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Victims - Celebrities (96)

Elisabeth, Empress of Austria
(*Dec 24, 1837)
Empress of Austria, wife of Francis Joseph I, the victim of ... Germany DE
Franz Ferdinand of Austria
(*Dec 18, 1863)
Archduke of Austria, victim of assassination Austria AT
Sophie, Duchess von Hohenberg
(*Mar 1, 1868)
Duchess, wife of Franz Ferdinand d'Este, the victim of assas... Germany DE
Milada Horáková (*Dec 25, 1901) politician, victim of judicial murder, symbol of resistance ... Czech Republic CZ
Amie Adam (*Sep 23, 1990) victom from Dunblane massacre United Kingdom GB
Beth Brode (*Oct 10, 1977) victim of murder United States US
Martin L. Brunolt (*Sep 23, 1984) victim of murder United States US
Matthew Brunolt (*Jul 12, 1988) victim of murder United States US
Dom Christophe Lebreton
(*Oct 1, 1950)
priest, Trappist, victim of murder France FR
Jeffrey Coombs (*Sep 18, 1958) victim of a terrorist attack on the WTC United States US
Phyliss Cottle (*Sep 25, 1939) victim of assault and rape United States US
Elaine Defico (*Sep 24, 1950) go-go dancer, victim of murder United States US
Rachel Entwistle (*Dec 14, 1978) victim od murder United States US
Bernadette Federici (*Apr 9, 1952) victim of murder United States US
Galen Gibson (*Sep 27, 1974) victim of murder United States US
Celine Jourdan (*Sep 18, 1981) victim of murder France FR
Natascha Kampusch (*Feb 17, 1988) kidnap victim Austria AT
Lorraine Lielke (*Sep 27, 1926) victim of murder United States US
Master Marcus (*Sep 19, 1955) kidnap victim United States US
Sheila Martines (*Sep 27, 1955) TV reporter, kidnap victim United States US
Blonde Dolly (*Sep 27, 1927) prostitute, model, murder victim Netherlands NL
Daniel O'Connor (*Sep 22, 1957) victim of a bomb attack on a plane United States US
Maurizio Parenti (*Sep 20, 1955) victim of murder Italy IT
Reg (*Sep 23, 1942) prostitute, victim of sexual abuse United States US
Ruth Richards (*Mar 2, 1977) victim of murder United States US
Joelle Rodrigues-Nunes
(*Sep 16, 1957)
victim of murder France FR
Angela Salcido (*Jun 15, 1965) victim of murder United States US
Amy Seguin (*Apr 3, 1987) murder victim, killed by father United States US
Carole Vareille (*Sep 14, 1957) victim of murder France FR
Georges Wolinski (*Jun 29, 1934) cartoonist, caricaturist, victim of a terrorist attack Tunisia TN
Stéphane Charbonnier (*Aug 21, 1967) journalist, caricaturist, victim of a terrorist attack France FR
Jean Cabut (*Jan 13, 1938) caricaturist, victim of a terrorist attack France FR
Aaron Abernathy (*Oct 31, 1990) victim of murder United States US
James Alenson (*Jul 28, 1991) victim of murder United States US
Gregory Allaria (*Aug 7, 1978) victim of murder France FR
Mathieu Allaria (*Jul 24, 1980) victim of murder France FR
Bruno Artuno (*Apr 2, 1955) victim of murder France FR
John Francis Baumgardner
(*Aug 28, 1969)
victim of murder United States US
Roy Bissett (*Dec 27, 1900) victim of murder United States US
Steven Bryant (*Jul 4, 1952) victim of murder United States US
James Cassidy (*Jul 4, 1981) victim of murder United States US
Mark S. Charbonnier (*Mar 25, 1963) victim of murder United States US
David Charido (*Dec 4, 1960) victim of murder United States US
Derek Clark (*Jan 18, 1963) victim of murder United States US
