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Celebrities - Surname "L" (4928)

Lama, Bernard (*Apr 7, 1963) soccer player France FR
Lama, Serge (*Feb 11, 1943) singer France FR
Lama, Sofía (*Jun 9, 1987) actress Mexico MX
Lamač, Karel (*Jan 27, 1887) singer, actor, director, scriptwriter Czech Republic CZ
Lamaison, Christophe (*Apr 8, 1971) France FR
Lamaison, Lydia (*Aug 5, 1914) actress Argentina AR
Lamantia, Philip (*Oct 23, 1927) poet United States US
Lamar, Kendrick (*Jun 17, 1987) actor United States US
LaMarche, Maurice (*Mar 30, 1958) actor Canada CA
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste
(*Aug 1, 1744)
naturalist, author of the first comprehensive theory of evolution France FR
LaMarque, Jenée (*Feb 2, 1980) director United States US
Lamarque, Libertad (*Nov 24, 1908) Argentina AR
LaMarr, Phil (*Jan 24, 1967) actor United States US
Lamas, Fernando (*Jan 9, 1915) actor, director Argentina AR
Lamas, Lorenzo (*Jan 20, 1958) actor, director United States US
Lamassoure, Alain (*Feb 10, 1944) Member of the European Parliament, MEP France FR
Lamb, Antonia (*Oct 3, 1943) astrologer, author United States US
Lamb, Charles (*Feb 10, 1775) poet United Kingdom GB
Lamb, Debra (*Nov 24, 1963) actress United States US
Lamb, Jerry Elam (*Jan 12, 1952) United States US
Lamb, Sarah (*Oct 17, 1980) United States US
Lamb, Terry (*Aug 30, 1952) astrologer, author United States US
Lamb, Tiffany (*Oct 26, 1963) actress Australia AU
Lamb Jr., Willis Eugene
(*Jul 12, 1913)
physicist, scientist United States US
Lamba, Minissha (*Jan 18, 1985) India IN
Lambart, Evelyn (*Jul 23, 1914) director Canada CA
Lambeaux, Jef (*Jan 14, 1852) sculptor Belgium BE
Lamberg, Adam (*Sep 14, 1984) actor United States US
Lambert, Adam (*Jan 29, 1982) singer, actor United States US
Lambert, Angela (*Apr 14, 1940) writer Unknown XX
Lambert, Anne-Louise (*Aug 21, 1955) actress Australia AU
Lambert, Chloé (*Mar 30, 1976) actress France FR
Lambert, Christophe (*Oct 10, 1964) France FR
Lambert, Christopher (*Mar 29, 1957) actor United States US
Lambert, Danielle (*Jun 14, 1968) United States US
Lambert, David (*Nov 29, 1992) actor United States US
Lambert, Elizabeth (*Sep 22, 1964) actress United States US
Lambert, Eric (*Jan 19, 1918) writer United Kingdom GB
Lambert, Gavin (*Jun 23, 1924) actor United Kingdom GB
Lambert, Hallie (*Apr 29, 1983) actress United States US
Lambert, Henri (*Dec 5, 1927) actor France FR
Lambert, Jack (*Jul 8, 1952) soccer player United States US
Lambert, Jean (*Jun 1, 1950) Member of the European Parliament, MEP United Kingdom GB
Lambert, Jerry (*Aug 8, 1957) actor United States US
Lambert, Kit (*May 11, 1935) United Kingdom GB
Lambert, Miranda (*Nov 10, 1983) actress United States US
Lambert, Paul (*Mar 12, 1907) musician Belgium BE
Lambert, Shane (*Sep 21, 2003) victim of murder United States US
Lamberti, Lara (*Mar 21, 1967) actress France FR
Lamberti, Vincent (*Sep 8, 1965) actor United States US
Lamberts, Heath (*Dec 15, 1941) actor Canada CA
Lamberts, Philippe (*Mar 14, 1963) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Belgium BE
Lambeti, Ellie (*Apr 13, 1926) actress Greece GR
Lambie, David (*Jul 13, 1925) politician United Kingdom GB
Lambiel, Stéphane (*Apr 2, 1985) figure skater Switzerland CH
Lamboley, Juliette (*Apr 21, 1990) actress France FR
Lamborghini, Ferruccio
(*Apr 28, 1916)
Italy IT
Lambot, Joseph Louis (*May 22, 1814) architect France FR
Lambre, Mercedes (*Oct 5, 1992) singer, actress, model, dancer Argentina AR
Lambrechts, Frits (*Mar 24, 1937) Netherlands NL
Lambrecks, Eefje (*Jan 30, 1976) Belgium BE
Lambrinidis, Stavros (*Feb 6, 1962) Member of the European Parliament, MEP Greece GR
Lambsdorff, Alexander Graf Graf
(*Nov 5, 1966)
Member of the European Parliament, MEP Germany DE
Lambton, Anne (*Jul 4, 1954) actress United Kingdom GB
