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Philosophers - Celebrities (217)

Michael Haneke (*Mar 23, 1942) actor, director, scriptwriter, philosopher Germany DE
Noam Chomsky (*Dec 7, 1928) philosopher, cognitive scientist, linguist, social critic, l... United States US
Albert Camus (*Nov 7, 1913) writer, philosopher Algeria DZ
Mahatma Gandhi (*Oct 2, 1869) activist, spiritual leader, politician, philosopher India IN
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
(*Jun 28, 1712)
writer, philosopher Switzerland CH
Denis Diderot (*Oct 5, 1713) writer, philosopher France FR
Immanuel Kant (*Apr 22, 1724) philosopher Germany DE
Johann Gottfried Herder
(*Aug 25, 1744)
writer, philosopher Poland PL
Soeren Kierkegaard (*May 5, 1813) novelist, theologian, philosopher Denmark DK
Friedrich Nietzsche (*Oct 15, 1844) philosopher Germany DE
Bertrand Russell (*May 18, 1872) writer, mathematician, philosopher United Kingdom GB
Philip K. Dick (*Dec 16, 1928) science fiction writer, essayist, philosopher United States US
Arthur Schopenhauer (*Feb 22, 1788) philosopher Poland PL
Karl Marx (*May 5, 1818) philosopher, political journalist, communist Germany DE
Helena Blavatsky (*Aug 12, 1831) psychic, philosopher, journalist, founder of the Theosophica... Ukraine UA
Ernst Bloch (*Jul 8, 1885) philosopher Germany DE
George Boole (*Nov 2, 1815) mathematician, philosopher, inventor of Boolean algebra United Kingdom GB
Martin Buber (*Feb 8, 1878) Jewish philosopher of religion, translator Austria AT
Fritjof Capra (*Feb 1, 1939) physicist, philosopher, author of The Tao of Physics Austria AT
Gilles Deleuze (*Jan 18, 1925) writer, teacher, philosopher France FR
Friedrich Engels (*Nov 28, 1820) political philosopher, economist, co-founder of Marxism Germany DE
Ludwig Feuerbach (*Jul 28, 1804) philosopher Germany DE
Michel Foucault (*Oct 15, 1926) avant-garde philosopher, psychologist, Professor at the Coll... France FR
Erich Fromm (*Mar 23, 1900) psychologist, humanistic philosopher and sociologist Germany DE
David Hume (*May 7, 1711) philosopher United Kingdom GB
Emmanuel Lasker (*Dec 24, 1868) German chess grandmaster, mathematician, philosopher Germany DE
Maria Montessori (*Aug 31, 1870) founder of modern pedagogy, philosopher, scientist Italy IT
Teresa Benedicta (*Oct 12, 1891) catholic philosopher, canonized as a martyr and saint Germany DE
Rudolf Steiner (*Feb 25, 1861) philosopher, artist, critic, founder of anthroposophy Croatia HR
Dietrich von Hildebrand
(*Oct 12, 1889)
philosopher, theologian Italy IT
Otto Weininger (*Apr 3, 1880) philosopher Austria AT
Rabíndranáth Thákur (*May 6, 1861) composer, writer, painter, philosopher India IN
Daniel Defert (*Sep 10, 1937) philosopher, AIDS activist, co-founder of the organization A... France FR
Eckhart Tolle (*Feb 16, 1948) teacher, philosopher Germany DE
André Glucksmann (*Jun 19, 1937) philosopher France FR
Paul Rée (*Nov 21, 1849) philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche's friend Germany DE
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
(*Jul 1, 1646)
philosopher, scientist, mathematician, theologian, polymath Germany DE
Baruch Spinoza (*Nov 24, 1632) writer, philosopher Netherlands NL
Galilei Galileo (*Feb 26, 1564) astronomer, philosopher, physicist, mathematician, scientist Italy IT
René Descartes (*Mar 31, 1596) philosopher, mathematician, scientist France FR
