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Priests, Theologians - Celebrities (184)

Giacomo Casanova (*Apr 2, 1725) priest, writer, intriguer, spy, diplomat Italy IT
C. S. Lewis (*Nov 29, 1898) poet, novelist, theologian, literary scholar, author of The ... United Kingdom GB
Soeren Kierkegaard (*May 5, 1813) novelist, theologian, philosopher Denmark DK
Father Joseph Damien (*Jan 3, 1840) priest, missionary, monk Belgium BE
Teresa Benedicta (*Oct 12, 1891) catholic philosopher, canonized as a martyr and saint Germany DE
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux
(*Jan 2, 1873)
Catholic saint, virgin, mystic France FR
Dietrich von Hildebrand
(*Oct 12, 1889)
philosopher, theologian Italy IT
Josef Dobrovský (*Aug 17, 1753) priest, philologist, historian, writer Hungary HU
Paracelsus (*Nov 19, 1493) alchemist, astrologer, physician, theologian Switzerland CH
Isaac Newton (*Jan 4, 1643) physicist, mathematician, astronomer, alchemist, theologian,... United Kingdom GB
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
(*Jul 1, 1646)
philosopher, scientist, mathematician, theologian, polymath Germany DE
John Amos Comenius (*Mar 28, 1592) philosopher, teacher, educator, theologian, bishop, Czech Republic CZ
Martin Luther (*Nov 19, 1483) theologian, preacher, reformer, founder of Protestantism Germany DE
Antonio Vivaldi (*Mar 4, 1678) Baroque musical composer, virtuoso violinist, teacher, cleri... Italy IT
Eric Liddell (*Feb 16, 1902) Scottish Olympic Gold Medalist runner, Christian missionary China CN
Jean Baptiste Lamy (*Oct 11, 1814) Roman Catholic prelate, first Archbishop of Santa Fe, New Me... France FR
Karl Barth (*May 10, 1886) Swiss Protestant theologian Switzerland CH
Augustin Bea (*May 28, 1881) German Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church Germany DE
Daniel Berrigan (*May 9, 1921) priest United States US
Leon Bloy (*Jul 11, 1846) Catholic novelist, essayist, poet France FR
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (*Feb 4, 1906) evangelical theologian Poland PL
Saint John Bosco (*Aug 16, 1815) priest Italy IT
Titus Brandsma (*Feb 23, 1881) priest, religious, journalist, teacher Netherlands NL
Jerald C. Brauer (*Sep 16, 1921) priest United States US
Rudolf Bultmann (*Aug 20, 1884) theologian Germany DE
Raymond Leo Burke (*Jun 30, 1948) priest United States US
Michel de Certeau (*May 17, 1925) priest, Jesuit sociologist, historian France FR
James Edward Cheek (*Dec 4, 1932) theologian United States US
Dom Christian (*Jan 18, 1937) French ecclesiastic, Trappist monk France FR
Dom Christophe Lebreton
(*Oct 1, 1950)
priest, Trappist, victim of murder France FR
Marco Cè (*Jul 8, 1925) priest, cardinal Italy IT
Jean Daniélou (*May 14, 1905) theologian France FR
Charles De Foucauld (*Sep 15, 1858) priest France FR
Alfred Delp (*Sep 15, 1907) priest Germany DE
Pierre-Jean Desmet (*Jan 30, 1801) priest Belgium BE
Daniel DiNardo (*May 23, 1949) priest United States US
Félix Dupanloup (*Jan 3, 1802) priest France FR
Johannes Dyba (*Sep 15, 1929) theologian, diplomat Germany DE
Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer
(*Jan 9, 1902)
priest Spain ES
Roger Etchegaray (*Sep 25, 1922) priest France FR
Guido Gezelle (*May 1, 1830) priest Belgium BE
Joseph Gratry (*Mar 30, 1805) priest, philosopher France FR
Auguste Gratry (*Mar 30, 1805) priest France FR
Andrew Greeley (*Feb 5, 1928) priest United States US
Romano Guardini (*Feb 17, 1885) philosopher, theologian Italy IT
Jean Guitton (*Aug 18, 1901) Catholic philosopher, writer France FR
Ernest Hello (*Nov 5, 1828) Catholic writer, translator, philosopher France FR
Peter Kentenuch (*Nov 18, 1885) priest Germany DE
Adolph Kolping (*Dec 8, 1813) priest Germany DE
Therese Neumann (*Apr 9, 1898) Catholic mystic, stigmatic Germany DE
Jean-Baptiste Lacordaire
(*May 12, 1802)
priest France FR
Karl Leisner (*Feb 28, 1915) priest Germany DE