Lameche, Anais (*Aug 19, 1987) singer, model Sweden SE
Lami, Eugene Louis (*Jan 12, 1800) painter France FR
Lamka, Josef (*Nov 12, 1931) director, actor Czech Republic CZ
Lamm, Richard (*Aug 3, 1935) politician United States US
Lammela, Jussi (*May 17, 1959) actor Unknown XX
Lammela, Lauri (*Jun 22, 1932) actor Finland FI
Lammerding, Heinz (*Aug 27, 1905) general Germany DE
Lammers, David (*Feb 13, 1972) director Netherlands NL
Lammers, Esmé (*Jun 9, 1958) director Netherlands NL
Lammers, Frank (*Apr 10, 1972) actor, director Netherlands NL
Lammers, John (*Jan 29, 1986) ice hockey player Canada CA
Lamminmäki, Lauri (*Oct 27, 1917) scriptwriter Finland FI
Lamond, James Alexander
(*Nov 29, 1928)
politician United Kingdom GB
Lamond, Stella (*Mar 12, 1909) actress Australia AU
Lamont, Bishop (*Oct 31, 1978) singer United States US
Lamont, Charles (*May 5, 1895) director, actor Russia RU
Lamont, Duncan (*Jul 4, 1931) musician United Kingdom GB
Lamont, Molly (*May 22, 1910) actress South Africa ZA
Lamont, Norman (*May 8, 1942) politician United Kingdom GB
LaMontagne, Ray (*Jun 18, 1973) singer United States US
Lamorisse, Albert (*Jan 13, 1922) director, scriptwriter France FR
LaMorte, Robia (*Jul 7, 1970) actress United States US
Lamothe, Esteban (*Apr 30, 1977) actor Argentina AR
Lamothe, Gauthier (*Jun 30, 1986) France FR
LaMothe, Jerry (*Oct 16, 1972) director, scriptwriter United States US
LaMothe, William E. (*Oct 23, 1926) United States US
LaMotta, Jake (*Jul 10, 1921) boxer United States US
LaMotta, John (*Jan 8, 1939) United States US
Lamotte, Martin (*Jun 2, 1947) actor, director, scriptwriter France FR
Lamotte, Roland (*Jun 23, 1930) boxer France FR
Lamour, Dorothy (*Dec 10, 1914) actress United States US
Lamoureux, Robert (*Jan 4, 1920) actor, director, scriptwriter France FR
Lampa, Rudolf (*Sep 1, 1905) actor Czech Republic CZ
Lampanelli, Lisa (*Jul 19, 1961) actress, scriptwriter United States US
Lampard, Frank (*Jun 20, 1978) soccer player United Kingdom GB
Lamparski, Richard (*Oct 5, 1932) United States US
Lampe, Jutta (*Dec 13, 1937) actress Germany DE
Lampela, Jarmo (*Oct 9, 1964) director Finland FI
Lampela, Viljo (*Apr 28, 1918) actor, director, scriptwriter Finland FI
Lampenius, Börje (*Dec 18, 1921) actor, scriptwriter Finland FI
Lampert, Edward (*Jul 19, 1962) businessman United States US
Lampert, Zohra (*May 13, 1937) actress United States US
Lamperti, Gracieux (*May 9, 1933) boxer France FR
Lampi, Jussi (*Feb 9, 1961) actor Finland FI
Lampi, Vilho (*Jul 19, 1898) actor Finland FI
Lampila, Seija (*Feb 22, 1936) actress Finland FI
Lampin, Georges (*Oct 14, 1901) director, scriptwriter Russia RU
Lampinen, Jonathan (*Jan 13, 1995) actor Sweden SE
Lampinen, Jukka (*Aug 20, 1940) actor, cameraman Unknown XX
Lampinen, Raine (*Feb 13, 1912) actor Finland FI
Lampinen, Simo (*Jun 22, 1943) actor Finland FI
Lampisuo, Marko (*Apr 8, 1970) composer, actor, director, scriptwriter Finland FI
Lampley, Aaron James (*Aug 28, 1991) United States US
Lampley, Jim (*Apr 8, 1949) actor United States US
Lampley, Oni Faidah (*Apr 15, 1959) actress United States US
Lampo, Hubert Léon (*Sep 1, 1920) physicist Belgium BE
Lampreave, Chus (*Dec 11, 1930) actress Spain ES
Lamprecht, Bettina (*Jun 2, 1977) actress Unknown XX
Lamprecht, Gerhard (*Oct 6, 1897) director Germany DE
Lamprecht, Günter (*Jan 21, 1930) actor Germany DE
Lamy, Alexandra (*Oct 14, 1971) actress France FR
Lamy, Jean Baptiste (*Oct 11, 1814) Roman Catholic prelate, first Archbishop of Santa Fe, New Mexico France FR
Lamy, Pascal (*Apr 8, 1947) politician, businessman, Director General of WTO France FR
Lamy, André (*Oct 31, 1962) producer Belgium BE
Lamy, Audrey (*Jan 19, 1981) actress France FR
Lamy, Benoît (*Sep 19, 1945) director, scriptwriter Belgium BE
Lamy, Charles (*Aug 28, 1857) actor France FR
