oct 15, 1987) tennis player Canada CA
Levine, Joseph E. (*Sep 9, 1905) actor United States US
Levine, Ken (*Feb 14, 1950) director, scriptwriter United States US
Levine, Leon (*Jun 8, 1937) United States US
Levine, Rick (*Apr 6, 1949) racing driver United States US
Levine, Robert (*Sep 4, 1931) actor United States US
Levine, Samm (*Mar 12, 1982) actor United States US
Levine, Stuart R. (*Jan 29, 1958) businessman United States US
Levine, Ted (*May 29, 1957) actor United States US
Leviness, Carl M. (*Jul 6, 1885) actor United States US
Levinson, Barry (*Apr 6, 1942) director, actor United States US
Levinson, Richard (*Aug 7, 1934) actor, scriptwriter Unknown XX
Levis, Larry (*Sep 30, 1946) writer United States US
Levitas, Andrew (*Sep 4, 1977) actor United States US
Levithan, David (*Sep 7, 1972) writer, actor United States US
Levitow, Abe (*Jul 2, 1922) director United States US
Levitski, Lubomir (*Sep 17, 1980) director, scriptwriter Ukraine UA
Levitsky, Boris (*Jun 2, 1907) actor Unknown XX
Levitt, Alfred Lewis (*Jun 3, 1916) Unknown XX
Levitt, Helen (*Aug 13, 1913) camerawoman, scriptwriter United States US
Levitt, Stan (*Jun 28, 1917) actor United States US
Levo, Liron (*Jan 22, 1972) Israel IL
Levo, Urpo (*Aug 15, 1921) Finland FI
Levrone, Kevin (*Jul 16, 1964) professional bodybuilder, musician, blogger United States US
Levshin, Alina (*Sep 10, 1984) actress Ukraine UA
Levtova, Marina (*Apr 27, 1959) actress SSSR CP
Levy, Ariel (*Sep 28, 1984) actress Chile CL
Levý, Bedřich (*1983) composer, guitarist, singer, actor Czech Republic CZ
Lévy, Bernard-Henri (*Nov 5, 1948) actor, director, philosopher Algeria DZ
Levy, Chandra (*Apr 14, 1977) United States US
Levy, Dani (*Nov 17, 1957) director Switzerland CH
Levy, Edmond (*Sep 26, 1929) director Canada CA
Levy, Eugene (*Dec 17, 1946) actor, director, scriptwriter Canada CA
Levy, Francine (*Mar 28, 1956) Belgium BE
Levy, Hyman (*Mar 7, 1889) mathematician United Kingdom GB
Levy, Jane (*Dec 29, 1989) actress United States US
Levy, Jefery (*May 21, 1958) director United States US
Levý, Jiří (*Aug 8, 1926) Unknown XX
Levy, Mariana (*Apr 22, 1965) actress, singer Mexico MX
Levy, Michael James (*Feb 14, 1983) actor United States US
Levy, Ralph (*Dec 18, 1919) director United States US
Lévy, Raoul (*Apr 14, 1922) actor, director Belgium BE
Levy, Scott (*Feb 13, 1971) actor United States US
Levy, Scott (*Sep 8, 1964) actor, wrestler United States US
Levy, Shawn (*Jul 15, 1968) director, actor Canada CA
Levy, Shuki (*Jun 3, 1947) director, actor Israel IL
Levy, William (*Aug 29, 1980) actor Cuba CU
Lew, James (*Sep 6, 1952) actor United States US
Lewandowski, Grzegorz (*Oct 11, 1969) director, scriptwriter Poland PL
Lewandowski, Ignacy (*Dec 20, 1940) actor Poland PL
Lewandowski, Janusz (*Jun 13, 1951) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Poland PL
Lewandowski, Lukasz (*Aug 10, 1974) actor Poland PL
Lewandowski, Marek (*Nov 4, 1946) actor Poland PL
Lewden, Pierre (*Feb 21, 1901) France FR