William Levada (*Jun 15, 1936) priest United States US
Roger Mahony (*Feb 27, 1936) priest United States US
Adam Maida (*Mar 18, 1930) priest United States US
Jacques Maritain (*Nov 18, 1882) Catholic philosopher France FR
Thomas Merton (*Jan 31, 1915) Catholic writer, mystic, Trappist monk France FR
Emmanuel Mounier (*Apr 1, 1905) Catholic writer and philosopher France FR
Attilio Nicora (*Mar 16, 1937) priest Italy IT
Martin Niemoller (*Jan 14, 1892) German anti-Nazi theologian, Lutheran pastor Germany DE
Conrad Noel (*Jul 12, 1869) priest United Kingdom GB
Rudolph Otto (*Sep 25, 1869) German Lutheran theologian, philosopher, comparative religio... Germany DE
Abbé Pierre (*Aug 5, 1912) Catholic priest France FR
Padre Pio (*May 25, 1887) priest Italy IT
G. Quispel (*May 30, 1916) historian, theologian Netherlands NL
Giovanni Battista Re (*Jan 30, 1934) priest Italy IT
Gabriel Richard (*Oct 15, 1767) priest France FR
Justin Rigali (*Apr 19, 1935) cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church United States US
Albrecht Ritschl (*Mar 25, 1822) theologian Germany DE
Bruce Ritter (*Feb 25, 1927) priest United States US
Albert Schweitzer (*Jan 14, 1875) theologian, organist, philosopher, physician France FR
Achille Silvestrini (*Oct 25, 1923) priest Italy IT
David Friedrich Strauss
(*Jan 27, 1808)
theologian Germany DE
John Sung (*Sep 27, 1901) Chinese Christian evangelist China CN
Helmut Thielicke (*Dec 4, 1908) theologian Germany DE
Ernst Troeltsch (*Feb 17, 1865) theologian Germany DE
Cyriel Verschaeve (*Apr 30, 1874) priest Belgium BE
Marc Vervenne (*Apr 16, 1949) theologian Belgium BE
Friedrich von Bodelschwingh
(*Mar 6, 1831)
theologian Germany DE
Emanuel Swedenborg (*Feb 8, 1688) scientist, inventor, theologian, mystic Sweden SE
Tomáš Halík (*Jun 1, 1948) Catholic priest, theologian, sociologist of religion, activi... Czech Republic CZ
Hans Küng (*Mar 19, 1928) theologian, Catholic priest, liberal Catholic, writer, direc... Switzerland CH
Jindřich Šimon Baar (*Feb 7, 1869) writer, priest Czech Republic CZ
Stan Fortuna (*Jun 9, 1957) singer, rapper, guitarist, bassist, a Catholic priest Unknown XX
Gabriele Amorth (*May 1, 1925) priest Italy IT
Bernard-Nicholas Aubertin
(*Sep 9, 1944)
priest France FR
Sebastiano Baggio (*May 16, 1913) priest Italy IT
Jean Balland (*Jul 26, 1934) priest France FR
Philip Berrigan (*Oct 5, 1923) priest United States US
Regis Beton (*Feb 3, 1901) priest France FR
Malcolm Boyd (*Jun 8, 1923) priest United States US
Tod Brown (*Nov 15, 1936) priest United States US
Fabrian W. Bruskewitz
(*Sep 6, 1935)
priest United States US
Agostino Cacciavillan
(*Aug 14, 1926)
priest Italy IT
Francis J. Christian (*Oct 8, 1942) priest United States US
Celso Constantini (*Apr 3, 1876) priest Italy IT
Andrea Cordero Lanza (*Aug 27, 1925) priest Italy IT
Jacques Coutela (*Oct 31, 1925) priest France FR
Luigi Dadaglio (*Sep 28, 1914) priest Italy IT
Elia Dalla Costa (*May 14, 1872) priest Italy IT
Georges Darboy (*Jan 16, 1813) priest France FR
Albert Decourtray (*Apr 9, 1925) priest France FR
Guy Desnoyers (*Feb 24, 1920) priest France FR
Luigi Di Liegro (*Oct 16, 1928) priest Italy IT
Nicholas Di Marzio (*Jun 16, 1944) priest United States US
Etienne Drioton (*Nov 21, 1889) priest France FR
Edward Flanagan (*Jul 13, 1886) priest Ireland IE
Ermenegildo Florit (*Jul 5, 1901) priest Italy IT
Théodore-Augustin Forcade
(*Mar 2, 1816)
priest France FR
Peter Frost (*Mar 22, 1940) priest United States US
John Geoghan (*Jun 4, 1935) Roman Catholic priest who sexually abused children United States US
Pierre Gerlier (*Jan 14, 1880) priest France FR
Youri Gilg (*Mar 16, 1970) priest France FR
Robert Gradmann (*Jul 18, 1865) priest Germany DE
Gordon Joseph Gray (*Aug 10, 1910) priest United Kingdom GB
James Edmund Groppi (*Nov 16, 1930) priest United States US
Colin Hamer (*Apr 18, 1934) priest United Kingdom GB