Lamy, Jean-Pierre (*Jun 9, 1945) actor France FR
Lamy-Chappuis, Jason (*Sep 9, 1986) United States US
Lamy-Chappuis, Ronan (*Sep 10, 1993) France FR
Lamza, Joachim (*Jul 7, 1951) actor Poland PL
LaNasa, Katherine (*Dec 1, 1966) actress United States US
Lan, Cheng-Lung (*Mar 1, 1979) actor Taiwan TW
Lancashire, Sarah (*Oct 4, 1964) actress, director United Kingdom GB
Lancaster, Amber (*Sep 19, 1980) actress United States US
Lancaster, Bill (*Nov 17, 1947) actor, scriptwriter United States US
Lancaster, Burt (*Nov 2, 1913) actor United States US
Lancaster, Erica (*Apr 4, 1979) Unknown XX
Lancaster, Joanne Mari
(*Jul 2, 1951)
United States US
Lancaster, Marshall (*Oct 5, 1974) actor United Kingdom GB
Lancaster, Patrick (*Apr 11, 1956) physicist United States US
Lancaster, Penny (*Mar 15, 1971) model, photographer United Kingdom GB
Lancaster, Sarah (*Feb 12, 1980) actress United States US
Lancaster, Susan Elizabeth
(*Jul 5, 1949)
United States US
Lancaume, Karen (*Jan 19, 1973) actress France FR
Lance, Ashley N. (*Aug 25, 1986) actress United States US
Lance, Chief Buffalo Child Long
(*Dec 1, 1890)
United States US
Lancelot, Alain (*Jan 12, 1937) Switzerland CH
Lancer, Patricia (*Apr 28, 1952) United States US
Lancetti, Pino (*Nov 27, 1928) fashion designer Italy IT
Lanchester, Elsa (*Oct 28, 1902) actress United Kingdom GB
Lancia, Vincenzo (*Aug 24, 1881) racer Italy IT
Lancie, John de (*Mar 20, 1948) actor, director, scriptwriter United States US
Lančíková, Hana (*Jul 5, 1938) actress Unknown XX
Láncošová, Lucia (*1994) singer Czech Republic CZ
Lancret, Bernard (*Sep 4, 1912) actor France FR
Lanctôt, Micheline (*May 12, 1947) actress, director Canada CA
Lanczová, Lenka (*1964) writer Czech Republic CZ
Lanczová, Sandra (*1986) writer Czech Republic CZ
Land, Addie (*Apr 28, 1988) actress United States US
Land, Bill (*May 10, 1944) astrologer United States US
Land, Edwin Herbert (*May 7, 1909) United States US
Land, Kurt (*Feb 19, 1913) director Austria AT
Land, Robert (*Jul 13, 1887) director Czech Republic CZ
Landa, Daniel (*1968) actor, singer, race car driver Czech Republic CZ
Landa, Alfredo (*Mar 3, 1933) actor Spain ES
Landa, Libor (*1975) actor Czech Republic CZ
Landa, Margot (*Oct 4, 1907) actress Germany DE
Landa, Max (*Apr 24, 1880) actor Austria AT
Landa, Miguel Ángel (*Nov 4, 1938) actor Venezuela VE
Landa, Mirjam (*Apr 13, 1969) actress, director, scriptwriter Germany DE
Landau, Martin (*Jun 20, 1928) actor United States US
Landau, Gerald (*Apr 25, 1926) director United Kingdom GB
Landau, Juliet (*Mar 30, 1965) actress United States US
Landau, Lev Davidovich
(*Jan 22, 1908)
physicist Azerbaijan AZ
Landauer, Gustav (*Apr 7, 1870) Germany DE
Landé, Alfred (*Dec 13, 1888) physicist Germany DE
Lande, Jørn (*May 31, 1968) singer Norway NO
Landeau, Alexia (*Feb 12, 1975) actress France FR
Landecker, Amy (*Sep 30, 1969) actress United States US
Landelle, Charles (*Jun 2, 1821) painter France FR
Lander, David L. (*Jun 22, 1947) actor United States US
Lander, Mercedes (*Jan 25, 1984) musician, singer Canada CA
Lander, Morgan (*Jan 6, 1982) musician, singer Canada CA
Lander, Pedro (*Mar 3, 1954) actor Venezuela VE
Landers, Paul (*Dec 9, 1964) musicina, guitarist of Rammstein Germany DE
Landers, Ann (*Jul 3, 1918) United States US
Landers, Audrey (*Jul 18, 1959) actress, director United States US
Landers, Judy (*Oct 7, 1958) actress, director United States US
Landers, Kristy (*Oct 29, 1991) United States US
Landers, Lew (*Jan 2, 1901) director, actor United States US
Landers, Lindsey (*Jul 3, 1989) actress United States US
Landers, Matt (*Oct 21, 1952) actor United States US
Landes, Michael (*Sep 18, 1972) actor United States US
Landesberg, Steve (*Nov 23, 1936) actor United States US
Landgard, Janet (*Dec 2, 1947) actress United States US