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Chemists - Celebrities (173)

Isaac Asimov (*Jan 2, 1920) writer, biochemist Russia RU
Michael Faraday (*Sep 22, 1791) physicist, chemist United Kingdom GB
Jean-Baptiste Dumas (*Jul 16, 1800) chemist France FR
Friedrich Bayer (*Jun 6, 1825) chemist, entrepreneur, founder of company Bayer AG Germany DE
Pierre Curie (*May 15, 1859) physicist, chemist France FR
Charles Goodyear (*Dec 29, 1800) chemist, inventor, developer of vulcanized rubber United States US
Dudley Robert Herschbach
(*Jun 18, 1932)
chemist, Nobel Prize winner for chemistry in 1986 United States US
Dmitri Mendeleev (*Feb 8, 1834) Russian chemist, creator of the Periodic Table of Elements Russia RU
Louis Pasteur (*Dec 27, 1822) French biologist, chemist, doctor France FR
Rupert Sheldrake (*Jun 28, 1942) biochemist, plant physiologist, author of the theory of morp... United Kingdom GB
Miroslav Smotlacha (*Sep 22, 1920) food chemist, popularizer of mycology and mushrooming Czech Republic CZ
Franz Carl Achard (*Apr 28, 1753) chemist Germany DE
Christian Anfinsen (*Mar 26, 1916) chemist United States US
Leo Baekeland (*Nov 14, 1863) chemist Belgium BE
Adolf von Baeyer (*Oct 31, 1835) chemist who synthesised indigo Germany DE
Antoine Jerome Balard
(*Sep 30, 1802)
chemist France FR
Carl Bosch (*Aug 27, 1874) chemist Germany DE
Heinrich Caro (*Feb 14, 1834) chemist Poland PL
Michel Eugène Chevreul
(*Aug 31, 1786)
physicist, chemist France FR
William Crookes (*Jun 17, 1832) physicist, chemist United Kingdom GB
Humphrey Davy (*Dec 17, 1778) chemist United Kingdom GB
Peter Debye (*Mar 24, 1884) physicist, chemist Netherlands NL
Carl Duisberg (*Sep 29, 1861) chemist Germany DE
Johan Fredrik Eijkman
(*Jan 19, 1851)
chemist Netherlands NL
Emil Fischer (*Oct 9, 1852) chemist Germany DE
Charles Friedel (*Mar 12, 1832) chemist France FR
Robert Minard Garrels
(*Aug 24, 1916)
chemist United States US
Charles Gerhardt (*Aug 21, 1816) chemist France FR
Aime Girard (*Dec 22, 1830) chemist France FR
Sidney Gottlieb (*Aug 3, 1918) chemist United States US
Harry Barkus Gray (*Nov 14, 1935) chemist United States US
Victor Grignard (*May 6, 1871) chemist France FR
Otto Hahn (*Mar 8, 1879) chemist Germany DE
Donald Frederick Hornig
(*Mar 17, 1920)
chemist United States US
Erich Hückel (*Aug 9, 1896) chemist Germany DE
August Kekule Von Stradonitz
(*Sep 7, 1829)
organic chemist Germany DE
Albert Kluyver (*Jun 3, 1888) chemist Netherlands NL
Fritz O. Laquer (*Sep 15, 1888) chemist Germany DE
Le Bel. Achille (*Jan 21, 1847) chemist France FR
Henri Louis Le Chatelier
(*Oct 8, 1850)
chemist France FR
Paul-Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran
(*Apr 18, 1838)
chemist France FR
Jean Marie Lehn (*Sep 30, 1939) chemist France FR
Justus von Liebig (*May 12, 1803) chemist Germany DE
William Nunn Lipscomb
(*Dec 9, 1919)
chemist United States US
William Worrall Mayo (*May 31, 1819) chemist United Kingdom GB
Jacques Lucien Monod (*Feb 9, 1910) chemist France FR
Kary Banks Mullis (*Dec 28, 1944) chemist United States US
Walther Nernst (*Jun 25, 1864) chemist Germany DE
Severo Ochoa (*Sep 24, 1905) doctor, chemist Spain ES
Augustus Stanley III Owsley
(*Jan 19, 1935)
chemist United States US
Linus Carl Pauling (*Feb 28, 1901) quantum chemist, biochemist United States US
Jules Pelouze (*Feb 26, 1807) chemist France FR
Isadore Perlman (*Apr 12, 1915) chemist United States US
Paul Pfeiffer (*Apr 21, 1875) chemist Germany DE