William Andrew Hart (*Sep 9, 1904) priest United Kingdom GB
Antonio Innocenti (*Aug 23, 1915) priest Italy IT
Henri Jenny (*Jul 11, 1904) priest France FR
Jacob Kaplan (*Nov 7, 1895) priest, the Chief Rabbi of Paris France FR
Thomas Kelly (*Jul 14, 1931) priest United States US
Sebastian Kneipp (*May 17, 1821) priest Germany DE
Peter Köstler (*Dec 10, 1805) priest Germany DE
Munetada Kurozumi (*Jan 1, 1781) priest Japan JP
Charles Lavigerie (*Oct 31, 1825) priest France FR
Richard R. Lavigne (*Feb 18, 1941) priest United States US
Cardinal Law (*Nov 4, 1931) priest Mexico MX
Louis Le Cardonnel (*Feb 25, 1862) priest France FR
Achille Lienart (*Feb 7, 1884) priest France FR
William Lori (*May 6, 1951) priest United States US
Paul Loverde (*Sep 3, 1940) priest United States US
Noel Lucas (*Dec 23, 1944) priest France FR
Raymond A. Lucker (*Feb 24, 1927) priest United States US
Eric MacLeish (*Oct 31, 1952) priest United States US
Francesco Marchisano (*Jun 25, 1929) priest Italy IT
Francois Maurer (*May 7, 1922) priest France FR
James F. McCarthy (*Jul 9, 1942) priest United States US
Max Josef Metzger (*Feb 3, 1887) priest Germany DE
George Niederauer (*Jun 14, 1936) priest United States US
Mark Pemberton (*May 9, 1945) priest United States US
Rene Lucien Picandet (*Dec 14, 1931) priest France FR
Ferdinand Piontek (*Nov 5, 1878) priest Poland PL
Thomas Reese (*Jan 11, 1945) priest United States US
Emmanuel Reichenberger
(*Apr 5, 1888)
priest Germany DE
Paul Richaud (*Apr 16, 1887) priest France FR
Camillo Ruini (*Feb 19, 1931) priest Italy IT
Giovanni Salderini (*Dec 11, 1924) priest Italy IT
Paul Santy (*Apr 16, 1887) priest France FR
Jean-Pierre Sart (*Jan 22, 1937) priest France FR
Sergio Sebastiani (*Apr 11, 1941) priest Italy IT
George Spagnolia (*Oct 24, 1937) priest United States US
Jean Struillou (*Nov 23, 1928) priest France FR
Sri Sumangala (*Jan 20, 1827) priest Sri Lanka LK
Antonio Tarzia (*Nov 27, 1940) priest Italy IT
Ersilio Tonini (*Jul 20, 1914) priest Italy IT
Roberto Tucci (*Apr 19, 1921) priest Italy IT
Jean Uhl (*Jun 26, 1928) priest France FR
Georges Vandenbeusch (*Oct 22, 1971) priest France FR
Gabriel Vanel (*Jan 12, 1925) priest France FR
Juao Vanin (*Jan 6, 1948) priest Brazil BR
Robert Ward (*May 8, 1946) priest United States US
David Zubik (*Sep 4, 1949) priest United States US
Samo Chalupka (*Feb 27, 1812) writer, poet, priest Slovakia SK
Pavol Dobšinský (*Mar 16, 1828) writer, journalist, priest, poet Slovakia SK
František Ehrmann (*May 5, 1866) writer, priest Czech Republic CZ
Karel Eichler (*Jan 13, 1845) musician, writer, priest Czech Republic CZ
Jozef Miloslav Hurban
(*Mar 19, 1817)
writer, politician, priest Slovakia SK
Jan Karafiát (*Jan 4, 1846) writer, journalist, priest Czech Republic CZ
Jan Kollár (*Jul 29, 1793) writer, scientist, priest, poet Slovakia SK
František Müller (*Aug 8, 1910) writer, priest Czech Republic CZ
Antonín Jaroslav Puchmajer
(*Jan 7, 1769)
writer, priest, translator Czech Republic CZ
Jiří Sarganek (*Jan 27, 1702) writer, priest, teacher Czech Republic CZ
Laurence Sterne (*Nov 24, 1713) writer, priest Ireland IE
František Sušil (*Jun 18, 1804) priest Czech Republic CZ
Václav Beneš Třebízský
(*Feb 27, 1849)
priest Czech Republic CZ
Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm Walther
(*Oct 25, 1811)
writer, theologian Germany DE
Johann David Wyss (*May 28, 1743) writer, priest Switzerland CH
Simon Bailey (*Jun 16, 1955) writer, priest United Kingdom GB
Brother Agathon (*Dec 22, 1896) poet, theologian, sailor, Orthodox monk Romania RO
Anton Srholec (*Jun 12, 1929) priest, Salesian, writer, founder of the Resota center Slovakia SK
Guy Chevalier (*May 25, 1938) priest France FR
Jacques Hamel (*Nov 30, 1930) Catholic priest murdered during the 2016 Normandy church att... France FR
Robert Tilton (*Jun 7, 1946) Televangelist, pastor, author United States US