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Mathematicians - Celebrities (124)

Stephen Hawking (*Jan 8, 1942) physicist, scientist, mathematician United Kingdom GB
Lewis Carroll (*Jan 27, 1832) writer, mathematician United Kingdom GB
Bertrand Russell (*May 18, 1872) writer, mathematician, philosopher United Kingdom GB
Leonhard Euler (*Apr 15, 1707) mathematician, physicist, astronomer, logician Switzerland CH
William Hamilton (*Aug 4, 1805) mathematician, physicist Ireland IE
George Boole (*Nov 2, 1815) mathematician, philosopher, inventor of Boolean algebra United Kingdom GB
Max Born (*Dec 11, 1882) mathematician, physicist Poland PL
Ada Lovelace (*Dec 10, 1815) mathematician, inventor of the machine programming United Kingdom GB
Carl Friedrich Gauss (*Apr 30, 1777) mathematician, physicist Germany DE
Ted Kaczynski (*May 22, 1942) brilliant mathematician, anarchist, terrorist United States US
Emmanuel Lasker (*Dec 24, 1868) German chess grandmaster, mathematician, philosopher Germany DE
John Nash (*Jun 13, 1928) mathematician in differential geometry United States US
Thomas Shanks (*Apr 9, 1942) mathematic, programmer, timezone atlas researcher United States US
Alan Turing (*Jun 23, 1912) mathematician United Kingdom GB
Grigori Perelman (*Jun 13, 1966) quirky mathematician Russia RU
Boris Nemtsov (*Oct 9, 1959) liberal politician, critic, mathematician, physicist Russia RU
Sofia Kovalevskaya (*Jan 15, 1850) mathematician Russia RU
Isaac Newton (*Jan 4, 1643) physicist, mathematician, astronomer, alchemist, theologian,... United Kingdom GB
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
(*Jul 1, 1646)
philosopher, scientist, mathematician, theologian, polymath Germany DE
Johannes Kepler (*Jan 6, 1572) astronomer, mathematician, astrologer, writer Germany DE
Galilei Galileo (*Feb 26, 1564) astronomer, philosopher, physicist, mathematician, scientist Italy IT
René Descartes (*Mar 31, 1596) philosopher, mathematician, scientist France FR
Nicolaus Copernicus (*Feb 28, 1473) astronomer, mathematician, lawyer, doctor Poland PL
Daniel Bernoulli (*Feb 8, 1700) mathematician, physicist Netherlands NL
Raymond Queneau (*Feb 21, 1903) writer, mathematician, poet France FR
Charles Babbage (*Dec 26, 1791) mathematician United Kingdom GB
Friedrich Bessel (*Jun 21, 1784) mathematician Germany DE
Luitzen Brouwer (*Feb 27, 1881) mathematician Netherlands NL
Pierre Jean Callandreau
(*Sep 20, 1852)
mathematician France FR
Georg Cantor (*Mar 3, 1845) mathematician Russia RU
Elie-Joseph Cartan (*Apr 9, 1869) mathematician France FR
Henri Cartan (*Jul 8, 1904) mathematician, child of celebrity France FR
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
(*Oct 19, 1910)
mathematician, physicist Pakistan PK
Auguste Comte (*Jan 19, 1798) mathematician France FR
Jean Gaston Darboux (*Aug 14, 1842) mathematician France FR
Gérard Debreu (*Jul 4, 1921) mathematician France FR
Richard Dedekin (*Oct 6, 1831) mathematician Germany DE
Armand Denjoy (*Jan 5, 1884) mathematician France FR
Joseph L. Doob (*Feb 27, 1910) mathematician United States US
Christian Doppler (*Nov 29, 1803) mathematician, physicist Austria AT
William Emerson (*May 25, 1701) mathematician United Kingdom GB
Max Euwe (*May 20, 1901) mathematician Netherlands NL
Maurice-Rene Frechet (*Sep 2, 1878) mathematician France FR
Evariste Galois (*Oct 25, 1811) mathematician France FR
Andrew Mattei Gleason
(*Nov 4, 1921)
mathematician United States US
Edouard Goursat (*May 21, 1858) mathematician France FR
Alexander Grothendieck
(*Mar 28, 1928)
mathematician Germany DE
John Currie Gunn (*Sep 13, 1916) mathematician, physicist, writer United Kingdom GB
Jacques Hadamard (*Dec 8, 1865) mathematician France FR
Charles Hermite (*Dec 24, 1822) mathematician France FR
David Hilbert (*Jan 23, 1862) mathematician Russia RU
Camille Jordan (*Jan 5, 1838) mathematician France FR
Christian Felix Klein
(*Apr 25, 1849)
mathematician Germany DE
Urbain Le Verrier (*Mar 11, 1811) mathematician France FR
Henri Leon Lebesgue (*Jun 28, 1875) mathematician France FR
Tullio Levi-Civita (*Mar 29, 1873) mathematician Italy IT
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
(*Jul 1, 1742)
scientist, satirist, Anglophile, physicist, mathematician Germany DE
Jules Antoine Lissajous
(*Mar 4, 1822)
mathematician France FR