Moshe ben Maimon (*Apr 6, 1135) rabbi, Jewish philosopher, doctor Spain ES
Petrarch (*Jul 28, 1304) philosopher, poet, translator, writer, traveler Italy IT
Proclus (*Feb 9, 412) Greek philosopher, Neoplatonist, head of the Platonic Academ... Turkey TR
Guy Debord (*Dec 28, 1931) philosopher, writer France FR
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
(*Oct 21, 1772)
writer, philosopher, poet United Kingdom GB
Rudolf Christoph Eucken
(*Jan 5, 1846)
philosopher Germany DE
Gaston Bachelard (*Jun 26, 1884) philosopher France FR
Nicola Abbagnano (*Jul 15, 1901) philosopher Italy IT
Moses Hess (*Jan 21, 1812) philosopher Germany DE
Theodor Adorno (*Sep 11, 1903) philosopher Germany DE
Louis Pierre Althusser
(*Oct 16, 1918)
philosopher Algeria DZ
Hannah Arendt (*Oct 14, 1906) politician, journalist, philosopher Germany DE
Sri Aurobindo (*Aug 15, 1872) philosopher India IN
Jaime L Balmes (*Aug 28, 1810) philosopher Spain ES
Hajo Banzhaf (*May 15, 1949) philosopher Germany DE
Jean Baudrillard (*Jul 27, 1929) philosopher France FR
Daniel Bensaïd (*Mar 25, 1946) philosopher France FR
Henri Bergson (*Oct 18, 1859) philosopher France FR
Gilles Bernheim (*May 30, 1952) philosopher France FR
Hans Blumenberg (*Jul 13, 1920) philosopher Germany DE
Pierre Boutang (*Sep 20, 1916) writer, journalist, philosopher, translator, poet France FR
Franz Brentano (*Jan 16, 1838) psychologist, philosopher Germany DE
C. D. Broad (*Dec 30, 1887) philosopher United Kingdom GB
Nicholas Butler (*Apr 2, 1862) philosopher United States US
Georges Canguilhem (*Jun 4, 1904) doctor, philosopher France FR
Régis Debray (*Sep 2, 1940) philosopher France FR
Jacques Derrida (*Jul 15, 1930) philosopher, regarded as the founder of deconstruction Algeria DZ
John Dewey (*Oct 20, 1859) psychologist, teacher, philosopher United States US
Wilhelm Dilthey (*Nov 19, 1833) philosopher Germany DE
Hans Driesch (*Oct 28, 1867) philosopher Germany DE
Tony Duvert (*Jul 2, 1945) writer, philosopher France FR
Christian Ehrenfels (*Jun 20, 1859) philosopher Austria AT
Paul Feyerabend (*Jan 13, 1924) Austrian philosopher of science, founder of epistemological ... Austria AT
Alain Finkielkraut (*Jun 30, 1949) philosopher France FR
Alfred Fouillée (*Oct 18, 1838) philosopher France FR
Charles Fourier (*Apr 7, 1772) philosopher France FR
Hans-Georg Gadamer (*Feb 11, 1900) philosopher Germany DE
Roger Garaudy (*Jul 17, 1913) philosopher France FR
Giovanni Gentile (*May 29, 1875) philosopher Italy IT
Etienne Gilson (*Jun 13, 1884) philosopher France FR
Antonio Gramsci (*Jan 22, 1891) politician, journalist, philosopher Italy IT
Joseph Gratry (*Mar 30, 1805) priest, philosopher France FR
Romano Guardini (*Feb 17, 1885) philosopher, theologian Italy IT
Jean Guitton (*Aug 18, 1901) Catholic philosopher, writer France FR
Jean-Marie Guyau (*Oct 28, 1854) philosopher France FR
Abimael Guzman (*Dec 3, 1934) philosopher Peru PE
Jürgen Habermas (*Jun 18, 1929) philosopher Germany DE
Martin Heidegger (*Sep 26, 1889) philosopher Germany DE
Ernest Hello (*Nov 5, 1828) Catholic writer, translator, philosopher France FR
Max Horkheimer (*Feb 14, 1895) philosopher Germany DE
Karl Jaspers (*Feb 23, 1883) doctor, philosopher Germany DE
Jean Jaurès (*Sep 3, 1859) philosopher France FR
Hermann Von Keyserling
(*Jul 20, 1880)
philosopher Estonia EE