Jean Piccard (*Jan 28, 1884) chemist, twin Switzerland CH
George Claude Pimentel
(*May 2, 1922)
chemist United States US
Joseph Priestley (*Mar 24, 1733) chemist United Kingdom GB
Ilya Prigogine (*Jan 25, 1917) chemist Russia RU
Francois Raoult (*May 10, 1830) chemist France FR
John D. Roberts (*Jun 8, 1918) chemist United States US
Paul Rosbaud (*Nov 18, 1896) chemist Austria AT
Glenn Seaborg (*Apr 19, 1912) nuclear chemist United States US
Esmond Emerson Snell (*Sep 22, 1914) chemist United States US
Ernest Solvay (*Apr 16, 1838) chemist Belgium BE
Jacobus Henricus Van 't Hoff
(*Aug 30, 1852)
chemist Netherlands NL
Otto Wallach (*Mar 27, 1847) chemist Germany DE
Alfred Werner (*Dec 12, 1866) chemist Germany DE
Richard Willstatter (*Aug 13, 1872) chemist Germany DE
Charles Adolphe Wurtz
(*Nov 26, 1817)
chemist France FR
Eduard Buchner (*May 20, 1860) chemist, discoverer of cell-free fermentation Germany DE
Donald Pettit (*Apr 20, 1955) NASA astronaut, chemical engineer, scientist, astrophotograp... United States US
Frater Albertus (*May 5, 1911) chemist Germany DE
Robert Arnold Alberty
(*Jun 21, 1921)
chemist, MIT professor United States US
James R. Arnold (*May 5, 1923) chemist United States US
Dexter Baker (*Apr 16, 1927) chemist United States US
Eugen Bamann (*Jan 16, 1900) chemist Germany DE
Kenneth J. Barr (*Aug 25, 1926) chemist United States US
Ottaviano Bottini (*Dec 26, 1905) chemist Italy IT
Paul Delos Boyer (*Jul 31, 1918) writer, chemist United States US
Hellmut Bredereck (*May 29, 1904) chemist Germany DE
Robert N. Burt (*May 24, 1937) chemist United States US
Adolf Butenandt (*Mar 24, 1903) chemist Germany DE
Alesandro Di Cagliostro
(*Jun 2, 1743)
chemist Italy IT
Vincent A. Calarco (*May 29, 1942) chemist United States US
Gustave Charles Chancel
(*Jan 18, 1822)
chemist France FR
Hilaire Chardonnet (*May 1, 1839) chemist France FR
Robert Elwell Connick
(*Jun 29, 1917)
chemist United States US
William K. Coors (*Aug 11, 1916) chemist United States US
Tom Cottrell (*Jun 8, 1923) chemist United Kingdom GB
Stanley Jerome Cristol
(*Jun 14, 1916)
chemist United States US
William Garfield Dauben
(*Nov 6, 1919)
chemist United States US
George A. Davidson (*Jul 28, 1938) chemist United States US
James Norman Davidson
(*Mar 5, 1911)
chemist United Kingdom GB
Jerry E. Dempsey (*Oct 1, 1932) chemist United States US
Adolf Hugo Dietzel (*Feb 3, 1902) chemist Germany DE
Carl Djerassi (*Oct 29, 1923) chemist Austria AT
Linn Draper (*Feb 6, 1942) chemist United States US
William Duncan (*Dec 16, 1922) chemist United Kingdom GB
Ernst Otto Fischer (*Nov 10, 1918) chemist Germany DE
Alexander Fleck (*Nov 11, 1889) chemist United Kingdom GB
Wilhelm Franke (*May 28, 1903) chemist Germany DE
Edmond Fremy (*Feb 22, 1814) chemist France FR
John A. Georges (*Feb 24, 1931) chemist United States US
Carl Allen Gerstacker
(*Aug 6, 1916)
chemist United States US
Robert C. Goizueta (*Nov 18, 1931) chemist Cuba CU
Stefan Goldschmidt (*Mar 26, 1889) chemist Germany DE
Evert Gorter (*Feb 19, 1881) chemist Netherlands NL
Floyd D. Gottwald (*Jul 29, 1922) chemist United States US
Edouard Grimaux (*Jul 3, 1835) chemist France FR
Brenton S. Halsey (*Apr 8, 1927) chemist United States US
David Harker (*Oct 19, 1906) chemist United States US
John T. Hartley (*Mar 4, 1930) chemist United States US
Roger R. Hemminghaus (*Aug 27, 1936) chemist United States US
Louis Henry (*Dec 26, 1834) chemist Belgium BE