Michael Cleveland (*Aug 19, 1971) victim of murder United States US
Daniel Croteau (*May 27, 1959) victim of murder United States US
Stephane Dieterich (*Apr 20, 1970) victim of murder France FR
Marco Dominiri (*Apr 5, 1963) victim of murder Italy IT
Eric Dostie (*Mar 28, 1989) victim of murder United States US
Daniel Giumpier (*Nov 8, 1953) victim of murder France FR
Gregory Godzik (*Mar 23, 1959) victim of murder United States US
Michael John Gregsten
(*Dec 28, 1924)
victim of murder United Kingdom GB
William Gustafson (*Nov 12, 1982) victim of murder United States US
Charles Hardison (*May 14, 1973) victim of murder United States US
Brian Havlin (*May 12, 1971) victim of murder United States US
Bruce Hinckley (*Apr 13, 1959) victim of murder United States US
Warren David Jones (*Dec 26, 1949) victim of murder United States US
Hugh King Jr. (*Jun 9, 1943) victim of murder United States US
Shane Lambert (*Sep 21, 2003) victim of murder United States US
Mark Avery Lasalle (*Jun 29, 1959) victim of murder United States US
Eugene Le Goff (*Dec 10, 1942) victim of murder France FR
Michael Logan (*Sep 30, 1964) victim of murder United States US
Samuele Lorenzi (*Nov 12, 1998) victim of murder Italy IT
Roman Luisi (*Feb 10, 1969) victim of murder United States US
Garrett Thomas Martel
(*Oct 3, 1994)
victim of murder United States US
Antonio Matalon (*Mar 6, 1944) victim of murder Italy IT
Paolo Matalon (*Jul 28, 1973) victim of murder Italy IT
Blaine McArthur (*Dec 1, 1926) victim of murder United States US
John Francis McKay (*Jun 27, 1983) victim of murder United States US
Charles Mehlberg (*Nov 24, 1956) victim of murder United States US
Guy Monnerot (*Dec 7, 1931) victim of murder France FR
Jim Morris (*Jan 29, 1937) victim of murder United States US
Arthur Noski (*Mar 25, 1968) victim of murder United States US
Brian Obershaw (*Nov 5, 1960) victim of murder United States US
Steven Earl Parent (*Feb 12, 1951) victim of murder United States US
Jacques Perrot (*Apr 14, 1946) victim of murder France FR
Kenneth Ponte (*Dec 6, 1949) victim of murder United States US
Eric Jay Procopio (*Oct 19, 1991) victim of murder United States US
Francois Renaud (*Mar 5, 1923) victim of murder Vietnam VN
Matthew Riley (*Feb 28, 1994) victim of murder United States US
Aime Jules Romand (*Oct 20, 1918) victim of murder France FR
Thomas F. Rose (*Jun 17, 1950) victim of murder United States US
Guy Rouget (*May 17, 1945) victim of murder France FR
Robert Scott (*Oct 19, 1976) victim of murder United States US
Cedric Seabrooks (*Jun 17, 1991) victim of murder United States US
Daniel Seguin (*Jan 14, 1985) victim of murder United States US
Mary Ann 'Polly' Seguin
(*May 4, 1957)
murder victim, wife killed by her husband United States US
Donald Simpson (*Dec 11, 1945) victim of murder United States US
Johnny Stompanato (*Oct 19, 1925) victim of murder United States US
Richard Stuart (*Jul 12, 1969) victim of murder United States US
Percy Thompson (*Mar 15, 1890) victim of murder United Kingdom GB
Danielle Van Dam (*Sep 22, 1994) victim of murder United States US
Frank Verlaque (*Jun 19, 1972) victim of murder France FR
Gregory Villemin (*Aug 24, 1980) victim of murder France FR
David Whiting Sr. (*Aug 24, 1956) victim of murder United States US
Dennis Whitney (*Aug 15, 1942) victim of murder United States US