S. Albert Kivinen (*Oct 10, 1933) philosopher Finland FI
Saul Kripke (*Nov 13, 1940) philosopher United States US
Jiddu Krishnamurti (*May 12, 1895) writer, philosopher, poet India IN
Pierre Laffitte (*Feb 21, 1823) philosopher France FR
Louis Lavelle (*Jul 15, 1883) philosopher France FR
Theodor Lessing (*Feb 8, 1872) philosopher Germany DE
Jan Ligthart (*Jan 11, 1859) Teacher and Philosopher Netherlands NL
Émile Littré (*Feb 1, 1801) philosopher France FR
Jean-François Lyotard
(*Aug 10, 1924)
philosopher France FR
Donald MacKenzie MacKinnon
(*Aug 27, 1913)
philosopher United Kingdom GB
Jacques Maritain (*Nov 18, 1882) Catholic philosopher France FR
Jacob Moleschott (*Aug 9, 1822) philosopher Netherlands NL
Edgar Morin (*Jul 8, 1921) philosopher France FR
Emmanuel Mounier (*Apr 1, 1905) Catholic writer and philosopher France FR
Iris Murdoch (*Jul 15, 1919) writer, philosopher Ireland IE
Paul Natorp (*Jan 24, 1854) teacher, philosopher Germany DE
Novalis (*May 2, 1772) writer, philosopher, poet Germany DE
Jose Ortega y Gasset (*May 9, 1883) philosopher Spain ES
Wilhelm Ostwald (*Sep 2, 1853) philosopher Latvia LV
Rudolph Otto (*Sep 25, 1869) German Lutheran theologian, philosopher, comparative religio... Germany DE
Jean Piaget (*Aug 9, 1896) psychologist, scientist, philosopher Switzerland CH
Andrew Pringle-Pattison
(*Dec 20, 1856)
philosopher United Kingdom GB
Phineas Quimby (*Feb 16, 1802) teacher, philosopher United States US
Ernest Renan (*Feb 28, 1823) philosopher France FR
Charles Renouvier (*Jan 1, 1815) philosopher France FR
Jean-Francois Revel (*Jan 19, 1924) writer, philosopher France FR
Louis Claude Saint-Martin
(*Jan 18, 1743)
philosopher France FR
George Santayana (*Dec 16, 1863) philosopher Spain ES
Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar
(*May 21, 1921)
philosopher India IN
Friedrich von Schelling
(*Jan 27, 1775)
philosopher Germany DE
Gershom Scholem (*Dec 5, 1897) philosopher Germany DE
Frithjof Schuon (*Jun 18, 1907) philosopher Switzerland CH
Michel Serres (*Sep 1, 1930) philosopher France FR
Georges Sorel (*Nov 2, 1847) philosopher France FR
Herbert Spencer (*Apr 27, 1820) philosopher United Kingdom GB
Oswald Spengler (*May 29, 1880) philosopher Germany DE
Walter Johannes Stein
(*Feb 6, 1891)
philosopher Austria AT
Max Stirner (*Oct 25, 1806) philosopher Germany DE
Hippolyte Taine (*Apr 21, 1828) philosopher France FR
Masaharu Taniguchi (*Nov 22, 1893) philosopher Japan JP
Henry David Thoreau (*Jul 12, 1817) philosopher United States US
Pietro Ubaldi (*Aug 18, 1886) philosopher Italy IT
Etienne Vacherot (*Jul 29, 1809) philosopher France FR
Etienne Vermeersch (*May 2, 1934) philosopher Belgium BE
Friedrich Vischer (*Jun 30, 1807) philosopher Germany DE
Swami Vivekananda (*Jan 12, 1863) philosopher India IN
Ken Wilber (*Jan 31, 1949) psychologist, philosopher United States US
Ludwig Wittgenstein (*Apr 26, 1889) philosopher Austria AT
Eduard Zeller (*Jan 22, 1814) philosopher Germany DE
Sergey Nikolayevich Lazarev
(*Sep 4, 1952)
philosopher, psychic, author, psychologist Russia RU
Slavoj Žižek (*Mar 21, 1949) actor, scriptwriter, philosopher Slovenia SI
Egon Bondy (*Jan 20, 1930) writer, philosopher, poet Czech Republic CZ
Jan Vodňanský (*Jun 19, 1941) singer, actor, writer, philosopher Czech Republic CZ
Jiří Němec (*Oct 18, 1932) psychologist, journalist, philosopher, translator Czech Republic CZ