Deane Montgomery (*Sep 2, 1909) mathematician United States US
Simon Newcomb (*Mar 12, 1835) mathematician Canada CA
Emmy Noether (*Mar 23, 1882) mathematician Germany DE
Andrew Pollard Ogg (*Apr 9, 1934) mathematician United States US
Kathleen Ollerenshaw (*Oct 1, 1912) mathematician United Kingdom GB
Srinivasa Ramanujan (*Dec 22, 1887) mathematician India IN
Irving Reed (*Nov 12, 1923) mathematician United States US
Francesco Severi (*Apr 13, 1879) mathematician Italy IT
Donald C. Spencer (*Apr 25, 1912) mathematician United States US
Charles Proteus Steinmetz
(*Apr 9, 1865)
writer, mathematician, scientist Poland PL
William Thomson (*Jun 26, 1824) physicist, mathematician United Kingdom GB
Walther Von Dyck (*Dec 6, 1856) mathematician Germany DE
Karl Weierstrass (*Oct 31, 1815) mathematician Germany DE
Hermann Weyl (*Nov 9, 1885) mathematician Germany DE
Norbert Wiener (*Nov 26, 1894) mathematician United States US
Herman Goldstine (*Sep 13, 1913) mathematics, computer science, developer of the first electr... United States US
Georg von Peuerbach (*Jun 8, 1423) mathematician, teacher Austria AT
Jacob Bronowski (*Jan 18, 1908) mathematician, historian, scientist Poland PL
Danica McKellar (*Jan 3, 1975) actress, mathematician United States US
José Echegaray (*Apr 19, 1832) writer, mathematician, politician Spain ES
Marie Henri Andoyer (*Oct 1, 1862) mathematician France FR
Benedetto Barberi (*Nov 7, 1901) mathematician Italy IT
Pierre P. Boileau (*Feb 19, 1811) mathematician France FR
Pierre Ossian Bonnet (*Dec 22, 1819) mathematician France FR
Emile Borel (*Jan 7, 1871) mathematician France FR
Jacques Charles Bresse
(*Oct 9, 1822)
mathematician France FR
Florent J. Bureau (*Dec 17, 1906) mathematician Belgium BE
John Candies (*Dec 19, 1919) mathematician United States US
Eugene Cosserat (*Mar 4, 1866) mathematician France FR
Louis Alexandre Couturat
(*Jan 17, 1868)
mathematician France FR
Lee Dinetan (*Apr 7, 1992) mathematician France FR
Jules Drach (*Mar 13, 1871) mathematician France FR
Ernest Esclangon (*Mar 17, 1876) mathematician, physicist France FR
Andrew Forsyth (*Jun 18, 1858) mathematician United Kingdom GB
Oliver Heaviside (*May 18, 1850) mathematician, physicist United Kingdom GB
Dwight H. Hibbard (*Jul 27, 1923) mathematician, physicist United States US
Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
(*Dec 10, 1804)
mathematician Germany DE
Marcel Jouhandeau (*Jul 26, 1888) mathematician France FR
Gaston Maurice Julia (*Feb 3, 1893) mathematician Algeria DZ
Herman Kahn (*Feb 15, 1922) mathematician United States US
Gabriel Koenigs (*Jan 17, 1858) mathematician, physicist France FR
Joel Kupperman (*May 18, 1936) mathematician United States US
Edmond Laguerre (*Apr 9, 1834) mathematician France FR
Hyman Levy (*Mar 7, 1889) mathematician United Kingdom GB
Joseph Liouville (*Mar 24, 1809) mathematician France FR
Junius Massau (*Apr 9, 1852) mathematician, physicist Belgium BE
John Mulligan (*Jun 2, 1950) mathematician United Kingdom GB
J. Henri Poincare (*Apr 29, 1854) mathematician, physicist France FR
Victor Puiseux (*Apr 16, 1820) mathematician France FR
Henri Resal (*Jan 27, 1828) mathematician France FR
Edouard Albert Roche (*Oct 17, 1820) mathematician France FR
Fabrice Tourre (*Jan 19, 1979) mathematician France FR
Cedric Villani (*Oct 5, 1973) mathematician France FR
John von Neumann (*Dec 28, 1903) mathematician Hungary HU
Jonathan Weinstein (*Mar 9, 1977) mathematician United States US
Boris Berezovskij (*Jan 23, 1946) mathematician, businessman SSSR CP
Václav Hlavatý (*Jan 27, 1894) mathematician Czech Republic CZ
John Smeaton (*Jun 8, 1724) engineer, architect, physicist, mathematician, inventor United Kingdom GB
Iannis Xenakis (*May 29, 1922) architect, composer, mathematician Romania RO
Bernhard Riemann (*Sep 17, 1826) mathematician Germany DE
Julia Robinson (*Dec 8, 1919) mathematician United States US
Karel Janeček (*Jul 26, 1973) mathematician, teacher, businessman Czech Republic CZ
Kurt Gödel (*Apr 28, 1906) mathematician, philosopher Czech Republic CZ
Robert Burton (*Feb 18, 1577) astrologer, mathematician United Kingdom GB
Harald Bohr (*Apr 22, 1987) mathematician, football player Denmark DK
Edward Lorenz (*May 23, 1917) mathematician and meteorologist, founder of ChaosTheory United States US