Lewgoy, José (*Nov 16, 1920) actor Brazil BR
Lewi, Grant (*Jun 8, 1902) astrologer United States US
Lewin, Albert (*Sep 23, 1894) director United States US
Lewin, Blanca (*Aug 7, 1974) actress Chile CL
Lewin, Robert (*May 9, 1920) United States US
Lewing, Harry (*Dec 16, 1923) composer, actor, director, cameraman, scriptwriter Finland FI
Lewino, Walter (*Jan 18, 1924) writer Unknown XX
Lewinsky, Micha (*Dec 19, 1972) Germany DE
Lewinsky, Monica (*Jul 23, 1973) United States US
Lewis, Al (*Apr 30, 1923) United States US
Lewis, C. S. (*Nov 29, 1898) poet, novelist, theologian, literary scholar, author of The Chronicles of Narnia United Kingdom GB
Lewis, Sinclair (*Feb 7, 1885) novelist, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature United States US
Lewis, Algerita Wynn (*Feb 5, 1966) actress United States US
Lewis, Ananda (*Mar 21, 1973) actress United States US
Lewis, Andrew (*Apr 18, 1875) United Kingdom GB
Lewis, Anthony (*Mar 31, 1983) actor Unknown XX
Lewis, Bobo (*May 14, 1926) actor United States US
Lewis, Bubba (*Feb 20, 1989) actor United States US
Lewis, Carl (*Jul 1, 1961) actor United States US
Lewis, Carly (*Jul 26, 1985) singer United Kingdom GB
Lewis, Carol (*Aug 8, 1963) United States US
Lewis, Cecil (*Mar 29, 1898) director United Kingdom GB
Lewis, Chalisa (*Nov 29, 1980) United States US
Lewis, Charles (*Oct 30, 1953) actor Unknown XX
Lewis, Charlotte (*Aug 7, 1967) actress United Kingdom GB
Lewis, Christopher (*Aug 4, 1944) director United States US
Lewis, Clea (*Jul 19, 1965) actress United States US
Lewis, Damaris (*Oct 10, 1990) model United States US
Lewis, Damian (*Feb 11, 1971) actor United Kingdom GB
Lewis, Darren (*Nov 7, 1968) athlete Unknown XX
Lewis, Darryll (*Dec 16, 1968) athlete Unknown XX
Lewis, David (*Oct 19, 1916) actor United States US
Lewis, David (*Aug 4, 1976) actor, director, scriptwriter Canada CA
Lewis, Dawnn (*Aug 13, 1961) actress United States US
Lewis, Denise (*Aug 27, 1972) athlete United Kingdom GB
Lewis, Donna (*Aug 6, 1973) singer United Kingdom GB
Lewis, Elliott (*Nov 28, 1917) United States US
Lewis, Fiona (*Sep 28, 1946) actress United Kingdom GB
Lewis, Garry (*Aug 25, 1967) athlete Unknown XX
Lewis, Gary (*Nov 30, 1958) actor United Kingdom GB
Lewis, Geoffrey (*Jul 31, 1935) actor United States US
Lewis, George J. (*Dec 10, 1903) actor Mexico MX
Lewis, Greg (*Aug 10, 1969) athlete Unknown XX
Lewis, Gus (*Jan 19, 1993) United States US
Lewis, Harvey (*Nov 25, 1883) writer United States US
Lewis, Henry (*Oct 16, 1932) conductor United States US
Lewis, Herbert Clyde (*Aug 15, 1909) United States US
Lewis, Herschell Gordon
(*Jun 15, 1929)
director United States US
Lewis, Homer I. (*Feb 1, 1919) general United States US
Lewis, Howard Lew (*Aug 21, 1939) actor United Kingdom GB
Lewis, Huey (*Jul 5, 1950) composer, singer United States US
Lewis, James (*Nov 3, 1949) astrologer, writer United States US
Lewis, James Arthur (*Jul 30, 1978) actor United States US
Lewis, Janet (*Aug 17, 1899) writer United States US