Leon A. Heppel (*Oct 20, 1912) chemist United States US
Walter Otto Hieber (*Dec 18, 1895) chemist Germany DE
Robert Holley (*Jan 28, 1922) chemist United States US
David S. Hollingsworth
(*May 26, 1928)
chemist United States US
Emerson Kampen (*Mar 12, 1928) chemist United States US
John Kendrew (*Mar 24, 1917) biochemist, crystallographer United Kingdom GB
Eugene Patrick Kennedy
(*Sep 4, 1919)
chemist United States US
George D. Kennedy (*May 30, 1926) chemist United States US
Elwin S. Larson (*May 20, 1926) chemist United States US
Arthur Pillans Laurie
(*Nov 6, 1861)
chemist United Kingdom GB
Luis Federico Leloir (*Sep 6, 1906) chemist France FR
Edmond Maire (*Jan 24, 1931) chemist France FR
Robert H. Malott (*Oct 6, 1926) chemist United States US
Thomas A. McConomy (*Jul 26, 1933) chemist United States US
Lord McGowan (*Jun 3, 1874) chemist United Kingdom GB
Frank A. McPherson (*Apr 29, 1933) chemist United States US
George W. Mead (*Oct 11, 1927) chemist United States US
Makio Murayama (*Aug 10, 1912) chemist United States US
Giulio Natta (*Feb 26, 1903) chemist Italy IT
C. J. van Nieuwenburg
(*Dec 31, 1889)
chemist Netherlands NL
Edward E. Penhoet (*Dec 11, 1940) chemist United States US
John Polanyi (*Jan 23, 1929) chemist Germany DE
Frank Popoff (*Oct 27, 1935) chemist Bulgaria BG
Lawrence G. Rawl (*May 4, 1928) chemist United States US
Stanley R. Rawn (*Feb 3, 1928) chemist United States US
James J. Renier (*Jan 9, 1930) chemist United States US
Charles Richet (*Aug 26, 1850) chemist France FR
T. J. Rodgers (*Mar 15, 1948) chemist, founder of Cypress Semiconductor United States US
Louis T. Rosso (*Aug 13, 1933) chemist United States US
Orfeo Turno Rotini (*Feb 15, 1903) chemist Italy IT
Gary L. Roubos (*Nov 7, 1936) chemist United States US
Jean Rouxel (*Feb 24, 1935) chemist France FR
Hubert J. Schoemaker (*Mar 23, 1950) chemist Netherlands NL
Paul Schutzenberger (*Dec 23, 1829) chemist France FR
Charles P. Seiss (*Jan 28, 1927) chemist United States US
George J. Sella (*Sep 29, 1928) chemist United States US
Walter V. Shipley (*Nov 2, 1935) chemist United States US
Oktay Sinanoglu (*Feb 25, 1935) chemist Italy IT
Leonard Tucker Skeggs
(*Jun 9, 1918)
chemist United States US
Orin R. Smith (*Aug 13, 1935) chemist United States US
Harold A. Sorgenti (*May 28, 1934) chemist United States US
Walthere Spring (*Mar 6, 1848) chemist Belgium BE
Alexander Todd (*Oct 2, 1907) chemist United Kingdom GB
Romeo J. Ventres (*Nov 2, 1924) chemist United States US
Alexander von Bernus (*Feb 6, 1880) chemist Germany DE
Rene Warcollier (*Apr 8, 1881) chemist France FR
Harry B. Warner (*Jul 7, 1916) chemist United States US
Arieh Warshel (*Nov 20, 1940) physicist, chemist Israel IL
Kay R. Whitmore (*Jul 24, 1932) chemist United States US
Heinrich Otto Wieland
(*Jun 4, 1877)
chemist Germany DE
Edward Louis Zeines (*Dec 28, 1947) chemist United States US
Karl Waldemar Ziegler
(*Nov 26, 1898)
chemist Germany DE
Karel Schinzel (*Dec 20, 1886) inventor Czech Republic CZ
Christian de Duve (*Oct 2, 1917) cytolog, biochemik, nositel Nobelovy ceny United Kingdom GB
Josef Hausman (*Sep 18, 1953) writer, chemist Czech Republic CZ
Martin Fleischmann (*Mar 29, 1927) chemist noted for his work in electrochemistry - cold fusion Czech Republic CZ
Dalibor Štys (*Sep 1, 1962) scientist, biochemist, educator Czech Republic CZ
Hans Fischer (*Jul 27, 1881) chemist Germany DE
Henri Kagan (*Dec 15, 1930) chemist France FR