Václav Bělohradský (*Jan 17, 1944) philosopher Czech Republic CZ
Jan Keller (*Jan 23, 1955) journalist, politician, philosopher Czech Republic CZ
Angela Davis (*Jan 26, 1944) political activist, philosopher, academic, author United States US
Bernard-Henri Lévy (*Nov 5, 1948) actor, director, philosopher Algeria DZ
Arne Næss (*Jan 27, 1912) philosopher Norway NO
Aguigui Mouna (*Oct 1, 1911) philosopher France FR
Karel Čapek (*Jan 9, 1890) writer, journalist, photographer, philosopher, translator Czech Republic CZ
Félix Guattari (*Apr 30, 1930) psychotherapist, philosopher, author, semiologist France FR
Friedrich Hayek (*May 8, 1899) writer, philosopher Austria AT
Karel Kosík (*Jun 26, 1926) philosopher Czech Republic CZ
Raymond Abellio (*Nov 11, 1907) philosopher France FR
Alain (*Mar 3, 1868) philosopher France FR
Raymond Aron (*Mar 14, 1905) philosopher France FR
Walter Benjamin (*Jul 15, 1892) philosopher Germany DE
John Bradshaw (*Jun 29, 1933) philosopher United States US
Paul Brunton (*Nov 27, 1898) philosopher United Kingdom GB
Rudolf Carnap (*May 18, 1891) philosopher Germany DE
Edme Caro (*Mar 4, 1826) philosopher France FR
Ernst Cassirer (*Jul 28, 1874) philosopher Poland PL
Jean Cazeneuve (*May 17, 1915) philosopher France FR
Scott Crom (*Dec 9, 1927) philosopher United States US
Michael Foessel (*Oct 24, 1974) philosopher France FR
Hermann Glockner (*Jul 23, 1896) philosopher Germany DE
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
(*Aug 27, 1770)
philosopher Germany DE
George Henderson (*Apr 22, 1915) philosopher United Kingdom GB
Hector Hetherington (*Jul 21, 1888) philosopher United Kingdom GB
Alfred Hettner (*Aug 6, 1859) philosopher Germany DE
Moshe Kroy (*Jan 6, 1948) philosopher Israel IL
Andre Lalande (*Jul 19, 1867) philosopher France FR
Rene Le Senne (*Jul 8, 1882) philosopher France FR
Jean-Yves Leloup (*Jan 24, 1950) philosopher France FR
Theodor Litt (*Dec 27, 1880) philosopher Germany DE
Geddes MacGregor (*Nov 13, 1909) philosopher United Kingdom GB
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
(*Jan 12, 1917)
scientist, philosopher India IN
Maurice Merleau-Ponty
(*Mar 14, 1908)
philosopher France FR
John Stuart Mill (*May 20, 1806) philosopher United Kingdom GB
G E Moore (*Nov 4, 1873) philosopher United Kingdom GB
Clement W. K. Mundle (*Aug 10, 1916) philosopher United Kingdom GB
Karl Popper (*Jul 28, 1902) philosopher Austria AT
Adolph Portman (*May 27, 1897) philosopher Switzerland CH
Felix Ravaisson-Mollien
(*Oct 23, 1813)
philosopher Belgium BE
Leslie Reiser (*Nov 15, 1895) philosopher United States US
Jean Reynaud (*Feb 14, 1806) philosopher France FR
Paul Ricoeur (*Feb 27, 1913) philosopher France FR
Nicholas Roerich (*Oct 9, 1874) painter, philosopher Russia RU
Michele Federico Sciacca
(*Jul 12, 1908)
philosopher Italy IT
Junípero Serra (*Nov 24, 1713) philosopher Spain ES
Paul Tillich (*Aug 20, 1886) philosopher Poland PL
Johannes Vaihinger (*Sep 25, 1852) philosopher Germany DE
Theobold Ziegler (*Feb 9, 1846) philosopher Germany DE
Ryszard Antoni Legutko
(*Dec 24, 1949)
politician, philosopher, translator Poland PL
Miloslav Ransdorf (*Feb 15, 1953) politician, philosopher Czech Republic CZ
Karel Josef Beneš (*Feb 21, 1896) writer, philosopher Czech Republic CZ
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